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Chapter 5 Killing Mate

Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 09/08/2024


a while since I paid John a visit, one of the most dangerous criminals we'd captured. He'd managed to break through my defenses and leak sensitive information about the pack. I was certain he had help from someone on the inside, because no outsider could have breached our

We didn't even get to see her face," he lamented, his voice heavy with sorrow. I had never seen him this broken since that fateful event, an event I had buried deep in my min

. I headed in the direction of the dungeon, the contract with the Moonshine Pack long forgotten.

eart out. Midnight snapped out of his unyielding grief, his voice filled with anguish as he cried out, "MATE!" The scream continued, echoing through the stone walls,

, I'm coming. The realization that she was still alive hadn't fully hit me until I burst into the cell and was met with the pitif


cell was some kind of privilege. I now understand why the conditions here are better than in my last pack-it's all part of a twisted psycholog

mly lit room filled with all kinds of torture equipment. I tried to fight him off, but it was futile. His massive size, combined with my still-injured arm, left me at his m

so excruciating I couldn't hold back my screams. "Why do you have her scent

ned her energy, as she had been using every ounce of strength to keep the infection from spreading through my body. We hadn't eaten

ggling to heal my arm, which was now almost gone, the boiling water having burned my flesh so badly that the smell of it filled the room. I was tired of living, tired of the constant struggle

sciousness for a few precious seconds. In those fleeting moments, I saw the most captivating golden eyes I had ever seen. He


are about him-my mate was dying in front of me. The sight of her lifeless form, strapped and beaten, sent a surge of panic through m

g at all. Her body was fragile, as if life had already started to slip away. Her once vibr

voice was a growl, laced with the raw fear and anger that consumed me. My pack was large, with more doctors than most, but in that

r life is in your hands, and if you fail her, your heads are on the line!" I knew I was terrifying them-I could see the tremors in

, couldn't bear the thought of not being there, of her waking up alone-if she even woke up at all. I hovered over th

d to the Moon Goddess herself. My heart was shattering with the fear that this might be it, t

dn't fail, that she wouldn't leave me alone in this dark, merciless world. If she died, I wouldn't just kill those responsible-I would des

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