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Love till death

Love till death

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A man who fell in love with a girl but will he overcome the challenges when he finds out he has a long lost twin brother who has the same feeling for her.Who will succeed


Once upon a time in a little town called san Fransisco, there once lived a young man named Alex who lived in a cottage just out of town with his aunt Sarah but no one knew what was coming his way. He worked at a little stable near by so he could be able to take care of his aunt and make ends meet at the same time. His aunt has been dealing with cancer for a while now and he has to be around the neighborhood in case of emergencies. One day, he went to get some medicine for his aunt cause it was due and he didn't know what was going to happen at that moment.

He got to pharmacy and got the drugs he needed and went to the counter to pay it turned out that he was 5 dollars short and couldn't pay for it. The attendance started getting annoyed and order him to leave and he even threatened to call security. As he was about to leave the store, a young lady approached him and offered to pay for the medicine. Her name was Stephanie , the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon who run a very successful law firm which was growing bigger and bigger every single day. She was a well know and humble young lady from a very rich background and she had just moved there from New York. He didn't accept offer at first but she convinced him into it and he agreed. The next day at work, a car was passing by and he recognized the driver as the lady that helped him the other day. As soon as he saw her, he felt that he had to stop her and thanked her for helping him. Then he got the courage to approached her saying, thanks for helping me out the other day. No problem, I was just happy to help, she said. Please what is your name? He asked. And she replied, I'm Stephanie, what about you? He answered, I'm Alex. That's a nice name, she added. At that point, exchanged contacts and went their separate ways.

Soon after, they became very good friends, they call each other often, make each other laugh, visit themselves on daily basis and they became the best of friends. One day, when she stopped by, she asked if she could treat him to dinner. He said, I'd love to have dinner with you tonight but I don't have anything to wear. All i have are old, hand-me-downs and used clothes. That isn't a problem, I can take you shopping to get some new clothes, she said. REALLY!!!!!, He said in excitement. So can you go with me to dinner? I'm sorry but I can leave my aunt alone all by herself in the house, He added. Is that all, she said, your aunt can come along with us, that way we will get to know each other better. Okay, then that means I can go with you to dinner then, he said. Okay I'll come pick you up later today so we can go shopping before dinner. Okay, sounds good to me, He implied.

Later that day, she picked him up and they went shopping , they had a lot of fun and a very good time and then, they went to dinner. You look beautiful Stephanie, he said awkwardly. You too Alex, she said also awkwardly. Are you and your aunt all ready? Yeah just a sec. AUNT SARAH, WE'RE READY TO GO!!!,He screamed out loud. I'm coming dear, she answered in a fainty voice. Who is this little lady, Aunt Sarah asked. She's the girl I've been telling you about aunty, the nice lady that paid for your medicine, he answered. Oh is that so, well then thank you so much for helping me and my nephew, it's been rough these few years after my sister Grace died and I had to take over the family business, I did the best I I could but since I wasn't experienced in that aspect, I just had to sell the store and it has been down hill ever since. Aunt Sarah narrated. I'm so sorry to hear about that but I can assure you that everything happens for a reason, Stephanie encourages. Ok so if we don't want to be late we have to get going. Okay let me just get my purse. Aunt Sarah said. Okay but don't be long. Alex added.

Thank you so much for all your doing to help me and my aunt, i really appreciate it. Don't mention it, she said. So shall we, she asked. We shall, he answered. As they approached the restaurant, they sat down, ordered and started a conversation. So Stephanie, where are you from, Aunt Sarah asked. New York but we moved here recently because of my dad's promotion. Speaking of dad's, where are your parents? Stephanie asked. They died when I was just a baby. They were very rich business owners who were doing pretty well. They died in a car accident just few months after I was born. We were all celebrating my aunt's birthday and they just went to get some drinks and no one expected what would happen next. After an hour, a police man came knocking at the door to break the bad news to us. They were rushed to the hospital and after all the attempts to revive them, nothing worked. After two weeks of trial, they died. Or at least that's what I heard, I don't remember cause I was so little back then. I never knew my father or my mother. Aunt Sarah raised me from when I was just few months old. I don't even remember what they look like. Then I had to step up and help my aunt to make a living but I haven't had any luck, even with my diploma I haven't gotten any reasonable business opportunities yet. He said sobbing. It's okay Alex. I'm here for you. She said comforting him.

