img The Unwanted Luna  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 6.06%
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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1548    |    Released on: 07/06/2024

is dark, thank the goddess for having

ly. Feeling the baby moving calms me a little but I still can’t get

magined that he would physically hurt me. But then again

here and overwhelmed me. At that moment I didn’t see that Bian

t to play. I have never shifted, ever. Most werewolves shift when they t

t nothing else. I could feel her emotions bu

broken, so to have my claws a

ing I killed my parents absurd. My lovely parents were torn from limb to limb

since there was no other evidence pointing towards a villain and they needed someone t

nd I am not just saying that because it was

y have been accused of a crime, because what I went through I would

er. I didn’t know how long I had been unconscious an

in this age and time but the truth is I have no use

my own company, my solitude where I didn’t have to f

ired and drained and there is a bandage around my neck. I reach towards it and feeling no p

r that I will never be loved by my mate. Once our union is reversed and Xavier rejects me, the

head and take a shower. My tears fall but the water w

tand shocked at the bathroom door because Xavier is standing in my bedroom with his hands on

body, making me hol

ush to the bathroom to wear them. The last thing I nee

room and watch him wearily as I wait

rip out your throat, do I make myself clear? I don’t want to see you anywhere near her, if you se

logy but to defend his love. Looking into his eyes I am ta

would actually kill me. I don’t know what happened after I fa

. Why can’t you just accept that” I ask him, my

my belly in a protecti

eps back, that is until my movement is stopped by the b

tically go to my neck afraid that I had ang

nd you will never come close to even being quarter of the woman my Bianca is, I hate you with every fiber of my being and once this child is born, I will take him or her and together with Bianca we will raise them becau

at have I ever done to you” I tel

done wrong to me is exist. Y

rather I die?” I push the words out my mou

hing it” he replies making me quiet because what else could

barred with wood so no sunshine will reach into the room, you are not allowed to step outside this door until I say so, you will only receiv

es the room just as I fall down on my knees crying as I thi

is mine is beyond my comprehension. Where did I go wrong or

me for much longer because they are planning to t

st need to say that I killed my parents

ause soon I hear people outside my balcony hammering

eling the familiar comfort. I am numb, utterly and completely numb, I am co

letely happy and accepted but the peace doesn’t even last long be

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