gged. The air had grown unnaturally still, the oppressive weight
t going to let
through the walls, like the ho
from the ceiling. The very structure of the h
sprinting tow
rway wa
l of rotting wood, as if the
rged thr
the house was still awake. And now,
's min
ng like a living organism. Hallways stretched into da
, lining the walls
hollow-eyed stranger stared back.
irror at the end of th
a Blac
ho had star
the ritual chamber, dressed in dark ceremonial robes.
d hes
ng toward that mirror was ex
d no othe
of the mirror rippled, pullin
rward and found him
lt symbols that pulsed like living veins. The ritual chamber w
e Blackwood family
its. Not
olding an ancient-looking book
tual that had doomed them al
voices rising, the energy in the roo
orce far greater tha
the walls burne
uls ripped from their bodies,
d fel
elonged to them. They
hem just as it w
, and Donald fell backward, cr
of the real house
h was cl
never about
l it, and in doing so, t
existed long
t. A being, n
ed every soul
, it wa
mself up. He had
e was co
cracked open, and the walls bent i
r led to
ay twisted
he s
indow, sti
e to think,
ed around him as
the cold, damp
use wa
oyed. Not
had never
deep scars on Donald's arms, where som
mpty lot, the sky
d sur
knew th
wasn't d
ed on, waiting fo
e, in some d
l hu
Donald publi
The House Tha
e a best
it as a terrify
ver smiled at
he knew
n't a
s a w
ready hearing whispers in the wall
ul, anothe
house was
isitor to stay