img The War of Women Volume 2  /  THE VICOMTESSE DE CAMBES.VI | 19.35%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2123    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

revious day, relying upon their numbers and upon the ability of their leaders; in fact, their minds were entirely at ease as to the r

e Saint-Georges? Where could you find a Bordelais who had not handled the oar, the fowling-pi

as that they returned with hanging heads, and listened resignedly to the lamentation and wailing of the women, who as

to their homes to describe the disaster, each in his own way. The chiefs betook t

adgear of the militia, she could not restrain a feeling of uneasiness as she thought that those same citizens, her partisans, had gone out to contend against a force of old, well-disciplined soldiers. But there were three considerations fr

, was the source of bitter grief to Madame de Cambes; even so did everything t

ce, covered with dust and blood; the sleeve of his black doubl

ear?" cried the prince

ar, madame?" he

u were r

ole, madame; to put it fra

cess, turning pale; "bea

viscountess; "beaten by

manded Madame de Condé, in a freezing t

pen, in play, in love, in war; we attacked those

Canolles such a gallant fe

s' heart throbb

walls, and was on the lookout for us, having probably received warning of our attack, he had the advantage of our good

re, heedless of the imprude

fference between Navailles and the militia is th

we lack now is

hall not," retorted La

r with her foot; "beaten by upstarts, commanded by

d to the whit

almost venture to say," he added with a swift, keen glance at Claire, "that he's not alone in his opinion. Names

is the man to allow h

wait until the vein of bad luck is exhausted; war is

" said Madame de Tourville, "

to do what we suggest, on the ground that we are women and know

eaten at Cannae, Pompey at Pharsalia, and Attila at Chalons. There are none but Alexand

manner, "was to lay siege to the fortress in regular form. They wou

e; "for my own part I do not feel sufficientl

ave supper under their own roof and sleep in their own bed. Now, a regular siege requires those concerned in it to dispense with a multitude of conveniences to which our worthy burghers are accu

will begin again?"

quite sure of it; they are too fond of the

y will t

dly, some da

a Princesse, "I propose that this insolent Monsieur de Ca

thly shudder run

o your Highness's ideas of war, I congratulate myself


your Highness would say i

g me a citizen, a sheriff, a councillor,-somebody to whom I can talk and assure my

spagnet is even now at the door, soliciting

," said th

burst, and again had felt as if it would never beat again. She said to

et, by his protestations surpasse

d men we will send eight thousand; instead of six pieces of cannon, we will take along twelve; instead

der or as a volunteer, as often as you undertake this task. But bear in mind, I beg, that at the rate o

on from the arsenal to the fortress, if necessary; we will discharge enough ammunition to reduce a mountain of granite to powder; I

s so long as Monsieur de Canolles is alive,

him killed, and take Saint-Georg

led the cry of dismay

re to take S

princess; "I should say as

es, "let me have my way, and I w

; "you promised much the same

in over Monsieur de Canolles. That attempt failed

him more easy to appr

is time that I would turn over the go

w s

ldiers into the very

at you undertake such a task

m a landowner," sa

sed to jest," r

can imagine a world of meaning in the thr

oval means everything to me. I say again that Saint-Georges is as good as

ourville, "I too can take Saint

ll hear," said Lenet, checking the effort Madame de Cambes was mak

ame," said t

her party, equal in number, would creep along the right bank; four or five hund

Rochefoucauld, "that you already hav

e company," said Claire; "give me Navai

with his most contemptuous smile, gazed pityingly at these women who presumed to

now, madame," said L

recess, where she whispe

ed a joyful

princess, "if you will give Madame de Ca

e princess

you pl

captain!" sneered

c," said Lenet, "when you enter Saint-Georg

ime comes I

" said the princess, "let every

Highness pleases," said Claire. "I wil

to hope, did the same, followed by Madame de Tourville. Espagnet, having renewed his p

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