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Chapter 2 The Escape

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


I could hear my mothe

e wanted me dead. It was the unsettling desire within me

innocence. Back in the dungeon, I was lef

e has tortured me. I was just l

through the night, replaying m

As the pack celebrated, my mother re

f there my Athena,"

off dead than alive," I

to me and your father. You must live and I know we'll be

d love made me realize there

ly worried about my parents and wha

wolves pierced the air, signal

in, tears streaming down her face as she checked i

ladies. She needs to leav

sped as I saw the guards ly

d," my father reassured me. His knowledge o

ss likely. We scattered your clothes across the forest. The scent w

" my mother hande

ount of meat and water to support you. Go as far as your le

st speed. Lucky for me, the forest was just behind the dungeon, so I d

nsequences pushed me forward. I ran until I c

t as strong as other werewolves since I did not

hs as torment in the dungeon is yet

ning again, aimlessly but carefull

ad to continue. I knew sooner or later they'd find out I w

l. I heard something break. It's my ri

o weakness and hunger, I

ded, I found myself overcome with em

ack or lived separated from my parents,

the meat hastily, driven by days of starva

y to be jolted awake by a nightmare. Damian menac

ledged the urgency of the rising su

aking periodic breaks. By the third

ermination threatened me. He would scrape nearby packs in relentless pursu

d the worsening condition of my injuries, par

ntil I couldn't anymore,

ase help,"

escape death in the hands of Damian only to die here? My heart

nding over me. Confusion gripped me, is this heaven? W

ars streaming down my face. But

r' but I'm glad

came into focus. I hastily withdrew my h

n anyone with my kind of eyes. She has red h

m I?" I

scious for days. Right now, you need mor

is Tala," she added with a sm

ce provided a small comfort. Summoning my rema

tidy, adorned with various axes neatly displayed on the

a skilled warrior. She returned with a tra

" she said, her words

r persisted, and I began dev

oke on that," she cautioned, but I brush

ed my gratitude. She s

she repeated w

care of me," I insisted. She n

nd who brought me

e again avoiding my question. In my

hena Ge

the forest and brought you

ered how she managed to carry me. Maybe

o the forest," she confirmed

duced herself. I was taken aback. She seemed


reputation had spread widely. Killing his uncl

enge him. The prospect of facing Ralph seemed more



Chapter 1 Rejection Chapter 2 The Escape Chapter 3 Sismance Chapter 4 Contract Chapter 5 Gaushe Chapter 6 A Dark Secret Chapter 7 Consummate
Chapter 8 Denial
Chapter 9 Dejection 1
Chapter 10 Dejection 2
Chapter 11 Self-Realization
Chapter 12 Bewildering
Chapter 13 Emotional Turbulence
Chapter 14 Between Two Worlds
Chapter 15 A Friend Indeed
Chapter 16 Desires
Chapter 17 Affection
Chapter 18 Telepathy
Chapter 19 Refusal
Chapter 20 Fright
Chapter 21 Ulf
Chapter 22 Steamy
Chapter 23 Mutual Attachment
Chapter 24 A Frightening Pattern
Chapter 25 Another Telepathy
Chapter 26 My Wish
Chapter 27 Shaman
Chapter 28 Happy Memory
Chapter 29 Am I Dead
Chapter 30 A Beast In The Woods
Chapter 31 Shielding My Pack
Chapter 32 Suspicion
Chapter 33 Tension
Chapter 34 Erotic
Chapter 35 Birthday
Chapter 36 Luna
Chapter 37 Mate
Chapter 38 Bardulf
Chapter 39 A Victim
Chapter 40 Pregnancy
Chapter 41 Pregnancy Hormones
Chapter 42 A Dark Revelation
Chapter 43 My Dark Past
Chapter 44 Reconciliation
Chapter 45 My Mate's Wolf
Chapter 46 Beta Is Missing
Chapter 47 Revelation Of The Beast
Chapter 48 Confirmation
Chapter 49 Contemplation
Chapter 50 Family Reunion
Chapter 51 Unrevealed
Chapter 52 Drums Of War
Chapter 53 Massacre
Chapter 54 Luna Is Missing
Chapter 55 Homeless
Chapter 56 Rumors
Chapter 57 Shaman's Death
Chapter 58 Confession
Chapter 59 Deception
Chapter 60 Follow The Moon
Chapter 61 An Unexpected Companion
Chapter 62 Traveling Back In Time
Chapter 63 Alpha's Adventure
Chapter 64 Revelation Of My Real Parents
Chapter 65 The Abduction
Chapter 66 Glimpse Of Hope
Chapter 67 Barbarians
Chapter 68 The Devil's Den
Chapter 69 Gratitude
Chapter 70 My Unexpected Rescuer
Chapter 71 Back To My Roots
Chapter 72 Unhappy Reunion
Chapter 73 More Than We Bargained For
Chapter 74 Mysterious Ailment
Chapter 75 Ashina's Deal With A Servant
Chapter 76 The Family's Treachery
Chapter 77 Game of Intrigue 1
Chapter 78 Game Of Intrigue 2
Chapter 79 Double Crossing
Chapter 80 Half Victory
Chapter 81 The Cold Hands Of Death
Chapter 82 A Journey To My Love
Chapter 83 After Moons Of Longing
Chapter 84 A Dance Of Fate
Chapter 85 A Common Enemy
Chapter 86 Someone In The Shadows
Chapter 87 A Loose End
Chapter 88 Ashina At Last
Chapter 89 Immense Joy
Chapter 90 My Reality
Chapter 91 Ashina's Demise
Chapter 92 Delusion
Chapter 93 Our Newfound Joy
Chapter 94 Ulf's Return
Chapter 95 Forgiveness
Chapter 96 Home Coming
Chapter 97 My Sister
Chapter 98 Fridolf, Peace
Chapter 99 Another Adventure
Chapter 100 Another Adventure 2
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