Captain Morgan 's Book
The Salt Life…Behind the Helm…
Looking out at the crystal clear turquoise sea, it’s amazing that such beauty can exist after all the clouds and storms that have been strewn over my life. The crystal clear blue skies with barely an artists touch of white clouds in the distance many miles away. The beautiful sea creatures clearly visible below the glasslike surface of the sea. The spotted eagle rays that glide over the surface then gracefully descend back to the other side as if there were no barrier in between. The smell of the salt air all around. And that beautiful sexy fisherman who looks over his shoulder at me from the back of the boat and gives me that sheepish smile even though we’ve been an item for so many years. But the storms that life took me through to get to here, how is it even possible to still see the beauty in life? How can it go from so beautiful, to so dark, and come out so beautiful again even with so many missing pieces… “Hold it!” …