img Young Lord Stranleigh  /  CHAPTER VI-AN ATTACK ON THE HIGH SEAS | 60.00%
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Word Count: 5425    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

the Sphere in his hand, and gazed with troubl

han we were, and must have come direct to this spot, pass

ow standing up, h

pose to do?" inq

sts or his prisoners. We were fools to have accepted his in

big game shooting, like so many of them toffs have, and, of course, that kind of a man is mouching all over the world. You meet them everywhere: South America, Africa, Asia. Of course he's got us aboard here, and could steam away past your ship, and my settlement, with us two flung down the hold, and helpless, just as I put away that Scotc

men would give her a

in authority. I wonder what he's doing so long down below?

oomily. "We are trapped, my boy. He wouldn't leave us t

r mate come up

had my doubts of this man from the first. If he attempts

manager. "The motor boat can overtake our

d smiling, appeared at the head of the companion way. "I'll settle

pleasure of receiving aboard since I left England, and I wish my to do his best, so I took the liberty of

little anxious about my ship, so I have told my mate to remain in ou

ranleigh. "Why is that? What

e brink of the river, and I fear if they tumbled down also,

ng into the river. Still, they are such fools that they may possibly be mistaken, and I quite

yet. Some of them c

onsible. Of course, you see, when we came up the river, there was no ship there, and no sign of any settlement. Still, that do

ell without examination," re

gold, win or lose. If the damage is a thousand pounds, then you've lost. If there

from you. Even if the steamer is hurt, I am not sure I should have

e me a quit claim for a h

cuse me from attending luncheon, a

an't you send the mate, and order him to come back an

afer if I w

bject to pay full compensation to your owners for what I have done. I imagine, however, so stanch a ship as yours has come to no harm. She lies bow upstream, and the current is not so strong down

him with a smile. It was evident that his fears had once mo

end the situation and learn whe

e caused in your forest, thinking all the while it was my own property. Of course, if you were acting for yourself alone, I am certain I could drive a very easy bargain with you, but you are responsible for the care of these lands to the Europ

did you cut down

a hundred perhaps. That can easily be discovered. We'll

ould you be content to part

ngshield. Just pardon me a moment until I get th

anged in the least the

give the sig

leman. I don't believe he would invite three men to a feast, and then imprison them. Now, I'm no fool, but then I'm no gentleman, either, and I'd do it in a mi

make for the ocean within the hour. You stop here as long as you can; all afternoon, i

what could he do if he did? You surely

id of him. I think him quite capable of fo

ah once he had her? There are too many witnesses on board. He wouldn't dare to sail into any port in the world. But then there's not the sli

e and give me a ch


t there are ten chances to one he can

nd these he divided equally between the captain and Frowningshiel

and I notice its date is very recent. You must hav

llow the knowledge of this to change the expression of his placi

ome time ahead, and I have been told they send forth their foreign editions as far in advance as possible. This, now, could have come from London, through by way of Paris t

ent, and even Frowningshield, who was watching him like a detective of fiction, could disti

g an inflection of anxiety from his words, "I am very much obliged to you for your

laugh, and the captain drew himself up with a little start of surpr

quick as you c

hem, the captain graspe

e like a cat with a

"Your nerves have gone wrong.

owed this time by a ste

that I think will commend itself to you, or to any other judge of a good vintage, and there is also a box of cigars. If these weeds do not elicit the highest commendation I'll insist that you bestow on m

leigh waved his hand at the captain and mate as their craf

sounded o

, returning from the side, "if you're as hungr

under the charm of the young man's conversation, and began to revise his first estimate that his host was a fool. He had drunk but sparingly of the generous wine, yet in the g

ox to the one you gave the captain,

th any variety of the weed he fancies; but you, in this out-of-the-world place, are not so fortunate, theref

tell you at once I am not going to refuse. A man doesn't g

Frowning-shield, you must let me

st kind. I don't kn

mpt it, I b

gh with a sealed envelope, which, begging t

at there can be no mistake, and I rarel

a," said Fr

ents disputes

of the telegrapher who had transcrib

round, and is eviden

e on the back of the letter the

he water. The motor boat will be waiting for you. Come aboard at the prow, and get immediately out of sight in the for

