img Those Extraordinary Twins  /  Chapter 4 SUPERNATURAL CHRONOMETRY | 44.44%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2575    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

um, Aunt Betsy Hale. The widow soon perceived that Angelo's spirits were as low as Luigi's were high, and also that he had a jaded look. Her motherly solicitude was arouse

to employ in these circumstances. He gave his brother an

he worst is

he matter worse, as a rule, because it irritated Angelo. T

f; you go right to bed after dinner, and get a

ve anything if I co

e room's yours to do what you please with! The id

sential-an essential of the very fi

is t


ked puzzled, and A

our heart, h

my bro

ite understand. I supposed

t not to both a

see how it can be. I shouldn't th

ve it otherwise. I find that the teetotalers and the anti-teetotalers hire the use of

t!" said both old

ble class use the same room over the Market house, but you can take my

mproved. I'll prove it to you. If our legs tried to obey two wills, how could we ever get anywhere? I would

ain't that wonderful! A body w

rs or up, couldn't go to bed, couldn't rise, couldn't wash, couldn't dress, couldn't stand up, couldn't sit down, couldn't even cross our l

out in a week! Did you ever hea

commonplace," said the widow, with the complacent air of a person

manage it? I don't mind sa

rovided a way out of it. By a mysterious law of our being, each of us has utte

! Now ain't th

e, to the second, to the last shade of a fraction of a second, infallibly, unerringly, and in that instan

e His ways, and p

he world, the public clocks were regulated by it; and as hundreds of thousands of private clocks and watches were

ore! Blowing down the walls of Jericho with ra

itself to the meridian we are on. Luigi is in command this week. Now, if on Saturday night at a moment before midnight we could fly in an instan

ly impressed, and s

ail it lays over the P

Aunt Patsy, "but if you've a mind to say So

by would say the same. Well, now, there's another thing. Suppose one of you wan

le that we can't bear to spare a minute of it. People who have the use of their legs all the time never think of what a blessing it is, of course. It never occurs to them; it's just their natural ordinary condition, and so it does not excite them at all. But when I wake

ithout doing it! Laws, to think I've had this unspeakable blessing all my l

of both the old ladies a

ave learned somet

rigid and beautiful impartiality with which the possession of power had been distributed, between th

of a minute sooner than the other one gets all the land and grandeurs and nobilities in the

ly sleeping. The old ladies had dropped their voices to a lulling drone, to help him to steal the rest his brother wouldn

same time, but I am six

e land'

n't like my telling this. It has

were both born at the same time, how c

efore he could say a word. Last, and absolutely unassailable proof, the sutures in my skull closed six months ahead of his. Always just that six months' difference to a day. Was that accident? Nobody is going to claim that, I'm sure. It was ordained-it was law-it had its meaning, and we know what that meaning was

y almost say-and could only sit and gaze vacantly at each ot

at silent a moment or two and breathing hard with excitement, then she looked up and surveyed the strangers

sy with the emphasis of a certainty tha

world, I don't care who he is,

l," said Luigi

ladies promptly, "you can tr

ind. Never let on; treat us

, "but it won't be easy, because now th

tisfaction: "That swindle has gon

one speak of the strangers as twins, and would become harder and harder to hang on to with every recurrence of the temptation to tell it, while the torture of

es began to discuss with interest the strange things which they had been listening to. When they had

me on between Rowen

ites tolerable often, and sh

re i

's such a gadabout that a body can'


ough. I haven't a

m and the judge are

e she ought to know. She says the judge is real fond of him when he's away; but frets when he's around and is vexed with his

um, but there ain't anyt

his living by that time. If Tom were doing that, or was even trying to do it, the judge would be a heap better

perty wasn't the way to set him to earning a fortune of his own. But wha

here, but nature was too strong for her. She drew Aunt Betsy

ll you something. In my opinion Tom Driscoll's chances

er, what do

. I wish you could 'a' been at b

on't m

e, there's a leaning-t

hich one of

in, but I think it's t

ladies parted, perfectly happy-the one in knowing something which the rest of the to

ld immediately join Mr. Hotchkiss's church. There was no time to say more, and the brief talk ended at that point. The minister was much gratified, and had dropped in for a moment now, to invite the twins to attend his Bible class at eight that even

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