img The Beasts of Tarzan  /  Chapter 7 7 | 33.33%
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Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2967    |    Released on: 28/11/2017


before the entrance to Kaviri's hut, looked a

it?" he w

i. "But what they are doing I know not, unless it b

rd the jungle. In all his long life in the savage f

nd of men. For twenty long minutes the blood-curdling cries continued, until they seemed but a stone's throw fr

he shelter of their huts. Like frightened sheep they ran, and behind them, driving

efore Kaviri, the old qu

he said, "and now you may select those wh

calling to his people to come from thei

"that if they do not come I sha

e village came forth, their wide and frightened eyes rolling from one t

e panther and the apes in the narrow confines of the canoes; but when Kaviri explained to them that there was no escape-that Bwana Tarzan would pursue

chieftain saw the party disappear abou

s on either side of the almost unexplored Ugambi. Three of the twelve warriors deserted during that time; but

crew together to better advantage by keeping them to the boat as much as possible. Twice a day they landed to hunt and fe

n their path as they proceeded. Tarzan was anxious to get in touch with some of th

to follow after him by boat. He explained to Mugambi the thing that

said. "Now I go ahead to learn what has be

to the shore, and was soon lo

s pack had travelled rapidly; but toward evening he came upon a distant cluster of tha

of the Apes poised above them in the branches of a

ghtening them or arousing their savage love of battle. He had no desire to fight now, for he was upon a mu

m the view of those below, he gave a few hoarse grunts in imitation of

their attention he raised his voice to the shriller and more hideous scream of the beast he personated, and then, scarce stirring a leaf i

r was constructed, shouting to the natives in their own tongue

screaming of Sheeta in the tree above them would set their nerves on edge, and th

any voice that comes out of the night from beyond their palisades, attributing i

e very bad white man who passed this way a few days ago. I follo

llage and driving Sheeta back into the jungle before he leaps among you. If you will not

n the voice of an old man came out

friend, we will let you come in; bu

. "Listen, and you shall he

e entered the branches, at the same time growling ominously after the manner of th

, shaking the tree violently, crying aloud to the panther to flee or be killed,

e, pounding loudly against the boles of trees as he went, and voicing the pant

rned to the village gate, c

," he said. "Now come and

out in evident trepidation as to the nature of the creature which they should find waiting there. They were not much relieved at sight of an almost naked w

ages returned, and as Tarzan walked up the village street toward the chi

at he had horns growing from his forehead, and was accompanied by a thousand devils.

hieftain's village and that his following was much smaller than now stated, Tarzan was in no manner surpr

the right trail, and that it led toward the interior. In t

earned that another party had preceded the Russian by several days-thr

at though he might go on ahead of them the chief was to receive them kindly and have no fear of them, fo

own beneath this tree and sleep. I am v

ad plans of his own that could be better carried out if he remained beneath the tree. He gave as his reason a desire to be cl

ed their village without recourse to the gates, but he believed that a sudden and unaccountable disappearance when he was ready to leave them would result in a more lasting impression upon th

tter lighted by the moon; but so accustomed were all his senses to the grim world of his birth that it was possible for him, even in the dense, black shadows near the ground, to move with ease and rapidity. You or

n he slept for several hours, takin

g them, he succeeded in each instance in quieting both their fears and bellicose int

llage. The chief, a wicked-looking fellow with the sharp-filed teeth t

or eight or ten hours that he might be fresh and strong when he caugh

e morning before, and that doubtless he would be able to overtake him in a

aked white man who came with no followers and offered no presents; but he needed the rest and food that the village would afford him with les

s, to whom he whispered a few instructions. A moment later the sleek, bl

no one to approach the sleeping visitor, nor any singing, nor lou

by the brawny muscles of their black crews. Upon the bank before the river stood the chief, his spear raised in

itude-which meant that the white stranger

rlier. It was evident that they had been dispatched to follow and bring back this party, and t

filed out, and with them a half-dozen white men. Sullen, ugly-looking customers the

messengers report to be wit

rned. I do not know that he is one who seeks you to do you harm, but he questioned me closely about your coming and your going,

e after and slain you. If he is a friend and no enemy, then no harm has been done, bwana; b

u shall have the rifle and ammunition whether he be

e chief, "and now come and look upon the

oward the hut, in the shadow of which

ore of warriors; but the raised forefingers of the ch

tiptoe, an ugly smile touched the lips of the white as h

that the chief had made no mistake in his suspicions. Then he turned to those behi

sed Tarzan, and so quickly did they work that he was sec

is eyes turned toward the crowd that stood near,

sian's lips. He steppe

learned sufficient wisdom to

he prostrate man

our welcome

tell you what has already befallen your wife and chi

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