img Christian Science  /  Chapter 7 THE NEW INFALLIBILITY | 70.00%
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Word Count: 5645    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ay be that one member of the shift will vote that the word "all" means all; it may be that ten members of the sh

re any dividend; but if she says "all" means all, then all it is, to the end of time, and no follower of hers will ever be allowed to reconstruct that text, or shrink it, or inflate it, or meddle with it in any

throne. Many a Science Pope will succeed her, but she has closed their mouths; they will repeat and reverently praise and adore her infallibilities, but venture none themselves. In her grave she will still outrank all other Popes, be they of what Church they may. She will hold the supremest of earthly titles, The Infallible-with a capital T. Many in the world's hi


By-laws) are read in public, their authorship must be named. The By

idden generosity in that By-law; they may think it is there to protect the Official Reader from the suspicion of having written the poems himself. Such do not know Mrs. Eddy. She does an inordinate dea

advertise the authorship when they read those poems and thing


en she gave it to the Board of Directors. She is the Board of Directors. She took it out of one pocket and put it in the other. 5. Sec. 10 (of the deed). "Whenever said Directors shall determine that it is inexpedient to maintain preaching, reading, o

ious name; I wonder if it is copyrighted); her barkers persistently advertise to the public her generosity in giving away a piece of land which cost her a trifle, and a two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar church which cost her nothing; and they

l heirs well provided for when she goes. I think it is a mistake. I think she is of late years giving herself large concern about only one interest-her power and glory, and the perpet

feathers for vain display. I think her ambitions have soared away above the fuss-and-feather stage. She still likes the little shows and vanities-a fact which she exposed in a public utterance two or three days ago when she was not noticing-but I think she does not place a large value upon them now. She could build a mighty and far-shining brass-mounted palace if she wanted to, but she does not do it. She would have had that kind of an ambition in the early scrabbling times. She could go to England to-day and be worshiped by earls, and get a comet's attention from the million, if she cared for such things. She would have gone in the early scrabbling days for muc

nd clothe herself in a blaze of North Adams gauds; not that she may have nine breeds of pie for breakfast, as only the rich New-Englander can; not that she may indulge any petty material vanity or appetite th


n the book of By-laws. The Scientis


2. I do not find it in the edition of 1884. It is probable that it had not at that time been

, so on earth-God is supreme. Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections. And infinite Love is reflected in love. And Lov

glad to have that turned back to the old way and the marks of the Spiral Twist removed, or varnished over; then I shall be satisfied, and will do the best I can with what is left. At the same time, I do feel that the shrinkage in our spiritual assets is getting serious. First the Commandments, now the Prayer. I never expected to see these steady old reliable securities watered down to this. And this is not the whole of it. Last sum


ishment of what the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science understands is advantageous t

r from this By-law. When a person joins Mrs. Eddy's Church he must leave his thinker at home. Leave it permanently. To make sure that it will not go off some time or other when he

iately to call a meeting, and drop forever

athes a toweri

, in those cases he is gently used, and in time he can get back into the fold-even when he has repeated his offence. But let him think, just once, without gett

ded, or annulled, except by unanim

Boards of This and That, and other broideries and ruffles of her raiment, as if they were independent enti

oted, its English would protect it. None but she would h

one out of service. We may frame

r Mother's permission act upon his think, the

e spiritual meanings of its terminology. I believe it is true. I have been misled all this time


Members to practice hypnotism;

nd by none else; 4. No member is allowed to make complaint to her in the matter; 5. Upon Mrs. Eddy's mere "complaint"-unba

is not a case of he "may" be cut off from Christian Science salvation, it

s prodigious and irresponsible

ypnotism, since no one is allowed to come before her throne and accuse him. She h

ng which cannot be deceived; I can discern in the human mind thoughts, motives, and purp

cannot be satisfied when she has handcuffed a member, and put a leg-chain and ball on him and plugged his ears and removed his thinker, she goes on wrapping needless chains round and round him, just as a spider would. For she trusts no one, believes in no one's honesty, judges every one by herself. Although we have seen that she has absolute and irresponsible command over her spectral Boards and over every official and serva

d her testimony is final and carries unc

y knew about satanic concentrations of irresponsible power. Here we have one Accuser, one Witness, one Judge, one Headsman-and all four

ristian Science walk and conversation, shall he hold up his head and tilt his hat over one ear and imagine himself safe becaus

king, among his insides-

o one wants it, no one will ask for it. He is not present to offer it (he does not kno

