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The dance of the goddess.

The dance of the goddess.

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María was orphaned at the age of eight and her aunts, seeing that they could not take care of her, decided to give her to her maternal grandparents. Over time, the little girl became a very beautiful young woman. and decides to visit her aunts to say goodbye to them, since she decides to leave the country for work reasons. Being with her aunts, she realizes that they and their people have many problems since a powerful billionaire wants to strip them of their lands, and she decides to help her people, thus starting a war where only love will win.

Capítulo 1 Capitulo: 1: bienvenida

Cecilia, Cecilia, Cecilia.

_ Tell me... Cecilia responded after Carmen called her three times.

_ What do you have.

_ nothing. Really, nothing's wrong with me.

_You are not lying to me Cecilia, I called you three times and it seems that you did not listen to me.

_ I did not hear you.

_ what do you think?

_ Please Carmen stop asking me.

_ You're still the same, Cecilia, you have to go to the doctor.

_I'm fine, Carmen.

_ You are not well. Recognize it.

_ all the time is the same, every time it rains and you are depressed.

Cecilia sighed and then looked at her sister who was standing in front of her. It was six in the afternoon, it had been raining since early in the morning, the afternoon was cold and Cecilia, as always, sat in front of the window to look out at the street. It had become a habit for Cecilia, every afternoon she sat in front of the window that faced the street, the windows of the house were large, they measured approximately five feet on each side.

_ Would you like coffee.

_ Yeah

Carmen went to the kitchen, poured two cups of coffee and brought one to Cecilia. Cecilia took the cup and began to drink it little by little.

_ What were you thinking? she asked Carmen again.

_ in Maria.

_ in María....... Carmen asked her quickly.

_ Yes, she must have become a woman.

_ Yes, Mari must be twenty-two years old.

_ And how strange thinking about Mari.

_ Don't know.... Cecilia responded to Carmen.

_ since yesterday I have been thinking about Mari.

_Many times I thought, what it would be like, I would be happy.

Carmen remained silent while Cecilia spoke. Carmen knew that Cecilia had not been able to forget the death of her parents, much less the death of her brother. No one imagined that such a regrettable loss would occur that day.

Fourteen years have passed and both Cecilia and Carmen often experience depression, Cecilia is thirty-four years old and Carmen thirty-six. They were almost two years apart, they were both young, and also very beautiful, Carmen had waist-length hair and Cecilia had brown hair, and her figure was beautiful, many people in the town did not understand why the two sisters were still They had not been married. and when a man approached them, they automatically rejected him and there were even rumors that the two sisters did not like men, and many of their neighbors whispered that they were homosexuals. The comment reached their ears but they ignored it. They just continue with their normal lives by working hard.

The two sisters lived together in a house, this house was inherited from their parents after their death.

It was four in the morning, when her parents left the town that morning and headed to the capital. At that moment they were traveling on the highway and it started to rain, her father Sebastián Quintero was driving and Cecilia was in the back of the car. with her niece María de ella, who was only eight years old. When Don Sebastián suddenly lost control of his car and left the road, at that moment the rear door of the car opened miraculously, leaving Cecilia and María outside the car.

Cecilia saw how the car they were in overturned, losing the lives of her parents, her older brother and her sister-in-law. Cecilia, who was in shock, hugged María and couldn't stop crying.

Since then, Cecilia becomes depressed and when it rains, memories invade her, causing her great sadness. Unlike Carmen, that day Carmen lived with her aunt Elena, and although she many times lamented the incident and the loss of her parents, she did not witness the accident and that made her stronger.

Carmen wanted to help her sister Cecilia visit a doctor, but Cecilia didn't want to, she always said she was fine.

_What are we going to do for dinner... Carmen asked Cecilia, interrupting her thoughts.

Cecilia Voltio looked at her and smiled. And then she told him.

_ What do you think if we eat bread with cheese?

_ Sounds good to me..... Carmen responded.

It was already seven at night, the rain had not been expected, the weather was cold and dark, suddenly she saw the lights of a car passing on the road, Cecilia saw the car passing and suddenly turned around and stopped. . right in front of the house.

_Who will it be... Cecilia thought. and without moving from the window she looked at the car parked right in front of her house.

_What happened..... Carmen asked Cecilia when she noticed that she was still looking outside.

_ There is a car stopped in front of the house, it has been stopped for a long time. and no one has come out.

Carmen got up from her place and ran to look out the window.

_ Who is that...? Carmen asked.

_I don't know, don't open the door, lest they go to rob us......... Cecilia told him.

Suddenly the back door of the car opened and someone wearing a trench coat came out of the car. To avoid getting wet, black boots and a hood. Then the person went to the door of the house, and when he arrived he started knocking on the door, Cecilia and Carmen remained silent in the house. unopened because they didn't know who it was.

The mysterious visitor knocked on the door several times and did not stop knocking. After fifteen minutes, Carmen and Cecilia decided to open it, although with a little fear.

Cecilia got up, went to the door and when she opened it she saw the person standing in front of her. Then the mysterious visitor raised her right hand and removed his hood, revealing his face, saying to her.

_Auntie, you're not happy to see me.

When Cecilia saw her, she was shocked, she almost couldn't believe it. She had been thinking about her niece for two days and at that moment she was standing in front of him.

After a few seconds, he hugged her and said.

_ Excuse me daughter. You surprised me, I wasn't expecting you especially now and with this bad weather, it happens. Welcome Mari

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