img I know Your Heart: Like the back of my hand Ā /Ā  Chapter 5 Office & Celebration | 9.09%
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Chapter 5 Office & Celebration

Word Count: 1379 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 27/01/2021

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derneath the jacket, Evelyn styles her hair into a simple braid and after making sure to lock the door of her apartment with the keys two times, she marches

a big group that comes under the service domain and provides technology consultancy all around the world. The official

s under the backend process of the IT department as a senior executive. Working with one of the best in the w

she is often regarded as one of the most competent juniors in the backend process team. She is a gradua

however, there is no denying that today, she has certainly becom

leagues came to Evelyn and congratulated her on this big opportunity. HX-TCG, surely is different from other companies, as all the people working under this group are

very single interview that she has given so far, Evelyn was often required to prove her worth by showcasing her technical skills

really liked the idea of her working in an IT organization. The job in IT firms often demands from its employees to work in rotational shifts and sometimes, even a

e training. After all the paperwork, she was requested to sign a contract which states a four-year bond with the HX-

d, where her colleagues from the IT department threw a small party for celeb

t head. And even though, Evelyn is a socially alienated person, she formally val

ues says enthusiastically, "C'mon E

own for her aloofness and indifferent attitude. She mostly talks about stuff that is related to work, and onl

es are used to this nature of her and they do not even mind her indifference. Because, in their eyes, even though, Evelyn does not talk much, she is consid

ch where she has worked for almost two and a half years. She genuinely felt the need to thank her incredibly fabulous colleagues and her seniors. And, even though Evelyn is not a very emotional per

that I got this opportunity... I am extremely thankful to my

is opportunity... Also, a warm and special thanks to all my colleagues, who have always been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic for their fellow colleagues... I'll miss you all... And I know, I am no

tunity count", Evelyn says

ve her a big round of applause and in a sing-son


s to avoid it at all costs. It is like, when people give her too much attention and importance, she always gets a little overwhelmed to her own liking. Nervousness! Anxiety! These two emotions

s never been very good at handling praises well. Sometimes, even Evelyn finds it bizarre,

rself. Because at this moment, all she wants to do is to go home and sleep her eyes out. Another fun fact about Evelyn is that as much as she is an early bird, she likes to go early to bed. So, clearly, Evelyn



Chapter 1 Disclaimer & Copyright Chapter 2 Theme and Introduction Chapter 3 Evelyn Ray Chapter 4 An Email Chapter 5 Office & Celebration Chapter 6 Jace's Secret Crush
Chapter 7 Childhood & Family
Chapter 8 I Hate You
Chapter 9 Western Wood Gated Community of Lawrence City, C Country
Chapter 10 Official First Day At HX-TCG Headquarter
Chapter 11 Nora Williams ā€“ The Chatterbox
Chapter 12 Leo ā€“ The Golden Labrador
Chapter 13 The Mysterious Man
Chapter 14 Sunday ā€“ Fun day
Chapter 15 Her Diary
Chapter 16 Their First Encounter
Chapter 17 She Has a Crush on Someone
Chapter 18 Raymond Charles ā€“ Forever Sunshine
Chapter 19 VIP Passes
Chapter 20 Rose With Thorns
Chapter 21 Desire, Love, Impassiveness & Freed
Chapter 22 Staying at Evelyn's Apartment (PART-1)
Chapter 23 Staying at Evelyn's Apartment (PART-2)
Chapter 24 Missed Each Other
Chapter 25 Intentions - About to Expose
Chapter 26 This Bizarre Feeling
Chapter 27 Explanation
Chapter 28 Financial Independency
Chapter 29 Adam Christ ā€“ Work of An Art
Chapter 30 First Time Witnessing a Music Concert
Chapter 31 Charming Performer
Chapter 32 Partner In Pain & Healing
Chapter 33 A Game
Chapter 34 Will Things Change
Chapter 35 Hold This Moment
Chapter 36 Don't Judge A Book by Its Cover
Chapter 37 It Started with A Friendship
Chapter 38 Running Competition
Chapter 39 Moth Drawn to A Flame
Chapter 40 Apology Accepted
Chapter 41 Her Indifferent FaƧade
Chapter 42 Going Out
Chapter 43 His Closeness
Chapter 44 Meeting Mrs. Stone
Chapter 45 Grandma's Advice
Chapter 46 There Small Banter
Chapter 47 His Warm Touch
Chapter 48 His Infectious Gentleness
Chapter 49 Feeling of Being Desired
Chapter 50 Like Her but As a Friend
Chapter 51 Emotional Burden
Chapter 52 Lonesome Feeling
Chapter 53 Something Is Wrong with Her
Chapter 54 It Is Hard to Crush Your Crush
Chapter 55 A Friendly Outing with Mr. Hotshot
Ā Ā /Ā Ā 1
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