img The Pastor's Son  /  Chapter 9 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE JOURNAL | 56.25%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

book down and said: "This is the most wonderful book I ever read; no matter how many times I read it over, it seems like a new book, and sometimes I wonder if I had not skip

wonder if Christian Scientists had a church or meeting-place, he also wished he knew of some one who was

church in his town. He noticed that the names of the towns and cities were arranged alphabetically. After searching for a moment he said, "Yes, here it is, 'Mapelton, Vermont. First church of Christ, Scientist, First Reader, John J. Sivad; Services 10:45 A. M., Sunday School 12 M., Wednesday 7:45 P. M., Number 52 Squirrel Ave., on Island. Reading-room same address, 2 to 4 P. M.' Why, that is only five or six blocks from my home; I wish I could go to their service. I may some day. They seem to have a great many churches; there are eight in Chicago alone; three in Cleveland, Ohio; three in Kansas City; three in London, England

ite, C. S., 28

vad, C. S., 74

oor, C. S., 4

band used to keep a shoe store, and Mrs. M. J. Sivad is that lovely lady who lives in a beautiful large mansion in Upland Court, the finest street in town; her husband is a retired merchant. And

e had stopped at the depot, and tha

at Mrs. William's condition, for she had been failing rapidly for the last month and was so weak that it was almost impossible

could not get up at all, and so Walter decided to go to one of

of the book had cured him; also that his mother was sick, that he was a minister's son, and his father was very

r and that this was her profession, healing the sick, and that she would be pleased to h

her his father or mother's consent, for they refused to h

trouble. Trust God and never doubt His wisdom, for God, Good, works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; you must hold in thought that eve

the practitioner always referred him to "Science and Health." In answer to one of his most important questions, she said, "'Science and Health,' page so and so, says thus-"and then she would quote something from the

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