img You Belong To Me! Ex-Wife  /  Chapter 5 Regretting | 4.42%
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Chapter 5 Regretting

Word Count: 1627    |    Released on: 19/01/2024

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Trey finished his breakfast and left for work. On the way to the office, his cell phone started ringing, he checked the caller ID to see Valerie's name, and a tender smile braced his lips.

"Valerie, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I've missed you, I want to see you," Valerie said in her sweet gentle voice. Trey smiled and told her he'd come and pick her up in half an hour. He asked his driver to change route to Valerie's apartment.

After ending the call, he called his private secretary and canceled all his appointments till the afternoon, and asked her to book a suite at the LEISUREQ hotel and send him the details.

In 30 minutes, his car was parked inside the parking lot of Valerie's apartment. In a few minutes, she came walking out of the elevator. Trey's bodyguard opened the car for her.

"Thank you," Valerie said entering the car. Trey scowled angrily.

"What happened?" Valerie asked, noticing Trey's expression.

a mental note to teach that bodyguard a les

The car stops at the LEISUREQ hotel underground parking lot within 30 minutes later. LEISUREQ Hotel is one of the many hotels owned by Trey. But he decided on a regular suite today, to avoid news spreading of him taking a mistress to his penthouse.

Yeah, as much as it angered him, he couldn't deny the fact that his grandfather, parents, and everyone in Pearl City knew of his marriage. 
Trey helps Valerie out and they walk into the hotel through the private door into the lobby.

hand around her waist, he helped her to the elevator, as they both smiled at each ot

On reaching their suite, he headed straight to the bedroom and sat her on the bed. It had been a week since they last saw each other, he was dying to taste her lips. But he has to attend to her leg first.

ly her feet after massaging it, but Va

"I want you Trey, I want you to make love to me, please..., we've been dating for 4 years now why won't you make love to me?" Valerie asked with despair visible in her eyes. He watched as she kept biting her lower lips, he had to stop himself from reaching out to pull her lip out of her teeth.

"I love you very much, Valerie." He lowered his head to her, then took her lips in his as they shared a passionate kiss. He pushed her gently onto the bed.
 "I need you, Valerie." He murmured into her mouth, as his hand cupped her breast, kneading it, while his other hand caressed her hips moving down towards her thigh, but halted abruptly when he heard the voice of Lisa's frail voice.

want her to know about his relationship with Valerie yet. He wante

and on Valerie, even though he had he couldn't watch her hurt his love, he didn't mind when she slap

he ended up hitting her again, and his heart painfully ached, both times he laid his hand on Lisa but feigned nonchalance. When he cou

artment and apologized to her

he divorce papers to sign. Soon I will be waking up to you

"I love you," Valerie sweetly said.

wards the elevator. She turned and waved at Trey sweetly. Trey smiled back

"To the office," Trey said, his tone back to its usual coldness.

"Yes sir"


The next day afternoon. 
Trey stared at his laptop as his secretary, Lucy explained the presentation for a project to him. His phone rings.

"Break for lunch." He said dismissing her.

Lucy said walking

"Nathan? What do you want?" He said the moment he connected the call.

u when I need help du

"Okay, so why did you call?" Trey questioned.

I already invited K

"Okay. Let's meet at the Trixmax in 15 minutes then." Trey said, hanging up the call.

Trixmax is his favorite restaurant, their menu has the best foods. He used to take Lisa but stopped when he and Valerie made up. 
He arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes later. He instructed his men to stand back.

, he doesn't need his bodyguards following him wherever

en an enemy will a

Trey joined his friends at their table. They ordered and the food and wine were delivered. They ate and talked about business strategies, stock prices, investments, and projects they should invest in.
 Just then he heard,

"Lisa..?" His friend Nathan called. He paused and listened, in case his earring was wrong.

"Nathan..." he heard her voice speak, she's indeed here, Trey smiled, stunned by his own emotions. But his mood changed when he heard her say.

"If I knew it was you guys, I would not have approached." 'That phrase. 
How dare she say that,' he thought angrily. Lisa belongs to him, so long as he's still her husband. He stared at her angrily. He retained his anger and focus on their conversation. But when Lisa said,

"There are situations she rather avoids" and was glad to meet Kelvin and Nathan but not him!? he knew her words were meant for him, and yes, it did hurt him. So he retorted back to make her know just how her words hurt him. Even though she was looking awesomely tempting right now.

"You have 5 days left to sign the papers and..."

n't need your money, Trey..., I married you not because of

"I don't love you, Lisa," He said to spite her, but her immediate answer made his heart skip a beat.

"Same here, I used to love you, but I don't anymore, all I feel for you is pure hatred, nothing else." When she said that, it took every fiber in him to not stand up and carry her home and fuck her till she cannot walk the next morning.

'What the heck is wrong with him? Is he regretting letting her go? He hates Lisa. It's Valerie he loves. He should be happy, he's finally rid himself of Lisa.' He thought.

