img Miss Billy's Decision  /  Chapter 5 MARIE SPEAKS HER MIND | 15.15%
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Word Count: 1274    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

tion. "Peggy" was short for "Pegasus," and was what Bil

he nineteen different ways to pronounce it that I hear all around me every day now. As for calling it my 'car,' or my 'motor car'-I should expect to see a Pullman or one of those huge

but, in an astonishingly short time, half the automobile owners of her acquaintance were calling their own cars "Pe

on she greeted Billy with affectionate warmth, though at once

urved in a mis

she said. "He didn't

ew actua

nt to!" sh

her a spa

about his concert Monday night. He told me over the telephone; but between his joy that you were coming, and his rage that he couldn't see you the fi

ghed her

n. I was afraid he was si


im on my hands. I wouldn't have believed Cyril Henshaw, confirmed old bachelor and avowed

cheek spread to the root

ear, he-h


ush deepened as she occupied herself very busily in gett

ed and coats buttoned, were snugly ensconced in the tonneau

d on where you'r

hat to-night; but we do know that we


obvious disappointment and r

I'm sure," she argued hastily.

ut in Billy, with swift promptness. "Beside

, but she sh

not practi


r making quite so many as you want to; and Cyril is worrying for fear there'll be somebody else in the circle

are you tal

glance into her frie

r him: a room with a table and a shaded lamp, and a little woman beside

eyes s

e say-

o sit under that lamp all the time, of course

the two empty seats in front of them. Although she knew he

out-me?" she asked, w

rt of thing, he said yes, he thought so; for she had told him once that the things she liked best of all to do were to mend stockings and mak

o the long, imposing line of windowed walls and doorways on the right. The automobile was passing smoothly along

. "You see, for so long I supposed he wouldn't want anything but a very brilliant,

d. In spite of our music, we aren't a mite congenial. I like people around; he doesn't. I like to go to plays; he doesn't. He likes rainy da

eyes were fixed on a point far

ll, indeed!"

e almost home did

lative of Aunt Hannah's is coming to

l told me," a

y sm

suppose; eh?" she

t-very well. He said she'd

"You can see what you're coming to when you d

, smooth-shaven man standing on the porch. The man lifted his

rtram and I are going down to the Hollis Street Theatre and let you and Cyril have a taste of what that shaded l

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