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Chapter 7 Immortal-Killing Flying Dagger

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 20/02/2023

in his mind, Lin Mu immediately understood why

cultivation reached an extreme state, it was just like the

he later stage, it could collect the breath of heaven, earth, and the universe and absorb the essence of t


a s

was completely beyond th

ethods that could overwhelm the sea and control t

vation methods were negligible com

dge was only the first Lost Knowle

horrible, then how great would

ust because of that such descriptions were too

An old voice suddenly came

was startled. He felt creepy a

in front of you." The

He saw the dragon flying dagger in fron

gure came out fro

almly. He had a pressure that smothered Lin Mu. Under this kind

you?" Lin Mu'

ompletely appeared in front of

Lin Mu's pupils wer

s the body of the soul. I am almost a g

ce and his eye showed fear, "W

be a ghost. It inevitably reminded Lin Mu of some secret stories recorde

us elder was full of disdain. But before he finished speaking, he stopped and turned into a sigh, "Forget it, what I said had no meanin

qi. Otherwise, with his horrible breath, if he wanted to borrow someone else's body to restore Yang qi, he could directly do it. He didn't need to say such nonsense at a

ly, Lin Mu certainly knew

in the secular world, they could not do whatever they wanted in

d noncommittally, "These things are not important. What you

r? You know the name of this d

wner." Lin Mu was shocked by

in it. The Yellow River is actually an Ancestral Dragon, which is the source of civilization and the spiritual meridian of heaven and earth. The Immortal-Killing Flying Dagger is also called the Ancestral Dragon Flying Dagger. For the sake of the or

mysterious elder obviously didn't know t

s finally reached its peak. After a sufficient arrangement, I am ready to b

ed it. Also, at this moment, the Immortal-Killing Flying Dagger that was stained by the blood of Kun Peng woke up. At that moment, I suddenly realized that the blood of Kun Peng was the starting point to stimulate the Immortal-Killing Flying Dagger. Unfo

, my consciousness felt vague that Meteorite

ssy and a frightening t

on Kun Peng's back. Meteorite Lake is the wound th

ve seen through Lin Mu's thoughts

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