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Love till death

Love till death

Author: Peter123
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Word Count: 2123    |    Released on: 09/01/2024

his way. He worked at a little stable near by so he could be able to take care of his aunt and make ends meet at the same time. His aunt has been dealing with cancer for a while now and

n who run a very successful law firm which was growing bigger and bigger every single day. She was a well know and humble young lady from a very rich background and she had just moved there from New York. He didn't accept offer at first but she convinced him into it and he agreed. The next day at work, a car was passing by and he recognized the driver as the lady that helped him the other day. As soon as he s

on't have anything to wear. All i have are old, hand-me-downs and used clothes. That isn't a problem, I can take you shopping to get some new clothes, she said. REALLY!!!!!, He said in excitement. So can you go with me to dinner? I'm sorry but I can leave my aunt alone all by herself in the hou

ice. Who is this little lady, Aunt Sarah asked. She's the girl I've been telling you about aunty, the nice lady that paid for your medicine, he answered. Oh is that so, well then thank you so much for helping me and my nephew, it's been rough these few years after my sister Grace died and I had to take over the family business, I did the best I I could but since I wasn

hey were very rich business owners who were doing pretty well. They died in a car accident just few months after I was born. We were all celebrating my aunt's birthday and they just went to get some drinks and no one expected what would happen next. After an hour, a police man came knocking at the door to break the bad news to us. They were rushed to the hospital and after all the attempts to revive them, nothing worked. After two weeks of trial, they died.

to meet him at the stables. Hi, Alex, she said. Hi Stephanie, he replied. I want you to come and meet my parents. Why, he asked. So you can talk and get to know each other, she replied. Ok, but are you sure they would like to see me, , know I'm not rich and fancy like you, he ad

been telling you about, and Alex these are my parents, she introduced. Oh, so this is the boy you've been talking about, Mr Gordon said. It's a pleasure to meet you sir, Alex implied. Are you going to stay for dinner, Stephanie asked. No, I have to go and help my aunt and I have a lot of things to do. It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Gordon but I have to go now, he said. Ok, do you need me to escort you out, Stephanie asked. No, thanks but I can find me way. Okay, Bye. What was that, Mr Gordon asked. What was that rag doing in our house. RAG!!!, Step

I make sure he gets fired. She said in rage. Don't bother, he said. I was tired of that job anyways. All i do is clean the stables and pack the poo and they don't even pay me well. I'll find another job better than that. He said. Okay, but if you need my help with it, don't be hesitant to tell me. Okay no problem. For the past week, he tried looking for a job but no one was hiring so he started doing meanial tasks around the neighborhood till he could be able to find a new job. A few days past and he was able to get a job as a sale

k a young lady named Kassandra who lived near by. She was to resume the following day. She got to Alex's house, she wasn't expecting to find out that Aunt Sarah was her old boss back when she

ing to work, she answered. I'm sorry to hear that but you know they just want the best for you. What best, she said. All they ever think about is themselves and who is going to be their successor. What about you, you are their aren't you their daughter,

lot of time together and even begin to sta

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