img Barrington  /  Chapter 3 A SMALL DINNER-PARTY | 15.00%
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Word Count: 4507    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

osephine, too, was not less busily occupied, for her conventual education had made her wonderfully skilful in all sorts of confectionery, and she was mistress of devices in spun sugar and pre

ificed to some requirement of outward show. There was only one way of doing this," said he, as Barrington led him through the little flower-garden, giving glimpses of the rooms within as they passed,-"only one way, Mr. Barrington; a man must have consummate taste, and strong credit at his banker's." Barrington's cheek grew a thought redder, and he smiled that faint sad smile which now and then will break from one who feels that he could rebut what he has just heard, if it were but right or fitting he should do so. Of course, amongst really distressing sensations this has no place; but yet there is a peculiar pain in being complimented by your friend on the well-t

had all a lawyer's technical skill to change a topic; but Withering had gone to take his ac

an avowal would sound ungracefully. "It is my duty now," reasoned he, "to make my guest feel that all the attentions he receives exact no sacrifice, and that the pleasure his presence affords is unalloyed by a single embarrassment. If he must hear of my difficulties, let it be when he is not beneath my roof." A

they gained the shade of a huge ilex-tree, from wh

and as I know you have scores of things which claim your attention, let me release you,

for our entertainment;" and Barrington turned away into the copse, not sorry

eing seen, he took what he called an observation of all within. The sight was interesting, even if he did not bring to it the appreciation of a painter. There, upon a spacious kitchen table, lay a lordly sirloin, richly and variously colored, flanked by a pair of plump guinea-hens and a fresh salmon of fully twenty pounds' weight. Luscious fruit and vegetables we

nd whom in a moment of his expansive hospitality he had invited to visit him. "Isn't it like them!" muttered he. "It would be long before they'd think of such an entertainment to an old neighbor like myself; but here they are spending-who k

e sat musing and meditating, while the time went by. Just as the clock struck five, Miss Dinah, whose various cares of housewifery had given her a very busy day, was about to have a look at the drawing-room before she went to dress, and being fully aware that one of her guests was asleep, and the other full stretched beside the river, she felt she could go her "rounds" without fear of being observed. Now, whatever had been the peculiar functions she was lately engaged in, they had exacted from her certain changes in costume more picturesque than flattering. In the first place, the sleeves of her dress were

th a vigorous effort to shake out what sailors would call

times. I said this morning, if it 's fine to-da

the condition of her head-gear,-a startling fact which made her cheeks perfectly crimson. "I lay stress upon the change of name, sir," continued she

alicious grin. "And I forgot all about it, little thinking

ying, she retired towards the door, covering her retreat as she went by every object of furniture that presented itself, and, like a skilful gener

you at all!" said the Major, as he sat bac

th passion, passed her brother

heard a step ascending the stair. She could not risk another discovery like the last; so, ope

d barely an instant to gain her own roo

g brief messages as people have grown in these latter days of telegraphic communication. Oracular utterings had been more tha

ly and carelessly, noting the while how at every pause of the conversation each was dwelling on the self-same point, and yet, with a quiet abstinence, never touching it, till with a sigh, that was half a malediction, the uninvited would rise to take leave. Barrington w

e stairs, "it will be the first time in my life I ev

hint that the Attorney-General and another friend had just arrived,-a visit, a mere business visit it was, to be passed with law papers and parchments. "Poor fun when the partridges were in the stubble, but there was no help for it. Who knew, however, if he could not induce them to give h

t M'Cormick, whose assent was given, as attorn

n," said Peter. "I 'll send you a line to s

th, the future never had in his estimation the same interest as the prese

ar from me early, for I am anxious you should meet

be?" asked

ter, with a forced laugh, for it now wanted but ten

ess. Oh, if you who have your fortunes to make in life, without any assignable mode for so doing, without a craft, a calling, or a trade, knew what success there was to be achieved merely by sitting-by simply being "there," eternally "there"-a warning, an example, an

d make up his whist-table; and then he will be "there." I knew a man who, merely by sitting on patiently for years, was at last chosen to be sent as a Minister and special Envoy to a foreign Court just to get rid of

agitation and anxiety, "whom I want to pledge himself to us for Saturda

can depend upon me?"

said Miss Dinah. "My grandniece, Miss Josephine Barrington," said she, presen

deep bow, and resumed his seat; to rise again, however,

ngton, while the lawyer and the Major were talking

r, Dinah! o

entering; then turning hastily to Barring

hter;" and the ladies courtesied, each with a degree of s

r, with a courtesy and tact which won their way for the sp

, then?" said Barring

ost amusing story, which was suddenly broken off when we la

o us for Saturday," began Dinah. But M'Cormi

u sleep. It's all about Walcheren, though

nt than one of us," said Withering, laughing. "But what 's become of your b

d Barrington, with a

one to come;" and she laid such an emphasis

deed, that he hurriedly rang the bell, saying, in a sharp voice,

ce to catch her eye. Dinner was at length announced. Withering gave his arm to Miss Barrington, Stapylton took charge of Josephine, and old Peter, pleasantly drawing

cter of the M'Cormick class is not so damaging an element as might be imagined, and at times there is a positive advantage in having one of whose merits, by a tacit understanding, all are quite agreed. Withering and Stapylton both read the man at once, and drew out his salient points-his parsimony, his malice, and his prying curiosity-in various ways, but so neatly and so advisedly as to make him fancy he was the attacking party, and very successful, too, in his assaults upon the

hey strolled about on the greensward after dinner to enjoy their co

out like a bagged fox, and show the ladies s

ng them there; they had no

sed at my little hit about the days when he used to be a Whig and spout liberal politics; and the other liked just as little my remark about the fellows in the Company's service, and how nobody knew who they were or where they came from.

he moved away, not sorry, as he went, to mark the easy familiarity with wh

ay, from a man that hasn't a cross in his p

t pos

than the oyster patties it came with; champagne next, and in tumblers too! Do you ever

all ad

ing forgotten,-not tha

t might

d for! No, nor

s, without being rich, in very comfortable circumstances; able

of tremulous indignation, as though the atrocity bore especially hard upon them. "Kinshela, the attorney from Kilkenny, was up with me about it yesterday. 'It's an elegant investment, Major,' says he, 'and

urn it over in my mind;' for there

ou have been reflecting over another investment, eh? Am I not right? I remarked you at dinner. I s

nd," said M'Cormick, awkwardly. "I

e chances in that direction are very small, indeed, and I cannot understand the hopeful feeling with whic

ter if she could make a pease-pudding, like Polly Dill, or

like you or I wants is one who should give a sort of tone,-impart a degree of elegance to his daily life. We old bachelors grow into self-indulgence, which is only another name for barbaris

twice of it before I 'd ask that young woman to be Mrs. M'Cormick. And, besides," added h

goes to the bishop for a license, he should send in his papers to the Horse Guards. Now, I 'm too poor to give up my career. I have not, lik

de the spots where the collar has galled you, you ought to wear the trappings to the last. No man ever knew how to idle, who had n't passed all his life at it! Some go so far as

and myself got into pipeclay and barrack tal

ar of it from Miss Dinah!" And there was something so comic in the seriousn

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