img Prince Otto  /  Chapter IV While the Prince is in the Ante-Room . . | 37.50%
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Chapter IV While the Prince is in the Ante-Room . .

Word Count: 1619    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

te-room, bent on a more difficult enterprise. The curtains rose before him, the usher called

le a maid of honour made her exit by a side door to announce his arrival to the Princess, he moved round the apartment, collecting homage and bestowing comp

how does this happen? I fi

n equal; O, there I will be bold: we have both beautiful comp

uty's slave?' said Otto. - 'Madame Grafinski, when is

Grafinski. 'Who could

, I can assure yo

!' fluted the lady. 'Your Hi

t look so charming?' said the Prince. 'But this gentleman

ally; and Otto expanded like a peacock. This warm atmosphere o

, your coiffure is de

as saying so

Madame von Eisenthal swept him a deep c

he asked. 'Vi

s return. I felt young this morning; it was a pre

tto. 'I am like a dog; I must bury my bo

! You have brought back the manner

dearest,' said the Prince. 'B

had been piping, stepped towards the e

on. She was a good vocalist; and, even in speech, her voice commanded a great range of changes, the low notes rich with tenor quality, the upper ringing, on the brink of laughter, into music. A gem of many facets and variable hues of fire; a woman who withheld the better portion of her beauty, and then, in a caressing second, flashed

ruel,' she said. 'Butterfly! Well, and

st kiss yours.' And Ot

ry indulgence,'

?' inquired the Prince. 'I

y ears. But yet I do myself and your unfortunate enchanted palace some injustice. Here is the last - O positively!' And she told him the story from behind her fan, with many glances, many cunning strokes of the narrator's art. The others h

ghing, 'you are the only ente

ound out so mu

wiser with advancing

the traitors? I do not believe in

ce. 'For six years that we have been good fr

ame? A week ago I had a council with my father director, the glass; and the glass replied, "Not yet!" I confess my

t guess,

uch a choice! Suicide, gambling, a nunnery, a volum

ull trade,

e out together daily to inspect the cannon, it is either a piece of politics or scandal, as I turn my phrase. I am the alchemist that makes the transmutation. They have been everywhere together since

e the subject

pursue the politics. Do you know? this war is popular

d this among others, that we may be going into war, bu

s I have always abominated the lamb, and nourished a romantic feeling for the wolf. O

'I thought you wer

rue that you have no ambition? There was a man once in England whom they c

d Otto, 'I may ask you

ddle?' asked

he Prince, 'and a

you another,' she returne

In the prime-ministry

ON PRINCE, are in the ante-room. You think me unkind,' she added. 'Try me and you will see. Set me a task, put me a

her hand. 'I would rather remain ignorant of all. We fraternise like

generosity, if anything, had disappointed her; she seemed to seek a remedy, and, having found it, brightened once more. 'And

u the sceptre; more, he will obey you in all point

fensive weapons, and had left a pleasant arrow in the Prince's heart. That Gondremark was jealous - here was an agre

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