img MINE TO PROTECT  /  Chapter 2 Worse Than Betrayal | 40.00%
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Chapter 2 Worse Than Betrayal

Word Count: 2733    |    Released on: 08/08/2024

. What made my confinement even more unbearable were the conversations I overheard between the two warriors who brought me meager foo

ng me a traitor and claiming I had escaped while I was rotting away in this dungeon was beyond cruel. If they wanted

what he was thinking. Elsie, on the other hand, seemed content with his presence, which made me believe that Jak

ing me a traitor for crimes I hadn't committed. And yet, despite everything, Jake's nightly visits were a small comfort, a silent testament to th

of us could sever, no matter how much we wanted to. The dungeon, with its suffocating darkness and cold, became a place of introspection and quiet resilienc

one who regulated my body temperature in this cold, damp cell. The lack of proper nutrition weakened me further, making every d

se at the oppressive smell-I assumed it was me, having not showered since they locked me up. His

nst his father and found an ounce of kindness and mercy in his dark, hardened heart? Elsie stirred, sensing so

ep up, my weakened body protesting with every step. The silence between us was heavy, filled with unspoke

e, just maybe, Jaden had realized the cruelty of my imprisonment and decided to act. El

't a rescue? What if Jaden had other plans, ones that didn't involve kindness or mercy? I push

hat things might change. Elsie's optimism fueled my own, and I silently prayed

bleakness of the dungeon. Every step echoed with the uncertainty of my fate. I couldn't help but steal glances at him, searching for any sign

whispers trailing behind us. "Isn't that the traitor?" "What is Jaden doing with her?" The weight of

r and motioned for me to enter. The room was small but clean, a stark improvement from the dungeon. There was a

lat and devoid of any warmth. "Someo

turned to leave, I couldn't stop mysel

answer. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper, he said, "I do

resence was a comforting hum in the back of my mind, her belief in

loor. Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of relief, fear, and uncertainty. I didn't

Alpha allow it? And what about my father? I knew he would never accept me, never forgive me for the loss of my mo

tomorrow would bring, holding onto the fragi

d I felt a bit more like myself again. I ate the warm food, savoring each bite, and put on th

ed soil filled my nostrils, and I recognized it instantly-my mate. Joy surged through me

mirk was that of a mischievous child about to do something bad, knowing he would get away with it. Slowly an

s, revealing my bare legs exposed due to the shorts I was wea

or regain his senses. But my words seemed to enter one ear and leave through the other. He forcef

e a distant whisper rather than the comforting force she had been before. We both grappled with the gravity of what is about to transpire, trying to com

e. Tears streamed down my face as the weight of his betrayal crushed me. The hope th

st. Jaden's actions destroyed any remnants of faith I had left. The room,

ack turned against me, but my mate, the one person who should have been my pr

d my friend was now the source of my deepest agony. He had taken me in every inhumane possible. Making matters worse he even let jake had

ope I had been clinging to. His expression hardened as

l those nights, it was a ploy to lure you into my trap. And j

u," he continued, a bitter edge to his voice. "But we needed you to become super strong. Now, after mating wit

s wolf from emotional torture? The impact of his words was more devastating than any physical blow. Each syllable felt like a dagger, slicing through the remnants

humanity. The realization hit me with brutal clarity: he had no intention of showing m

aced the harsh truth. Jaden/Jake wasn't the savior I had hoped for. He w

lusionment. I had hoped for kindness, for redemption, but instead, I was met with cruelty and exploitation. The man

deceived. Jake's words echoed in my mind, a chilling reminder of the depths of his ruthlessness. In that dark mom

houlders. When he finally left, I was left in tatters, both physically and emotionally. My body ached from the assault, and my heart was heavy with a grief I had nev

use, which had seemed like a place of refuge, was now a reminder of my suffering. I knew

re, broken and defeated, praying for th

e as cold and imposing as the stone walls surrounding me. Her gaze fell upon my shattered form

of their treachery. "You've been accused of betrayal," she said, her

y could, and then dispose of me like a broken tool. The realization that I had been nothing more than a pawn in their cruel game was a bitter pill to

h a cruel pleasure at the thought of my impending demise. She reveled in the p

f what was to come was both terrifying and numbing. I had been betrayed by those I

tomb. The fear of the unknown, combined with the raw pain of betrayal, overwhelmed me. I lay there, my mind a storm of thought

end of my hope, leaving me to confront the bitter reality of being discarded after all I had endured. The sense of impendin

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