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Chapter 27 Global warming and Batman

Word Count: 1337    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

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roy the building they both were in. He was still crouched down on the floor,

cool right?" Her voice came

—— locked chapter ——
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Chapter 1 Playing Santa Chapter 2 No Substitute Chapter 3 Lunch dates and 1000 ways to kill Bryan Chapter 4 Dreading the crack of dawn Chapter 5 Once a fairytale now a nightmare Chapter 6 Putting up a fight Chapter 7 Full moon Chapter 8 Prince Tristan
Chapter 9 Prince Lucius (Satan)
Chapter 10 Dying and going to heaven
Chapter 11 Wants and admissions
Chapter 12 Cloaks over lace
Chapter 13 Roses are blue, Violets are red.
Chapter 14 Illusions and Banters
Chapter 15 Queen Reginald
Chapter 16 Girl in the mirror
Chapter 17 Reconciliation between the Devil and God
Chapter 18 Mother-in-laws
Chapter 19 Spell on my hair
Chapter 20 Prince cold and warm
Chapter 21 A deal
Chapter 22 The Truth always sets free
Chapter 23 Fight, Kimberly
Chapter 24 Standing up for the human
Chapter 25 Faye, the fairest
Chapter 26 Filthy human girl
Chapter 27 Global warming and Batman
Chapter 28 Not Barbie's Ken
Chapter 29 Who said happiness isn't free
Chapter 30 You human, you are something!
Chapter 31 A human; Queen of all Queens
Chapter 32 Saif, is there a possibility that you can read my mind
Chapter 33 Unconquerable
Chapter 34 His human, his Kimberly
Chapter 35 Murder in broad daylight
Chapter 36 A four year old in a man's body
Chapter 37 Homesick
Chapter 38 Egoistic god
Chapter 39 Perks and a self absorbed Prince
Chapter 40 A clone of a clone
Chapter 41 Sorry for hearing and not listening
Chapter 42 Two Reginald
Chapter 43 Night Terrors
Chapter 44 What are you
Chapter 45 Abba, Lucius and consro
Chapter 46 What are you so scared of
Chapter 47 Scar you
Chapter 48 Stab of desire
Chapter 49 What do you want from me, Kimberly
Chapter 50 More questions in an answer
Chapter 51 Go screw yourself Mr. Scum
Chapter 52 Gorgeousness in fabric
Chapter 53 Almost royalty
Chapter 54 Who are you and what have you done to my Kimberly
Chapter 55 Decide if you hate her or not
Chapter 56 Hell would freeze over
Chapter 57 Getting used to being invisible
Chapter 58 Vague Words and sorrowful blue pools
Chapter 59 The prettiest ones and darkness
Chapter 60 Never lose guard
Chapter 61 Sick Prince
Chapter 62 Atoning for his sins
Chapter 63 Indiosia and its Mysteries
Chapter 64 You are in luck
Chapter 65 Like mother like son
Chapter 66 Guardian demon
Chapter 67 It wasn't a mask, It was a face
Chapter 68 Brutal honest opinion
Chapter 69 Daisies and fresh rain
Chapter 70 Devil's grandson
Chapter 71 Demon's nest
Chapter 72 What can you offer me
Chapter 73 Tasting her
Chapter 74 Desperation is not a good color on you
Chapter 75 No chance in hell
Chapter 76 A respected harlot
Chapter 77 Another key didn't fit into any padlock
Chapter 78 Royal therapist
Chapter 79 Recognizing the sound of your laughter
Chapter 80 You have me
Chapter 81 She didn't need sweet Saif
Chapter 82 Prince Lucan
Chapter 83 You're home to me Kimberly
Chapter 84 A fight
Chapter 85 Puppet master
Chapter 86 The in love version of you
Chapter 87 He had fallen
Chapter 88 Anger and Pride
Chapter 89 Kimberlyphobia
Chapter 90 Night visit
Chapter 91 Someone is watching me
Chapter 92 Rebirth
Chapter 93 Tiptoeing around possibilities
Chapter 94 Another kind of monsters
Chapter 95 Kimberly's
Chapter 96 Supplies of problems
Chapter 97 Unfamiliar scary feelings
Chapter 98 Effortlessly Attractive
Chapter 99 A pain in his royal ass
Chapter 100 Brimmed with falsehood
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