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Chapter 3 The Dark Decade

Word Count: 1390    |    Released on: 05/11/2022

r floating in the air, an exponential rise in sulfides, and ubiquitous radiation that would not dissipate for many years. H

it was probably to be able to strengthen the rule of all the people of the Federation. But now her priority is to sur

license, social security card and a series of other things. Without this ID terminal, one cannot survive in the Federation. Since she is a soldier, her ID has been changed to military ID since she joined the army, which is not

natural birth of human babies were born, and all children born after that were artificially bred new human beings. Women had a huge head start in the evolution, because of the disappearance of fertility, women no longer suffer from menstruation, nor the burden of pregnancy, the pain of childbirth, coupled with a substantial increase in

eptember of the new calendar year, the World Federal Republic has been founded 119 years. During these 119 years, a lot of things happened,

searched classified military supplies back to Athena's City. They met with an accident on the way back, and the munitions were not lost, but the team got separated. The Griffin Outfield Base Station is located one hundred and forty kilometers southeast of Clas

collected the plates and left, she got out of bed, put on her camouflage uniform, put

to provide a wide range of prod

, and that the content of the email was simple, asking about her situation. The second email came from Second Lieutenant Atticus Joseph, the squadron adjutant of the Left Wing Sub Squadron. Atticus Joseph's fi

ry of the Federation, the greatest leader, and the leader of the Hundred Years' Struggle. She unite

he evolution of the new human. Although there is no exaggerated special ability in those science fiction novels, but the new human really happened not a small change. In addition to the substantial improvement in physical quality, intellectual thinking pro

than ten years had dissipated because of coming into this world. She, as a Les, simply had to kneel down and wor

be premeditated, and that humans had merely advanced the process themselves. In the cracked Grand Canyon, in the eruption of volcanoes, in the extrusion of the birth of a new mountain, began to a

she is the only one who has this special treatm

one o'clock, it's time

citement, the second point that

guely painful, she hit the curtain to go

tand that it is a threat to human survival environment of the terrible alien. They have the ability to fly, burrowing ability, diving ability, a

proximately under the cerebellum, so that the brain waves were monitored by the chip detection, and through a series of complex calculations, the camp division of each person was derived. With the continuous improvement of technology and the emergence

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