img Pairless  /  Chapter 3 Are you a pervert | 27.27%
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Chapter 3 Are you a pervert

Word Count: 1285    |    Released on: 13/02/2021


seen my



5" He rushed is words and s


ed out angrily. I can feel

lled and turne

risedly i

... Sorry"

t wanna check on you"

ks" I replied

a cup of cof

... S

walks towards us a

on't mind him he is just t

I replied and

ing to eat" She said

He stammer a

she sai

to cute to

" He replied an

along with her. I let out

I yelle

nding by the cor

r some coff

! I bla

familiar with her" He said in his cool voi

re just

I said an

e? He as

blast at


eard you chuckle? I

g right? He said

do you mean? I ask

EN hotel?

y mean that? I

I was lying? H

ly? I said

time for jokes" I

ing about Scarlett? Could

really me? I t

like am joking?

n you at least take

ht schedule" He s

that favour for me as a

h Coward people like you! He replied

ly? I said

r" I ignores his wo

me and con

Mister.... just beha

dition! He fin

arring at the depth of


on tha

rested in that" She

her fall over the bed. I remov

re you trying t

ook like am doing?

sage"I said and dump my

that! she repli

ly? I said

ss! I added and cover m

do it" She mu

properly" I preten

do it! She screa

enjoy it..... Rule number 3; I must not feel any pain, no bi

exclaims and

th and pleasant. The door op

e" I said an

ng here? She aske

he ran off the

you think! She q

going out with S

? She

st met! " She added an

e ignores her wo


ollow her out immediately. And

ight? She a

he replie

I walk t

doing here? He as

me! Tyler walks ou

hat, Am here for a rea

plete your work" Tyl

you guys doing

ique"Tyler responded l

her" He added pointing t

He hijacked my

ly? Tyler s

him.... You choose" He

too compl

ry" I stammer a


ion" He said and w

ision" I mut

? He qu

something to eat"I

when are we goin

replied and I bec

run girl? I asked

t answe

om about it? I thought a

I dumped into Taylor who

where is S

She replie


't know "

about something "She said

on the coach a

ke someo

asked real

it be

e unique " she s

sky? I

..Nope! she sa

's a r

who? I

" She said an

lready got a cr


ming? I asked for

He said relaxi

eady got there but she d

oming now?

ming at night! He replie

30 mins

is she coming?" I asked again

n't coming" He replied

problem. She will be coming

to come "He replied a

t do you mea

before nor anybody

are we here? Same hotel same room"

joke" He bla

ker? Staying at your house the whole day.... Do

to get closer with you" He

re you trying t

. Are you a


ke commen

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