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Chapter 3 Truths From the Past

Word Count: 1849    |    Released on: 12/12/2022



are odd characters, but I don't pay their odd quirks any attention. After all, eac

they were the greatest beings this planet could offer, but as men go, we often hunt for what we do not understand. We did n

s time it is different, this time it is one of us, who is doing the hunting. About three weeks ago, the slayings started. It was simple at first; there was no real pattern

e killer is a lyceum. I can't explain why I think he is right, but I just do. Some may call it a sixth sense, some may s

does. I am not like the others here. I cannot shift my form, and I am no warrior. Heck, I can't weave magic or anything. I have my potions and spells, but as I am findi


nto the book as though he had just discovered a great treasure. "Damn," he mumbled as he stared at the words. He blew out a b

tabletop. His long legs seemed like rubber, and he had trouble walking the short distance to the table where he gently set the worn journal to rest on the cluttered mess. Jimmy knew of the wol

A pack of Marlboro Mediums lay on the table next to the book and he just stared hoping the book would somehow flip its page. Finally, he found the courage to light

am going to be later than I thought. I found something, and I want to investigate more. I will be home soon. I promise." He left the me



o walked the sands who were not quite human, and I don't mean as in evil, but just not human. I had been down near the docks when I heard

ere shoving each other back and forth. Then unexpectedly I watched the taller of the two grow in height

turn away. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. I think I passed out because when I awo

e first night. The second night I slept at Maggie's house. Finally, after the third day of no sle

e club was for tourists mostly. They offered loud bands and over-watered drinks for a reasonable price. But th

most intense blue eyes I had ever seen. He turned out very cool, and as the night wore on, we talk

alk away, but instead, he gave me a card with a number and told me to call him if I ever needed anything. When I woke up, I had the

on business, and after seeing the thing in the alley, I guess I figured the more

some bad, and some just unsure about what they should be.

e twilight realm. I'm learning about the history of Wolfin and the societ


everal years before. He had been assigned to the case with his new p


y. On the right corner of his desk sat an ashtray overflowing with butts. On the filing cabinet behind him was a stack of half-full coffee cups and several flies seemed to buzz the cups with great interest. He'd had

oice. He liked the night, and it gave him a chance to face the shadows he had once run from. He had just started pouring a fresh cup of coffee into a semi-clean cup when the squad room door opened. He glance

is coffee all over his desk. Jimmy looked up to see the

as your partner, for now," the gruff police officer said in a strained voice. He al

as he watched the woman take the desk across from him. "I work alone you

part of that deal. You two have fun." The chief turned and walked away not giving Jimmy a chance to rebut. As he passed Joshua's desk he smirked,

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