ting at
Pony (don't worry h
finitely dead – also we decided to call him 'Simon
genic drugs on the h
all round
epic proportions! A gunfight of some significant magnitude! A veritable brouhaha of brutality and bruises. A Toccata and fug
ulch with a brazen swagger, knowing that his very ap
t my vengeance!"
ound was the e
ifice, " said a snide
like faster than lightning, McEdifice whipped around lightning fast wit
s nobody
tupid ass." said
d up and then l
odness sake. It is R
stood an old oak tree. On a branch sat a man in full dr
ander Clench, my old nemesis. I thought I told you nev
you and also I have an orbiting space-dreadnought directly above us that could wipe you off the face
at I was never going back
news for you. If you want those Treerat b
miscreant, outlaw, ner-do-well, street punk and tax account into a desperate rag-tag yet elite army of the meanest, nastiest and most financially prudent scum-of-the-earth battalio
endless wars. No, not even the looming threat of my ultimate enemy – the insidious
y Chuck
for your lies
through the Intergalactic Space Army, killing brave soldiers intent on defending the ga
What is it that
ill have the right under the military code of settling debts of honour via the ancient tradition of a duel. Your course is simple: join the ar
If Major Commander McEdifice needs to take to the f
r rank was for the Space Navy Marines. You'll need to j
can't remember which
rights reserved under both Common Law and Admiralty Law for ever. For
xcerpt from a future encyclopedia so we c
gle ring-shaped continent that alternates in bands between lonely countryside fall of barrack
ame but a few. To resist the planetary monoculture creating a fundamental fragility to galactic civilisation, the ruling Galactical Confederation of Galactic Imperial Republics had instigated a controversial "Come on, Every Planet Has to Have at Least Two Things Guys" law, that m