After an hour, they finished up left for home. Thank you for inviting me to dinner with you tonight, I really enjoyed it. He said. No problem, she replied. Okay so I guess I'll see you tomorrow, he said stammering. Bye, she said waving at him and his aunt. The next day, she went to meet him at the stables. Hi, Alex, she said. Hi Stephanie, he replied. I want you to come and meet my parents. Why, he asked. So you can talk and get to know each other, she replied. Ok, but are you sure they would like to see me, , know I'm not rich and fancy like you, he added. I don't care about that and they won't either. I just want you to meet them that's all. She said. Okay, since it's just a brief visit I'll go and meet your parents. Excellent, here's my address. She said handing him piece of paper. Okay, so see you later. He said as she left.

Later, after work, he went over to her house. Mom, dad, Stephanie said. Yes darling, They answered. I invited a guest over for dinner tonight. A guest, they thought. Is it that young man who you have been telling us about. Yes, he's coming over for dinner, she answered. KNOCK KNOCK. Who's there, she asked. It's me Alex. Oh, your here. Come in, she said. Your house is very nice, he added. Thanks. Just stay here and I'll go and get my parents, she said. Okay. Good evening Mr and Mrs Gordon, he greeted the couple. Mom, dad, this is my friend, the one I've been telling you about, and Alex these are my parents, she introduced. Oh, so this is the boy you've been talking about, Mr Gordon said. It's a pleasure to meet you sir, Alex implied. Are you going to stay for dinner, Stephanie asked. No, I have to go and help my aunt and I have a lot of things to do. It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Gordon but I have to go now, he said. Ok, do you need me to escort you out, Stephanie asked. No, thanks but I can find me way. Okay, Bye. What was that, Mr Gordon asked. What was that rag doing in our house. RAG!!!, Stephanie shouted. Are you serious. He is a nice guy, is it because he doesn't have money or fancy clothes. Yes, that is exactly the reason. Mrs Gordon said. How could you stoop so low to be friends with such a low life considering you societal status, Mr Gordon added. I hope he's just a friend and nothing else. You guys are being ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with Alex, he's just a guy that has been down on his luck, she said. Okay, but don't even think about dating or having any kind of relationship with that thing. Mr Gordon said as he walked away.

The next day, she stopped by the stables to check on him and he was not there. She tried calling him but his number didn't go through so she went to look for him at his house. When she got there she saw him sitting on the bed watching his sick aunt and she asked, what are you doing here. I was fired, he replied. FIRED, She said angrily. What happened? He said I'm not punctual and I don't get my work done on time because of I'm too busy taking care of my sick aunt. HE SAID THAT TO YOU!!!!, I can believe it. I'm going to go there and I make sure he gets fired. She said in rage. Don't bother, he said. I was tired of that job anyways. All i do is clean the stables and pack the poo and they don't even pay me well. I'll find another job better than that. He said. Okay, but if you need my help with it, don't be hesitant to tell me. Okay no problem. For the past week, he tried looking for a job but no one was hiring so he started doing meanial tasks around the neighborhood till he could be able to find a new job. A few days past and he was able to get a job as a sales boy at a little establishment with little pay. Hi Alex, Stephanie said. Hi Stephanie, he replied. So how is your new job? Okay, but the only problem is, it doesn't give me enough time to take care of my aunt. Why don't you hire a maid to help you out in the house and help take care of your aunt? She asked. I barely get paid enough myself, talking of hiring a maid, he replied. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Really, he exclaimed. No, thats too much. No problem, besides, you already do enough as it is. Thank you so much, he said.

The next day , he put up fliers all over the place for a maid who would help him take care of his aunt and it seemed to catch the attention of many people. After interview all of them. He pick a young lady named Kassandra who lived near by. She was to resume the following day. She got to Alex's house, she wasn't expecting to find out that Aunt Sarah was her old boss back when she had her store so they got along really well which made Alex feel better and more comfortable leaving his aunt with her. Soon after, he left for work rest assured his aunt is was in great hands.

He went over to work just to find Stephanie seated waiting for him. What happened, he asked. My parents keep bringing men from every angle for me. I don't even know why they won't leave me alone and let me be, I just came her to get some rest before going to work, she answered. I'm sorry to hear that but you know they just want the best for you. What best, she said. All they ever think about is themselves and who is going to be their successor. What about you, you are their aren't you their daughter, he asked. Yes, but what they believes is that can only be succeeded by a male. Well that sucks, because you'd fit the part. Thanks for listening. I'd better get to work now, she said. I guess I'll see you later then, he said awkwardly. Okay then, Bye.

Time passed by and they start spending a lot of time together and even begin to start falling for each other little by little.

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