img Spiderman: across the spider verse  /  Chapter 2 Miles morales | 33.33%
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Chapter 2 Miles morales

Word Count: 582    |    Released on: 21/07/2023

all alone, and he allows her to go with them.Several months later in Brooklyn on Earth-1610, a new small time villain named The Spot tries, unsuccessfully, t

ing insulted that Spider-Man thinks of him as low-tier villain.While teleporting all over, the three of them end up in ruins of the Alchemax collider. The Spot tells Spider-Man that this is where they were both created, as Spot used to be a scientist at Alchemax (the one who Miles threw a bagel at in the first film), and ran the test which brought the spider that bit Miles through from another dimension. Likewise, when Miles destroyed the collider, the energy released caused an accident that turned Spot permanently into the humanoid portal creature his is now. The Spot was shunned by his colleagues, friends, and even family for his condition. He becomes enraged, and tries to attack Spider-Man and Lieutenant Morales, but accidentally kicks himself into a deep portal, which closes behind him. Jeff is frustrated that the criminal got away, as well as all the property damage caused by the fight. He confides in Spider-Man about his struggles to be a good father and husband,

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