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Reading History

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 14/07/2022


d back in to consiousness slowly, but the minute he did, he immediately re

s knee while his Father taught him to ride a bicycle, or when he

or the second time, Richard knew he needed to, if he wanted to see his Mo

e position for way too long, also having no idea of whe

em. He drag in another long breath, exhaled, before trying again, but

was at the brim of almost bursting into tears. Using both of

arranged at a corner in the room, the switched off television. He also not

n his body. He can never forget the piece of clo

is anyb

e voice, after cracking his

mum and dad make it lik

ept running in ci

he wished his parents would. But then almost immediately, his hope was shattered had when a woman wearing a white l

ctor Mary Jane. How a

mining his whole body again, eve

here? Can you te

questions, she shine

the tears in anymore

y! Mummy, I

h a broken heart. He is too small and innoc

d that he used to cover his eyes while crying. With his hand

ld me that you are a big boy. And yo

hard ear. At that point she had successfully g

don't cr

s her statement with

ation, that I'm a strong boy, that she should not worry I'm fine. I'm not feeling any pain,

in front of the Doctor waiting for her

he said, giving him a look that spelled pity. She was awestruck, how d

ards scratching her fingers against themselves. She k

ld, he was very s

Are they injured lik

your Aunt? Should I

nt would be in the best position to relate the news to him since she

rstand him, he wasn't requesting for his Aun

I don't want her to be worried. I need to see her and know how she is doing, and If she's hurt li

p and let's go Richard an

the doctor to the voice t

This Doctor is not calling Mummy, can

excuse she and her nephew, Rose didn't

em, your stubbornness made them die, you

e scream

my sister would still be here with me, you killed your

ied with them ungrateful child. It's obvious you can walk, since you hav

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