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The Unwanted Luna

The Unwanted Luna

Author: Evelyn M.M
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1094    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

all the love around me including that of my pare

as your mate would, because he or s

were your other half, the ones who understand you better t

anything or any other connection you w

g, specially made by the moon god

p, comfort and security. I believed in all that and I could n

where I would meet him and how it would be like staring into his eyes for the first

first sight and we would go ahead and live in happiness and love,

sex, I imagined how our mating ceremony would

ons of how it would be, I believed that it would be okay because he would be

l when he marked me while being

a fairytale a young naïve g

in love with someone else, someone who was not me. What I did not

was about to reject me, marking me against his

d be, accusing me of seducing his wolf into marking

over his wolf whatsoever so how was I to blame? but most of al

at I hadn’t been born that way he wouldn’t

hat to me, that he would hate me to t

? To know that he curses your existence in this world.. it broke

the next full moon because that was the only time it c

m, to make him fall in love with me and maybe, just

e didn’t count on me getting pregnant. Once again he

e precise his wolf mated me not him,

our species special pills to prevent pregnancy and of course I didn’t know he

r what I tried or did he never believed me. It even seemed like h

ed me, loved me, who looked forward to spending the rest of his life wi

kely to cause me to have a miscarriage. As much as he hated me h

that heartless, not even him d

no matter the situation. Our wolves were even more protect

m with all

was my mate but sometimes I fee

nt mate. I am filled with all this pain and

second, I yearn for him, crave him but he do

little angel. He or she keeps me gr

give me the peace that I have been craving, because ho

o somebody else, make a family with another w

ia Solace and t

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