rs. The man born two centuries from now will think he has arrived in hell; and all in good time he will think he knows it. Vast concentrations of irresponsi

t history. But history is a trustworthy prophet. History is always repeating itself, because conditions


deity of his worship. Apparently her jealousy never sleeps. Apparently any trifle can offend it, and but one penalty appease it-excommunication. The By-laws might properly and reasonably be entitled Laws for the Coddling and Comforting o


onest practices, excommunication follows. Considering who it is


ore By-laws whose infringement i

al Adoption. Broken By-laws. Violation of By-laws. (What is the difference?) Formulas Forbidden. Official Advi

her Church members. Yet in another place she seems to invite membership. Not in any urgent way, it is true,

ed with, as the names of the Members of the Mother-Church will be

nt to be


Christian Science students who make hymns nowadays may possibly get them sung in the

t the cordializing incentive of compulsion. We all know how wearisome the sweetest and touchingest things can become, through rep-rep-repetition, and still rep-rep-repetition, and more rep-rep-repetition-like "the sweet by-and-by, in the sweet by-and-by," for instance, and "Tah-rah-rah boom-de-aye"; and surely it is not likely that Mrs. Eddy's machine has turned out goods that could outwear those great heart-stirrers, without the assistance of the lash. "O

crament and others refused it. At least that is the charitable view to take of it. There is only one other view to take: that Mrs. Eddy did really foresee that there would be singers who would some day get tired of doing her hymns and proclaiming the authorship, unless persuaded by a Bylaw, with a penalt


ident of it. Its members are elected annually. S

he Board-i

t office, the Directors of the College (that is to say, Mrs. Eddy) "shall" elect to the

She gives up the shadow of authority, but


on "in Science and Health, chapter on 'Recapitulation'; the Platform of Christian Science; page 403 of Christian S


e North, the South, the East, the West, in Canada, in Great Britain, and so on-and each must stick to his own territory and not forage beyond its boundaries. I think it goes wit

oard of Lectureship

pproval of Rev. M


o far as I can discover, not a single servant of the Sacred Household has a ste


s are strictly for

aws are merely the voice of the master issuing commands to the servan

rther on. There are several other repetitions of prohibitions in


rers from some day claiming that they invented it, and not Mrs. Eddy and

to change the Creed. That


ays when to be in print probably seemed a wonderful distinction to her in her provincial obscurity, but why she should continue this delirium in these days of her godship and her far-spread fame, I cannot e

life of perpetual copyright (a fact not known to twenty people in the world). By a hardy perversion of privilege on the part of the lawmaking power the Bible has perpetual copyright in Great Britain. There is no justification f

h of course it is-Lord's Prayer and all. With that pair of form

rst edition (1875). Although it was a Revelation from on high, it was slim, lank, incomplete, padded with bales of refuse rags, and puffs from lassoed celebrities to fill it out, an uncreditable book, a book easily sparable, a book not to be mentioned in the same year with the sleek, fat, concise, compact, compressed, and compe


She thought of an organ, to disseminate the Truth as it was in Mrs

to make its presence on the premises disagreeable to her, it occurred to her to make somebody a present of it. Which she did, along with its

ambs as a "gift" in consideration of

do not know what it was she had against those men; neither do we know whether she scored on Bailey or not, we only kno

ing Society's liabilities, and demonstrated over t

ions paid for the Journal and the "Series," the which goods Mrs. Eddy had not delivered. And couldn't, very well, perhaps, on a Metaphysical College income of but a few thousand dollars a day, or a week, or whatever it was in those magnificently flourishing times. The struggling J

s. Eddy's

We have seen her do that in the case of the Boston Mosque. When she deeds property, she puts in that string-clause. It provides that under certain conditions she can pull the string and land the property in the c

that the Christian Science Journal has "already fallen into her hands" by that act, though it "seems" to her to have met with that accident; so she would lik

lable evidence that the waif

ith its real estate, its buildings, its plant, its publications, and its money-the wh

fts-to her Church-and others to-to her Cause besides "an almost countless number of private charities" of cloudy amount and otherwise indefini

Israel for these evidences of generosity and self-sacrifice that appeal t

sort which assuaged him, perhaps, and perhaps enabled his surpassed comprehens


ness into the hands of a publishing Board-s

the Treasurer of the Mother-Chur

ience Journal cannot be elected or removed

cals or in the publishing house, must first be "accepted by Mrs. Eddy as suitable."

, "it shall be owned by The First Church

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