img The Sicilian Bandit / From the Volume Captain Paul""  /  Chapter 9 -THE SIEGE. | 75.00%
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Chapter 9 -THE SIEGE.

Word Count: 3024    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

me calibre, and a basket full of cartridges. Pascal Bruno opened all the windows, that he might be able t

o wish to attach your fate to mine; I do not wish to drag you into the surf along with me; you are young; nothing,

wish me to defend you as Lionna did? You know I have none to look

rious and terrible mission to be accomplished, which I can trust to no one b

"the father is the master

scal's hand,

vice to you, father

id Bruno, and Ali addres

Maltese, from the corner in

the task of carrying the fla

they advanced in so direct a line towards the isolated olive-tree, at the foot of whic

e teeth of Lionna had so much disfigured it; however, as it was at this olive-tree Placido had appointed a meeting, and as t

discovered, and, consequently, that Bruno was on his gua

n issuing suddenly from behind a cloud, a ray of light fell upon his fig

om all the troops, and a volley of sho

s whistled past the ears and over the head of the party at whom

muskets in succession as they were

y saw death pay them so sudden a visit; for all the men, reckoning on Placido's treason, had entertained the hope of making an easy capture: instead o

atchets. There was, however, the possibility of killing Pascal while at the window levelling his

nd deliberate on their future proceedings; but their retreat was not rapid eno

ntion of the first party, so that he had scarcely shown himself at the opening when he was saluted with a shower of bullets; but the same miraculous good luck again pres

gainst the walls of the fortress, and by this manouvre they made it impossible for Bruno to fire without thrusting half his body out of the window; and,

em?" asked the Maltese

chets; we shall, no doubt, soon have news of them. But make yourself easy," continued the bandit, filling two glasses; "as we cannot

ith the powder?" asked the

ed Bruno. Ali entered the room, bearing

; "now take a gimlet and m

diness that was the distinctive

a cartridge; he then put this match into the hole Ali had made in the barrel, and closed it with wet powder, which had the effect a

door of the chamber which overlooked a staircase leading to the castle

now I begin to understand

ey are coming from the

w his adversaries, who had procured the scaling implement they so much needed, and,

ns loaded?"

eplied Ali, hand

rought it to his shoulder, and levelled with more care than he had yet

o took a second musket: the other so

upon this the scaling party, leaving their ladder, retired a second ti

barking fiercer. At length, one side of the gate was forced in and two or three men entered by the opening; and by the cries of distress they uttered, their comrades ju

xhibited in the ancient circus, between the soldiers and the four monstrous dogs, who fiercely defended the narrow staircase that led to the first floor of the fortress. Suddenly

e walls fell in ruins, and everything

ted themselves, and presented an effective force of more than 300 men. A deep feeling o

he fall of the wall, they marched up to it in a body in good order, and having cleared every obs

rs, the rest of the party following. The staircase was soon carried; but those who were at the head would soon have felt an inclination to retreat

ened, and the soldiers perceived Bruno seated on a barrel of gunpowder, a pistol in each hand, while the terrified Maltese

fortress is mined; if you advance anoth

ht have been seen precipitating themselves down the narrow staircase that led to the court-yard-some among them leaped through the windows

k advantage of the opport

a guard was placed at every opening, and the men who performed this duty had sheltered themselves from the band

ntend to starve us

s!" excl

d while defending us, call them men-me

r!" sa

oy," said B

ot see?"

" aske

t li

? It cannot be daybreak yet; and, besides,

is on fire!"

ou are right!

re heard; Bruno rushed to the door and fo

, captain?"

deceive yourself and take me f

said Bruno; "but wh

en you, the soldiers set fire to the village, and refuse to assist in extinguishing it unles


ed," said t

houses should be burned to the ground than touch a hair of my head. Well, cap

mean?" aske

myself up,"

lf up, fathe

myself up to him. Let them, therefore, as I have said-let them put out

his man?" ask

gadier in the gendarm

r request to make?

uno, and he spoke to t

not asking for m

perhaps require your assistanc

," said Ali, "I ha

aid Bruno; "when I see the flames extingu

be the bearer of the ne

gociator? By-the-by," continued Pa

me away," repl

teen ounces in this purse, distr

Maltese, shaking

n seated himself on his powder ba

ed motionless, closing his eyes as if he slept. By degrees the

ned, and a man appeared on the threshold, who, perceiving th

und and perceiv

smiling; "it is a pleasure to send for

road about a quarter of an hour ago as I was bringing

"I wanted to show you th

at well enough," s

ve the three thousand ducats in question

the brigadier, w

mean, comrade

d rather gain three thousand ducats in any

so?" as

w, and men like you are scarc

said Bruno; "it will be pro

h a look of despair. "And so yo

nder," s


, you may send all those rascals away. I

si went to

answer for the prisoner: go and report his ca

rigadier, "we will finish the

I have come eight leagues in three hour

ight to spend in each other's company, let us pass it merrily. Ali, go and fe

themselves as best they could. In the morning, th

who had just ended her penance at the Convent of the Visitation, and who had only eight days previously returned to the worl

ee thousand ducats promised for his capture; see t

appeal the count could refuse nothing, "I have always b

fied, my dear angel; he s

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