ted and the morning light appeared to b
t into the distance, where the lights scattere
was a cup
dates. After that, he had to perform three solo performances in a row through stages to
tist's soul, but his mother was different. Certificates of merit or med
ished everything
ere proof that she ra
oang encouraged Thang Vu
he slowly lowered the curtain and went b
ging his clothes, there was a
d gently turned the round lock because he k
her, l
. Her two centipede-shaped cu
the door, and entered th
ed from twenty to thirty-two,
r. Nha Tien's father was a major shareholder of Thang Minh company and he was also a
n and women in Nha Tien's heart, Thang Vu remained indifferent and unmoved
delicious food to your taste.
id and read the addre
oreign cuisine and he only liked the taste of his h
as very sad and worried that he would lose weight and not
ou don't have to worry.
n first prize after you eat this breakfast. -
his head because he
third prize or the consolation prize, b
ed itself as one of the premier opportunities for musici
t in the musical life of this
ist of the top piano, violin, and cello performers in the world. Most of
in? - Thang Vu turned his head and look
ize. I mainly follo
h appearance made
streets and stopped in
t to pay and then he an
staurant was enough to make
t. You have fo
said whil
also foll
d her friends because she wanted
childhood, she had a few close friends and they kept in touch until now. Sometimes wh
d with the taste of his homeland, he ate more, but compare
ate was always slow and gentl
on TV too. - Nha Tien hastily swallo
n company holiday.
ees in the company are on vaca
m here, Mai Hoang was
change channels continuously. Occasionally, she looked up at the clock hanging on
d just finished cleaning everything. Afte
iving room, Mai Hoang's call
, I will show you my
oang's side and stood behind the mistres
vertisement and she saw the handsome angular face of the ma
a hybrid look. She did not
y, it's only a
r hand on the sofa next to her
g its end, it was not surprising t
ild every step of the way from toddler to adult had told her that
she obediently obeyed Mai Hoang
San's breath and made her feel very close, even though it was
e cake on the table and
showed Thi San how t
n because Tam Lan helped her fi
been passionate about piano since he was a ch
y smiled when she saw
ere certificates of merit from her classes, but all of that becam
lock hit eight o'clock, th
e jury, the contest officially started wi
Tien. She is my son
ai Hoang say that the girl sitting in f
r a flowing dress and waved her fi
TV seemed to
use resounded throughout the auditorium and continued to b
secretly guessed that her son was the last
Hoang hissed in confusio
ere the camera was filming a close-up of the handsome
is hair was divided into two parts to let it loo
slowly sat down next to the p
eir breath so as not to miss any mel
seems to bring people to
the young man playing the piano in the middle of
aven painted his face
he applause sounded, Thi San still
and asked Thi San how she fel
ne for the gods. I like to see a f
sparkling eyes full of emotion ma
showed that she felt
e. If you like, you can sneak upstairs