img McEdifice Returns  /  Chapter 1 No.1 | 3.85%
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McEdifice Returns

McEdifice Returns

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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1962    |    Released on: 27/12/2017

e was chopping the wood obviously – I don't think those two things contradict each other and I wish the beta reviewer would JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE and learn their plac

you going on about? He is STANDING and choppin

cEdifice was seeking the peace

said wistfully as he stared out


ously – look at the cover image). The HUD display flickered on in his helmet (no that isn't 'redundant' I can't just say 'his

ect way the helmet magnified that area of his vision (with maybe a h

onic squirrel god. They had a lasting hate for McEdifice ever since he drove

mighty flick of his elbow he sent the axe careening through the air. THUNK! it landed str

ed for permission before stepping on my

fast as he could but he was too late! Another outlaw had sneaked round and no

e or the pony gets i

ir on that pony's he

s in space right so it can be a talking pony

huck, " said

his here pony, " said the outlaw in that kind

nd then with one mighty flick of his elbow he launched the pencil onto a ballistic trajectory (yes I do know what that means an

the outlaw and

ran over

tlaw because the outlaw was not his buddy and was also very dead by now. I guess he could have said it sarcastically to the dead outl

ught a terminally pony-sickness and I'm now dying. Goodbye old friend, w

s quiet life of peace on the plains was over. He'd tried to escape the horrors o

I was quick on the draw" because he used a pencil you see. That's what he said when

turns out that Chuck wasn't quite dead, he was just very, very tired from the space-mutant-pony disease and needed a long nap. He then got bette


only friend he had on the Grassland Planet of Steppes. They had a lasting hate for McEdifice ever since he drove them and their filthy ways out of town and killed their leader in a shoot-out. Yes, I KNOW I used that sentence already – it is call

he barn. As he stood by the barn gates, McEdifice paused for a moment to remember all the good times he and Chuck had had in the barn. He would

robably grenades and then hopped on the bike and set off on his way

the tops of the tall grasses to shimmer as if the ground was glad in yellow-green velvet. Excellent sentence

ifice attempted to apply the brakes but to no avail! The brakes were not working somehow! Oh, my gosh. The path to Out

to apply the brakes! Just then the front wheel hit a particular

rushed over and beat back the flames and then with one mighty flick of his shoulders he hoisted u

nes had been cut! One of the outlaws must have sabotaged the bike before they

Steppe – a trusty steed in times of need, a faithful servant and a mechanical marvel that could deftly make use of normal human effort to provide a more ef

e good ones who are taken?" He then laid the broken remains of the bicycle softly

been about revenge,

ling, " he whispered into his ear, "this night is so magical

uldn't a flying horse need both musculatures to sustain flight an

said, "Also a flying animal necessarily has a lighter skeleton structure making a flyin

e to mention it...isn't

ybe this is all the effect of th

e travel, non-mammalian alien species that nonetheless look like sexy women, laser-swords, space w

st draw the conc


ing an


cEdifice – this i


e awak

better hi

nt remains of the bicycle. Cautiously he sniffed his hands

sychotropic drug that could be e

smell, the scent of hallucinox 17 was still detectable! Those despica

!!!!" cried

he would seek revenge on those who had attacked his basic sense of

ral convention that

and Straw Puppy. All rights reserved. Patent pending. Also, we put this whole chapter in an envelope and mailed it to the Pope but we de

n, staggered onward to Outlaw's Gulch, the infamous hideout of the Treerat Gang

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