img The Path of a Star  /  Chapter 9 No.9 | 31.03%
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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2466    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

h other well now," and when he commented with some reserve upon this to follow it up. "But these things have so

messenger from the Livingstones' pillared palace in Middleton Street to Number Three, Lal Behari's Lane, on Monday morning. It was a short note, making a defini

No rehearsal-they're doing something to the gas-pipes at the theat

It had an embossed post-office stamp, which she sacrificed with resignation. Then she went back to an extrem

bout anything, tipped on the edge of her bed-Alicia had surmounted that degree of intimacy at a bound by the declaration that she could no longer endure the blue umbrellas-and claspin

e should learn all that life as you do, at a distance, in a book.

esirable way," said Alic

t has the charm of novelty and the value of contrast, and the distinction of being the best.

The concentration in Alicia's eyes r

r dropped at this point, and Hilda stooped to put it on agai

't buy in the native quarter," she c

y-" Alicia ended abr

u quite sure he wa




t nursing her slipper-"Really?

y n

s no reason plain to you

st a tension of her lips. "I see only one

They've taught us well, the men; it's a blood disease now, running everywhere in the female line. You may be sure it was a barbarian princess that hesitated between the la

be a little troublesome, and no

whole life is involv

ou imagine it's laudable, admirable, this attitude? Do you see yourself

and sat in her eyes. To mark her climax she

-it's disgusti

think in poses? I take no attitude. I care for him, and in that proportion I intend that he shall have w

ceiling. "I assure you I'm not an angel,"

ly-not la

never thought the men should have a monopoly of nomadic

, in your

profession. They haven't even carried me into matrimony, though I remember once, at

eat deal too much. She mu

her religious enthusiasm. Touch those things and bruise them, as-as marriage would touch and bruise them-and she

ou. You're coarse

till regarding the ceiling, was aware of them, and turned an i

arse and cruel with comfort, talking to you. Go into the bathroom and get my salts-th

Ignoring the third person with the bottle, she went di

sorry," she said. It was a cooing of professi

lda improvised. "Hardly

icia, who stood silent, the prey of her impression. Discovering the b

Salvation Army girl to Miss Li

as like a conventionality of the other world,

s as good as she is beautiful. You needn't be troubled about HER

in Filbert, in a tone of

rfully, "to take it at the Cat

sat down upon the edge of the bed, lo

r fellow in the Military Hospital this morning with a temperatu

a idly, occupied with hypotheses

. Some complication, I su

awing her head back. "Do take a chair. It will

ore thoughtful for others than some of our converted ones," she said,

l go about such people, a little carbolic disinfectant is a good thing, or a c

tter than disinfectants. I never g

he only thing she used carbolic acid for was a decayed tooth. Presently Alicia made a great

o to the Cathe

ud fleeces the sun withdraws for an instant from a flower. Since her sect is proclaimed bey

ise our own Ebenezer; we are

lanced at her with a deprecating, reproachful smile, in reproof of an offence a

she said; "a slum at noonday is as holy for us as daisied fields; the Nam

f she liked play with the beginnings of magnetism. Then that impression was carried a

isturbed, but a curiosity rested upon it, and behind the curiosity a far-off little, leaping ton

nment of India in rows, fully choral, Under-Secretaries so thick they're kept in the vestibule till the bells stop. 'And make Thy chosen people joyful'!" she

cia said, but Captain Filbert's inner eye se

held it for an instant. "Good-bye, and God bless you-in the way you most need," she said, and turned to Alicia, "Good-bye. I am glad to know that we will be one in the glad hereafter though our paths may diverge"-her eye rested with acknowledgment upon Alicia's embroidered s

lothes clung about her breast and her hips in the cringing Oriental way. Miss Howe looked after her guest with a curl of the li

object about to elude her. "Oh," she exclaimed, "wait a minute. Will you come and see me? I

re was a little stiffness in her a


my brother is dining at the club-

ill suit me." She spoke carefull

e-at eight," Alicia s

hen Laura finally closed it, an

him to meet her," she

s grasp was also by this

You daren't talk abo

ougham. I'll drive her home," s

ge Street. "Thanks immensely," it ran, "for your delightful offer to introduce me to Father Jordan and persuade him to show me the astronomical wonders he keeps in his tower

ndsay, it may be news to you that you can exert it with advantage to keep him from marrying a cheap ethereal little religieuse

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