"Trey... does that mean you guys are divorced? She already signed it?" Kelvin asked. 

"And you were a witness," Trey answered sarcastically. His heart was on the verge of bursting out of his chest.

u want to let her go, Lisa is one in a million, if you

"Yeah, you better think twice before letting go of such a woman, like Lisa," Kelvin added. Already, Trey was contemplating whether to run after Lisa or let her go.

dy always had a strong reaction to her, he could make love with her, and even though he al

Letting Lisa go would mean him going back to his old ways, one he quit when he had intimacy with Lisa. But listening to his confidants now, he was sure he wants Lisa in his life, fuck all revenge. 
He quickly stood up and ran out of the restaurant. His bodyguards at the door upon noticing their boss, became alert.

"Boss..?" they said in unison, staring at their boss in confusion.

"Where is she?" He growled, looking around the parking lot. "Where's Lisa!!?" 
"Sir? Madam left a few minutes ago. She also left home early at dawn with her bags to her old apartment." Brad explained. 
"Why didn't you fucking stop her!!?" He barked.

"Sir...? You.. asked her to leave," Brad said, dumbfounded by his boss's question. Trey passes his hand roughly through his hair. 
"Go bring her back home, and do it right this instant!" Trey roared in a domineering tone, making Brad and his colleagues shiver. After that, he strode to his car, entered the driver's seat, and sped off ignoring the calls of his friends, driver, and bodyguards.



Chapter 1 Divorce Chapter 2 Never letting go Chapter 3 Letting go Chapter 4 Banquet Chapter 5 Regretting Chapter 6 Windy bay
Chapter 7 Encounter
Chapter 8 Frustrated
Chapter 9 New beginning
Chapter 10 Beginning of something new
Chapter 11 The Underworld
Chapter 12 Friendship
Chapter 13 Don Antonio
Chapter 14 Application for Godparent
Chapter 15 Valerie
Chapter 16 Lisa for Trey
Chapter 17 Babies
Chapter 18 Giving up on Lisa
Chapter 19 Ladies first
Chapter 20 Little Martina
Chapter 21 Their reunion
Chapter 22 Birthday party for Luis and Clara
Chapter 23 You're our leader
Chapter 24 That man is the devil's advocate
Chapter 25 You're mine!
Chapter 26 A Weakling posing as him
Chapter 27 Four years later
Chapter 28 Spoiled Princess
Chapter 29 Rich heiress
Chapter 30 The skilled surgeon
Chapter 31 Hades (the god of death)
Chapter 32 A plan to finally get Trey to marry her
Chapter 33 You promise
Chapter 34 Deal
Chapter 35 The little boy back then
Chapter 36 You were busy
Chapter 37 The promise
Chapter 38 The Queen of the Underworld
Chapter 39 The Good Doctor
Chapter 40 Intermission 1
Chapter 41 Intermission 2
Chapter 42 The weird man
Chapter 43 The return
Chapter 44 Trey meets Luis
Chapter 45 Sorry Dad
Chapter 46 The comeback
Chapter 47 Encountering Lisa after six years
Chapter 48 Drugged by Trey
Chapter 49 I love you
Chapter 50 Drugged
Chapter 51 Make things right
Chapter 52 Trey's son
Chapter 53 Spying on Lisa and Lucas
Chapter 54 Lucas
Chapter 55 I never stopped
Chapter 56 The Mastermind
Chapter 57 Gunshot
Chapter 58 Double personality
Chapter 59 DNA
Chapter 60 Don't hate me
Chapter 61 Drama queen
Chapter 62 I hate you, trey collin
Chapter 63 Poker face
Chapter 64 I promise
Chapter 65 Baby steps
Chapter 66 His queen
Chapter 67 Stay with me
Chapter 68 Like what you see
Chapter 69 A family heirloom
Chapter 70 Trey's dilemma
Chapter 71 Crazy bitch
Chapter 72 Where is my wife
Chapter 73 Say you believe me.
Chapter 74 Confronting Valerie
Chapter 75 If you want to see Luis, come to me
Chapter 76 Grant him his wish
Chapter 77 The reunion
Chapter 78 Old Master Collins
Chapter 79 As a just person myself
Chapter 80 You belong to me! Lisa
Chapter 81 My love
Chapter 82 You thought I was Valerie
Chapter 83 I didn't steal it!
Chapter 84 The little girl who survived
Chapter 85 Lunatic family
Chapter 86 A plan
Chapter 87 My Love
Chapter 88 Her children's life.
Chapter 89 Dragon wrath
Chapter 90 A loud explosion
Chapter 91 High resolution binoculars
Chapter 92 Old Mansion
Chapter 93 Fausto is dead
Chapter 94 I'm never leaving you again
Chapter 95 One big family
Chapter 96 Don't stop
Chapter 97 Old Master Collins
Chapter 98 Her family's past
Chapter 99 unexpected surge of emotions
Chapter 100 I won't force you again, Jade
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