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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1768    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

hile he trains the new enforcers. This is how

me so this is the only way I can look at him. He is serious as he throws

looks formidable but at the same time handsome and dashing with his j

rfect set of white teeth and kissable lips that ma

seen though it is usually not directed at me.

ness nor can it take away the obvious patienc

sometimes but he is also loyal to the ones he loves, and his love is fierce and strong,

ess. Looking at us you wouldn’t even believe that w

ly believe, werewolves pregnancy last nine months just like humans

e biggest understatement, because I am dying to meet him, he is

ow he doesn’t even care. He never talks to me a

uring the appointments I have no one since he doesn’t bother showing up

son, but it doesn't matter because I will love him with all my

rest for a walk. I read that it’s good for the baby and sin

to someone I go to apologize only to find the former L

ned in the past but also for forcing their beloved alpha into a mating he did

would have ripped out your black heart and fed it to the rogues”

a long time ago that you cannot change the opinions of others about you and haven’t I b

hing but a low life murderer who shouldn’t have existed in the first place because all you do is make us miserable e

ou want about me but leave my baby alone" I murm

a baby if you had not shameless seduced Xavier's wolf" she

was carrying her grandchild, I wa

o how could a wolfless insignificant person like me be able to seduce

t like you used? because that's what y

at the foyer with tears swimming

t hurt me, that they don’t break a part of me on the inside, because th

so I stayed instead, with hopes that things would get better in t

is people seeing me crying because it would just lead to more mocke

d I can’t seem to control it. I fall on my kne

appening to me, no way to numb i

ontemplate jumping and just ending it all including my baby, because my greatest fear is him gr

ing against the idea of us ending our lives in addition to th

ing that make me into the s

than anything else in this world? I couldn’t do that and so I step

to a place everyone loathes me and wishes me no

wasn’t bothered by it, why would I

the youngest alphas but also the most powerful and given that our enforcers be

ck rose and so did my wolf’s hackles. I felt as if I was being watched, monitored and not i

to see if I could pinpoint the s

owards the pack house but this time in a hurry because I still felt a bit unea

use the back door to get into the house. I try to avoid the rest of the

luna of the pack and so I should have been sharing the al

ack house because according to Xavier, h didn’t want

l safe and secure. I take a shower to wash off the dirt and then aft

n to the roots because standing there kissing another woman

moan at the same time Xavier releases a groan, a groan of pure pleasure and ecstasy,

e each other and turn towards me, Xavier’s p

e at seeing Xavier kissing another woman well I would be wrong

at me with no regret at all because the woman in his hands is none other t

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