CamestrosFelapton's Books
There Will Be Walrus First Volume V
From Cattimothy House comes the apex of Military Science Fiction anthologies. Edited by the outspoken and fearless Timothy the Talking Cat, one of America's foremost political philosophers and one of the aspiring leaders of the future, There Will Be Walrus contains stories of adventure and excitement but also insightful essays into the nature of war, politics and the a brilliant take down of the evil presented by squirrels. If you value good old fashioned science fiction with actual stories, if you hate squirrels, if you value people speaking the TRUTH to you, then this the book for you. Yours, united in the struggle against squirrels Timothy the Talking Cat
McEdifice Returns
Veteran space marine Chiseled McEdifice wanted a peaceful life after decades of fighting evil but a cowardly attack sets him off on a bicycle ride of revenge and into an adventure across space and time. From the pen of Timothy the Talking Cat and his surprisingly loud imaginary friend Straw Puppy, comes a space adventure like no other (except ones a bit like it). Featuring a chapter full of the word ‘I’, a dancing photocopier and guest appearances galore.