. In war you need someone like me - somebody who can get the dirty jobs done, the jobs nobody else can ta
own thermonuclear back-up generator but I'll make use of whatever erg-source I can
ve gone there will be no tr
rete. I track the line of fine and asses the damage. The wall is secure
near the where the bunker interfaces with the living wrong.
. They don't send my kind to mourn the dead. There will be enough ti
e officer's quarters are pa
elatinous inhabitants of the Borealis Nebula. An inverter grenade sucked it inside out, blew i
ic - sit rep a
ly, my eyes narrowing a
ou knew what you were
pet...it's silk, G
an just with the careful application of a detergent, warm water and some methodical scrubbing.
elimbs. I'll need to pick off each fragment of Squirm
he enemy whispers my name
the V
this. I checked it for suspicious stuff but it looked safe.
the V
pypants (ha ha, I
hen we were caught in RPG crossfire from the Citadel. The psychoactive deception shielding prevented us from perceivin
our leader and their faith in the mission. Was I strong enough? Did I have it in me to lead? Somebody would need to t
prayed not for victory and no
t was if God had
carry a satchel of beatnik inspired poetry books. For this man the point five-oh Browning Machine Gun
is expression caught be
er clouds approaching a desolate beach of moral betrayal. We knew we had failed him and we knew we would sacrifice anything to regain his esteem. But we also knew hope ha
uthwards pointing us to safety. The muscles in his arms rippled as he showed us the way - yes, a retreat but one with honour and one made knowing that we would be back to fight ag
ly picking off enemy snipers with his precision machine gun technique. With his spare hand he lit a cig
rring like a benevolent but angry mother lioness that is pulling its cubs away from a pack of hyenas b
y target." said Vax, his voice rippling with authority in the sa
uit timorously, "By the position of t
ead knowingly. Cla
Vax, his eyes pinning the rocky to his seat li
all: "Platoon! What mistake
"He treated your description of
, his commanding voice booming out over t
e recognised that i
d turning to the rocky with a more conciliatory tone. "If you ever want t
assault landing formation, as the helicopter lifted off behind us. Just ahead was a sign saying "Mitchelville, Iowa" but we knew that si
around the F
creature is too vile to describe. Her crimes are legion and her powers of deception
ison then we ch
to reason
T apol
ir every word
er F
OT re
e rubble
ing, finish
re re
at innocuous rest home for the aged. Those of us who have taken the red pill and gazed at the lies and deception that surrounds us knew better. This was an enemy base, bristling with enemies.
miling nurse. I knew it was all lies. A deception. A false seeming built from my subconscious desire to give in and join the narrative. I could see the rest of the platoon, dazed and confus
the door. Without immediate medical care they would end their d
eep my focus. I
icep. Vax! He alone was immune t
Vax as he search
tes before the full force
nto the room that
as a sweet little old lady "Is that little Theodore?
" I asked,
HER" screamed V
rs. Are you doing one of those 'cosplay' things
gaze. "I've come to make you p
t having to sit in the corner. Daisy's picture deserve
a GIRL chair! It was
Vax's gun. "Are you telling me that this nice old lady was your kindergarten te
omplete a mission and I'll do that wh
ally wage a war against people on t