img Those Extraordinary Twins  /  Chapter 8 BAPTISM OF THE BETTER HALF | 88.89%
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Word Count: 997    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

light most scandalous; the other, that Angelo's courage in flying the field for conscience' sake was as fine and creditable as was Luigi's in holding the field in the face of the bullets.

his. The children talked the duel all the way to Sunday-school, their elders talked it all the way to church,

esolute in his determination to be baptized at the hour appointed. This swept the town like wildfire, and mightily reinforced the enthus

ed to the privileges of the occasion. All the farms for ten miles around were vacated, all the converging roads emptied long processions of wagons, horses, and yeomanry into the town. The pack and cram of people vastly exceeded any that had ever been seen in that sleepy region before. The

for the immense event. Waited, and wondered if it would really happen,

of several hundred of the best citizens, all of the Angelo party; and when the immersion was finished they escorted

ty-four hours above any other twenty-four in the history of their town for picturesqueness and splendid interest; and long before the lights were out and b

many hours now. It had made Luigi drowsy, too, but he had got only brief naps, on account of his having to take the medicine every three-quarters of

and you mustn't retch and gag that way,

of it, Aun

ar. You mustn't forget that y

he? Well,

t-don't keep me holding the dipper all night. I declare if you ha

cemetery; I do, indeed. Do let me rest a little-just a

e, and him just baptized! Do yo


otion to-let that blanket alone; do you

, I'm being roasted alive; nobody co

sneezing again-I

go in the water with my clothes on. And it takes me weeks

dn't baptize him dry. I should think you would be willing

ou call this inconvenience?-the room shut up as tight as a drum, and so hot the mosquitoes are trying to get out; and a col

I'm going down and mix some mor

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