img An Eye for an Eye  /  Chapter 6 No.6 | 26.09%
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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2389    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

bail she

t about the cliffs and the birds and the seals he had shot, and she had felt that it was this, something like this, that was needed to make life so sweet that as yet there need be no longing, no thought, for eternity. It was not that all at once she loved him, but she felt that he was a thing to love. His very appearance on the cliff, and the po

em," said Fred. "I believe there is no other

t you?" aske

a kind of institution. There ain't any tigers, and so we shoot birds. And in

argued," sa

calling the priest by his familiar priestly name, as strangers do much more readily than they who belong to the country,-"I'll tell you what

e in shooting a seal. But you can do nothing with those bir

had been seen with them often enough, and the story had become sufficiently current at Liscannor to make Lady Mary Quin think that she was justified in sending her bad news to her friend Lady Scroope. This she did not do till Fred had been induced, with some difficulty, to pass

mysteries to us,

fe," said Fred boldly, "and I should say the handsomest woman, if i

dy Mary Quin, and after that th

e's name as though she herself liked the man, though she even was gracious to him when he shewed himself near the cottage,-still there was a deep dread upon her when her eyes rested upon him, when her thoughts flew to him. Men are wolves to women, and utterly merciless when feeding high their lust. 'Twas thus her own thoughts shaped themselves, though she never uttered a syllable to her daughter in disparagement of the man. This was the girl's chance. Was she to rob her of it? And yet, of all her duties, was not the duty of protecting her girl the highest and the dearest that she owned? If the man meant well by her girl, she would wash his feet with her hair, kiss the hem of his garments, and love the spot on which she had first seen him stand like a young sea-god. But if evil,-if he meant evil to her girl, if he should do evil to her Kate,-then she knew that there was so much of the tiger within her bosom as would serve to rend him limb from limb. With such thoughts as these she had hardly ever left th

g them that his boat would be again there on another, life was blessed to her, and that, therefore, when he should have left them, her life would be accursed to her

atter he would have declared that he liked the mother quite as well as the daughter. When Lady Mary Quin had thrown at him her very blunt arrow he had defended himself on that plea. Accident, and the spirit of adventure, had thrust these ladies in his path, and no doubt he liked them the better because they did not live as other people lived. Their solitude, the close vicinity of the ocean, the feeling that in meeting them none of the ordinary conventional usages of

," he said, a day or t

u're g

has to cut one's lump of Christmas beef and also one's lump

ss to have a fa

e. I don't grumble. Only it's

g back to Enni

not coming back. I'm to dine with Father Marty at Liscannor on the 15th of January,

f such a good fellow, Mr. Nevi

another skin of the same size by that time." Then he shook hands with them both, and there wa

membered that he had told her of his intention to dine with the priest. On the Sunday she saw Mr. Marty after mass, and managed to have

to dine with me on Thursday,-only I think n

he was to

o be a very ould man, Misthress O'Hara; but I'm not

to see a brigh

r shot so much as a sparrow, meself, but I love to hear them talk of their shootings, and huntings, a

aken a fancy to h

how could y

he did not understand her. "If I were alone, as you are, I could afford, like you, to indu

're not in your tantrums, Misthress O'Hara." The priest was a privileged person, and could say what he liked to his f

f this young man more than is good for her?" Father Marty raised his hat and beg

, Misthres

she like

he likes it," s

t will c

ss O'Hara. Would you want to keep


it's to be that way wid her, she'd better be a nun al

y fit for so

o reason she must take chance with the rest of 'em. She's been too much shut up already. Let her keep her heart till he asks her for it; but if he does ask her

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