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Chapter 5 Visit Time

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 28/05/2024


s cabin when he heard

aid and his PA e

o take your appointment fr

tell him I do not want to work w

me today, he will visit your home," His

ot angry at Jack and their friendship broke when Lilly heard Jack's PA was pregnant with Jack's child. Lilly was not able to bear this pain. She was not ab

sn’t able to prove anything to the police. Everyone just wanted to hear th

year old son Nick in an orphanage. Hunter didn't wast

heart. That day not only Hunter lost his be

Hunter understood if he would keep Nick here, he would never be able to forg

alled him breaki

else?" Ace

wants to meet you but she has no appointment.

ant money for the orphanage. Ask the amoun

But she just wants to meet you. And sh

her" Ace s

s PA said and

rd a knock a

d and an old lady

Mr. King" The l

a seat" Ace said and

orphanage. When I denied, they threatened me that they will kidnap the orphanage girls and sell them. You and your father alwa

. I will take care of

ked him and l

Jack Sullivan" Ace muttered


reached" The dr

d entered Sulli

e found his Jack, Maria, and James

. What a pleasant surpr

ard look and sat

ll me?" Ace ask

sed you. Don't you miss us?" James spoke up. A

not here to talk to y

uage. He is my son"

e why have you called

grily and stood up bu

n. Don't get ang

o watch this bullshit. Tell me why

he deal with my compa

ally come to the point. I rejected it becaus

k with my company,

yee Mr. Jack Sulliva

ad's friend. I am your un

ery second of my life. I felt like killing you whenev

g say that my project was bad. My company is also one of the most s

ad. But still, I do not want to work w

Jack as

how can I trust his company? Maybe you will betray me

iness. And you also sleep around. Then how a

er life. She gave you everything. And in return, you cheated on her with your assistan

day for not working

thing. And don't call me here agai

uttered and sat

his time dad. Let's teach hi

think about it"

his side suddenly?"

has no weakness. He doesn't have any fear of losing anyone. Let him fall for someone then we will teach him the

reaking the stick," James sa

the call, Ace spoke up," Send me the all evidence agains

disconnected the call then he



Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Family Chapter 3 The Life Chapter 4 Bodyguards Chapter 5 Visit Time Chapter 6 Search for Job Chapter 7 First meeting Chapter 8 Friend
Chapter 9 Kiss
Chapter 10 Meeting Again
Chapter 11 Deal
Chapter 12 The Devil Boss
Chapter 13 First Kiss
Chapter 14 Worried For Him
Chapter 15 Danger
Chapter 16 Plan
Chapter 17 Worried for Her
Chapter 18 Feeling guilty
Chapter 19 Nightmare
Chapter 20 It is not possible
Chapter 21 Avoiding Her
Chapter 22 Feeling Pain
Chapter 23 Anger
Chapter 24 Seeing another man
Chapter 25 Misunderstanding
Chapter 26 It was Fake
Chapter 27 Happiness
Chapter 28 Love confession
Chapter 29 Goodbye
Chapter 30 After 5 Years
Chapter 31 Twins
Chapter 32 Where is Daddy
Chapter 33 Little Ethan
Chapter 34 Found Her
Chapter 35 Misunderstanding
Chapter 36 He is Here
Chapter 37 Meeting the Twins
Chapter 38 Found Daddy
Chapter 39 Pain
Chapter 40 Sinful
Chapter 41 The Daddy
Chapter 42 Jealousy hits hard
Chapter 43 The new boss
Chapter 44 Being Bossy
Chapter 45 The Devil boss
Chapter 46 Like father, like son
Chapter 47 The little trouble markers
Chapter 48 The Evil
Chapter 49 The Hidden Secret is revealed
Chapter 50 Mother's love for children
Chapter 51 Complicated Situation
Chapter 52 Her Side Story
Chapter 53 Ask for forgiveness
Chapter 54 Happy Family
Chapter 55 He is mine
Chapter 56 Heartbroken
Chapter 57 Pain
Chapter 58 In Danger
Chapter 59 Waiting for him
Chapter 60 Hurting
Chapter 61 Making them heirs
Chapter 62 Fear
Chapter 63 Ethan in danger
Chapter 64 Suffering Again
Chapter 65 Sacrifice for his son
Chapter 66 Operation Successful
Chapter 67 Realization
Chapter 68 He is safe
Chapter 69 Agreed to marry him
Chapter 70 The Main Villain
Chapter 71 Evil Plan
Chapter 72 The End
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