rests as well as rivers to heading to north and take a path that would otherwise be safe from cheol's army. Aft
se in turn. The girl must immediately adjust as a special forces in order to protect herself and survive on
gdom who has the highest body among the rest of the entoura
of the earth. The bow was about a meter and a half long which almost matched Dan Oh's height. Both ends of the bow were pointed
Dan Oh to the prince of Hwon. The man simply
ing through it. There was an eye that seemed to shine brightly on her face. It seemed like the girl has a great admiration for the new weapon she just received, she continued to look at the beautif
on in the prince's face when he delivering that sentence. However Dan Oh couldn't guess clearly what's the meaning of the change in facial expression from the prince was a
ng to teach me how to do archery?" asked
l when it come to archery. Woon snatches the bow from Dan Oh's hand and retrieves one arrow taken from the leather tube which Dan Oh has placed on her back. Sang gadis SMA menalikan tabung itu pada kedua tali ranselny
e girl's contemptuous stare that degraded his abilities. He placed the middle of the bow on a parallel positi
nce Woon made the archery activity look so easy for him. Dan Oh clapped cheerfully when she saw the prince's amazing action. Her lips were unable to stop opened because of he
o couldn't stop admiring the extraordinary things that had begun
to simplify her hand movements. Ah no.... She is actually just deliberately folded her short sleeves and trying to look cool. She show her arm muscles that were not stocky at all. The girl took a bow
etween surprised and amused to see the number of arrows on her back. One other thing t
n of Sung kingdom. No matter how much you used it, this arrow will never d
mazed and express it in the loud voice which is sou
imics the prince's pose while doing archery. She is narrowing her eyes between her bows and aimed at an appl
not far away from where her feet were beached. Dan Oh looked at the arrow that had fallen not far from h
at arrow. Is it too heavy?" she said fl
cher and pretended to fold her sleeves to look cool. He was so confident that he could shoot as good as Woon
n annoyedly. The girl had shown off so much strange behavior yet was unabl
il it can fall like that?" she ignored the prince
ardless of Woon's words. The prince of the strongest kingdom on the Mirac planet sighed with a
up from her position and looked straightly at Woon. The girl has to raise her head about 45° in or
ake?" she protested unwillingly to acce
nterested in making eye contact with the little girl before him. The girl continued to glare at him
away from the two people whose feuding. Ryu just jumped from the top of a tree and holding an apple
mouth full of apples. As the prince's childhood friend, Ryu can read and understand the changes in Woon's expressi
with the things around him," said Princess Siera with a meani
him at that time, the prince was more often become si
aid it. She remembers the sad thing that had happened to her brot
he Prince return to who he was again? What do you think princess? "
ooked at the princess intently through his wolf's round eyes. Gwi had always been fascinated by the beauty and aur
turned to him and asked another
ith a meaningful gaze that she was already understand the meaning behind it. But all this time the princess never put an attention toward hia
by the princess intense gaze into his eyes on the extrem
mile that looked cynical yet dazzling in his eyes. He let out a long sigh and raised his body then standing like an army befo
en watching the two of them for a long time. Gwi always acted like a loyal wolf toward Siera. The commande
n the apple he had picked on top of the tree to his female senior commander. Key turned her head and found that Ryu
e werewolf had the sharpest smell and hearing among his entourage. His facial express
ir respective weapons. Woon also began to feel a horde approaching them, he take out both swords from the she
t!" suddenly a large number of Cheol troo
made. He immediately approached Dan Oh and stood right before her. The man pushed the girl's slowly to be st
outed the commander of Cheol's army. The
he prince warned Dan Oh. The girl nodde
his comrades-in-arms are still able to dispel them. In an instant Cheol's army had been defeated. But they had not had a time to breathe a sigh of relief, there are reappearing
le to touch Dan Oh while the other four comrades fight elsewhere that are not so far away but still separated
erfully and even occasionally climb trees and deliver air strikes to the Cheol monster. Key looked so str
t his movements were deadly. The occasional werewolf focused his unarmed physical attacks by utilizing hi
but could easily subvert the opponent. The way she move both of her sharp metal slabs as the weapon se
ose were about to attack him from the front. Woon crossed his two swords at one of the Cheols before him then stabbed the other two monster on his right and left sides. But suddenly there was one Cheol mons
ster running up to Woon by raising his axe aloft. Dan Oh immedi
etal bow. The tip of the axe was right three centi in front of Dan Oh's
ying creature in front of her with all her might. Her attack tore through Cheol's skin and prov
smiled happily and showed the prince her twinkle of bright face. She felt so proud to have proven her fightin
lection of a shiny objects from a distance. Dan Oh is unaware that she is going to get shot by an arrow by the other Cheol monster. Wo