n with his guest, who showed no desire to depart. Shortly after ca

e sheet of paper, and h

nutes later the purr of the motor boat was heard

"As our steam launch has not returned, I fear I m

at, and getting to camp, I can take you there more comfortably than on that little craft. You see, there's nothing further to keep me here, as I have said, unless I can make terms with your syndicate, and that very likely would not suit my book, because cheapness of land was one of my objects in coming

sail to-night, are you?" sai

which would be suitable as a colonizing place for Englishmen? I should like it to resemble this

is the only portion of Afr

kept his eyes open. I wish I had thought of asking him before he left whether or not he knows this coast. Besides, I would like to learn for cer

t see the captain again. He was very anxious to be off,

ndifferently, "I shall be consoled by the

the yacht without being seen by their master's guest. The mot

ther ord

rmed is on the left-hand bank of the river. Draw up at the landing if there is one; if not, per

st made up with loquacity for the other's taciturnity. He told entertaining stories, and related odd experiences, and all with a de

had ceased work, and were standing twenty or thirty yards back from the landing, viewing with eyes of wonderment the trim white steamer that had come out of the wilderness. Frowning-shield stepped asho

he said. "Penny all the way. County Council expres

uld," said Frowning-sh

your company. I hope that you will find valuable minerals on this spot; a second Klondike or Kimberley in eithe

anleigh waved his hand at the choice gang of ruf

, "they're Englishmen, poor devils,

ught himself, and raised his hat. A cheer broke forth

h a hip-hip-hip-hurrah," and th

e watching the retreating boat, w

believe the captain's right, and that he'll capture the Raj

was still about two hours above the western ocean. Far to the north the Rajah could be seen keeping closer inshore than seemed quite safe, the captain's idea being doubtless to get out of sight behind the first headl

ke him before s

nk so,

n't run away from us. I don't like to see him wasting coal like that. Coal is more v

he. The Rajah had about four hours the start, and had probably worried away thirty knots of the long route she was to travel. Higher and higher she seemed to rise in the water, and the sun was still a good quarter of an hour above the horizon when The Woman in White came tearing up alongside to landward of her, car

omize on that coal." The c

rders on this s

mperiousness than had barbed his first shout.

der below, then turned again to the white vessel, whi

ngshield and myself were very sorry you could not lunch with us, so per

his ship," curtly replie

an exceptional case. I've g

't you give it

ptain, that once I undertook the work of ocean postman, I lost no time in giving you the double knock. I don't think there's anything i

y, you've got a letter for me,

ne. Nevertheless, this letter, although addressed to you, I do not intend to part with. There are several do

ce on your part is piracy. I shall not come aboard your steamer, nor shall I allow any one from your steamer to come aboard of me. I take ord

ws of nautical duty are correct. Nevertheless, it is necessary that you and I

, I w

homet, Mahomet went to the mountain. I ask

before. Now, sheer off, or I'll put

are ten to one your cannon ball wouldn't do much harm. You might even plant a floating mine in front of The Woman in White, and although it probably would bl

ing to shee

at a man until you have finished the cigars he has presented to you. I dislike very much to allude to

with my voyage, Mr. S

ng with your voyage. If you can run away from

u sheer

my craft close enough to endanger yours, you might have a right to object; but I call your attention to the fact that we are under perfect control, and I can keep the distance between the ships to an

's ri

rather, for your sake, not do, and that is I am compelled to read your letter,

what you lik

ring your long seafaring life, except this one. Just think for a moment. Don't reply rashly, and be assured that I mean no harm to you, nor to an

ail, stood up suddenly. The men were whispering with one another. The captain saw that Stranleigh had take

ome aboard

e aboard here with half a dozen or a dozen men as your bodyguard,

ou came aboar

r line than you'd have sent down for the

know some other

can't accommodate you. I'm a man of peace, and that's why I shudder when you speak to me of cannon. I swear I'll tell Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman and President Roosevelt the way you're behaving. You're a positive danger on the hi

g, and besides, some of his crew had laughed, which still further disco

t, swung himself free of his own boat, and clambered up the black cli


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