his ever so masculine nose ripp
fund says
through thanks to a substantial lecture on the difference between rhetoric
nemy were too quick for us, and we
got married and run a erotic florist in Wisconsin. The horror of their fate haunts me, but
ifth Generat
pearheaded the modern military focus on superior firepower through superior undergarments. We are extraordinarily privileged to have the opportunity to republish his essay here in this book. Previously the only way of accessing this essay was via a few carefully mimeographed copies that were circulated at his local golf club. Sadly
ifth Generat
eral Fortescue-Billingh
those leaps represent a forward stride that brings us stepwise beyond the past and towards our destination. By such movement we progress but by
a fancy hotel. Perhaps some colonial hotel in some third world capital city. A hotel that was once beautiful and glorious but which is now shabby and dilapidated due to the folly of independence and the end of Empire. Have you pictured this staircase? If so then it has far too many steps to
s a stride beyond the pas
anised and without strategy. From here he can either descend down the staircase, taking him closer to the corridor to the front door and the small table on which we keep the
small garden beyond. Instead the brute can make a leap up the ladder of progr
ed weapons, tactical knowledge and appropriate undergarments. These may be a simple loin cloth or some more
ar Three Footing (or WTF). In WTF our warrior is now the beneficiary of industrialisation. This includes cannon, tanks, and also mass produced cotton
n is the pinnac
for the warrior procreative faculties. It is vital that stray radio waves do not interfere with the fundamental vi
must fight against the oppression of the narrow minded and the gutless. For in this generation the warrior is no longer given their t
ior must still face the threat of the forces of so called 'progressive' s
ing I can offer to the discerning military man access to my unique invention. The S5GW under-short is a miracle of technology - flame proof, water resistant and proof from invasive surveillance methods. The S5GW makes use of sophisticated '