img Contracted By Love: Her Relife Choice  /  Chapter 4 Play with Fire | 18.18%
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Chapter 4 Play with Fire

Word Count: 1897    |    Released on: 01/11/2024

foot back, but with too much force. As it jerked up

ants, she felt an

ly, and the air seemed to p

her lips, feeling her mou

hroat as Charlie suddenly flipped

Charlie's deep voice whispered in her ear, hi

enced her w

sent electric shocks through her entire body. S

ience just last night, Angela was still inexperienced. She timidly moved h

rlie's lips move to her sensitive ear. His husky voice whisp

pen, meeting hi

agony last night. Sure you

his room. Though she'd considered intimacy, memories of last

ss how he'd called

day haven't been

ed to be his wife for life. How could she

h the second time?"

tared at her for a long moment, his ga

l on the marks still

ravished her last night, driven by

gain so soon, she might

. I'll let you off tonight, but if you sneak into m

ed silent in

," Charlie said,

p, Angie quickly wrapped

leep here!"

s he looked at the determ

withdrew her arms and pulled the cove

ou're shy, go back

" came Angela's muffled re

or, Charlie lay down on his side, his gaze fixed

d them suddenly

peeked out from

g beside her, his clea

aze and asked softly, "Ar

leep with yo

is bed isn't small. It's no different from the one in th

miled at

ty, Angela moved closer to him under the covers, showing

called her name, hi


e been this pro

t wanting to hear more. If she had listened any

upped her chin and gave her a deep kiss. He

ger, neither of them wou

As she tried to burrow into the cov

lutching the blanket.

ntered the bathroom, leaving on

confused fo

owered? Why was h

ged sound of running water from the

lay back down, hugging the blanket and breathing in


t hung in the ai

m a nightmare of her past lif

w. She quickly threw off the covers and got out of bed, stumbling slightly du

her look up. There stood Charlie,

n up and showered, wearing

ed, noticing Angela's pale co

move. Even as he came closer and gently placed his

wasn't a dr

gaze. She used to resist his touch; perhaps yest

enses today? Ready to

enced her w

sent electric shocks through her entire body. S

ience just last night, Angela was still inexperienced. She timidly moved h

arlie's lips move to her sensitive ear. His husky voice whis

pen, meeting hi

agony last night. Sure you

his room. Though she'd considered intimacy, memories of last

ss how he'd called

day haven't been

ed to be his wife for life. How could she

h the second time?"

tared at her for a long moment, his ga

l on the marks still

ravished her last night, driven by

ain so soon, she might n

. I'll let you off tonight, but if you sneak into m

ned silent i

," Charlie said,

, Angela quickly wrapped

leep here!"

s he looked at the determ

y withdrew her arms and pulled the cov

ou're shy, go back

" came Angela's muffled re

, Charlie lay down on his side, his gaze fixed o

d them suddenly

peeked out from

g beside her, his clea

aze and asked softly, "Ar

leep with yo

is bed isn't small. It's no different from the one in th

miled at

ty, Angela moved closer to him under the covers, showing

called her name, hi


e been this pro

t wanting to hear more. If she had listened any

upped her chin and gave her a deep kiss. He

ger, neither of them wou

As she tried to burrow into the cov

lutching the blanket.

ntered the bathroom, leaving on

confused fo

owered? Why was h

ged sound of running water from the

lay back down, hugging the blanket and breathing in


t hung in the ai

a nightmare of her past life

w. She quickly threw off the covers and got out of bed, stumbling slightly du

her look up. There stood Charlie,

n up and showered, wearing

ed, noticing Angie's pale com

move. Even as he came closer and gently placed his

wasn't a dr

gaze. She used to resist his touch; perhaps yest

enses today? Ready to

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