s in the water by the headlight of the crab boat. Everything else is quiet and peaceful as the sky takes on the colors of the sunrise behind me. Pink, purple,
l. Which would include things like anchoring, navigation, and basic safety. Most people don't realize how dangerous a fun day on the boat can be until something not good happens. When you're on the water as much as we are, it's not even an "if" something will happen, it's a "when" will it happen. Being as prepared as possible is just the best way to leave the dock. Plenty of extra water is always a good plan. "Honey.... Are we there yet?" Scott was hesitantly waking up, trying to savor those last minutes of sleep cuddled up with our 25 pound Brazilian Terrier, Patrón. He manages to look so comfortable on such a small space. The passenger seat in the wheelhouse is only about 4 feet long, yet he manages to make it look like the most comfortable sleeping spot. Even more amazing is that we occasionally take naps there together, not while I'm driving of course. He's the owner of the vessel. We've been together 6 years, and started a small seafood business together around the same time. Commercial fishing to catch the seafood is a big part of our business. He's been doing this his whole life, and not long after he brought me aboard, is when I started thinking we should take the next step and we created our little company. One of the things he loves about me is how much I love being on the boat as much as he does . He taught me how to do every position on the fishing boat. Clearing traps, winching traps, and about all the fish we catch. Lots of interesting information. Piloting the boat is the part I already had experience with, but it's definitely not the same as recreational driving. With all the years I have behind the