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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2210    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d advertising himself. If you analyse it, it's a mean thing to do, for it's no more a virtue to be born American than a fault to be born anything els

Momma and I thought it rather noble of him and resolved to live up to it if possible, but when he brought forth a large packet of hotel coupons, guaranteed to produce everything, includin

y!" momma ejaculated. "Were

nd I understand it's a popular, sensible way of travelling. I told the young man that the one thing

ly, looking at the paper books of tickets, held together by a

zerland honey with your breakfast," the Senator responded firmly. "I never made a more interesting purchase.

matic possibilities," I rem

say, 'Whatever happens to the world, I am determined to have my bed, breakfast, lunc

it, Augusta. It's remarkably, pictorially cheap." The Senator put the little books in their

mean. The inexpensiveness of Europe," he continued, "is

in him up to this date, and I congratulated him warmly upon its appearance. I believe it is inherent in primitive tribes and in all Englishmen, but

e we got over. Dieppe lay behind us, and momma at the window declared that she could hardly believe she was looking out at Normandy. Momma at the window was enjoying h

lovely to see them standing up in that stiff,

to the window, but disco

, Augusta?"

Aren't you awfully disappoint


the poplar feature of the scenery, and returned to his we

pposed I should see them doing it! And r

" I repeated, searc

l in that nice moderate shade of blue-electric, shouldn't you call it?

d incense into the opening exercises of the public schools. I've read eleven different accounts of a battle in Korea, and an article on the fauna and flora of Beluchistan, very well written. And I see it's stated, on good authority, that the Queen drove out

protested, "from Chicago, too. A w

enator with sarcasm. "'Movements of Cereals!' Gives you a great idea of

Mayor, or Jimmy Fagan?" I inqu

eem to have a

ot the Pos

not there,

Why talk of Chicago? Mr. McConnell and Mr. Fagan are all very well at home, but now that

as far as I'm concerned I'm afraid it couldn't be done-at all permanently. There's too much involved. But I see what you mean about tur

the other window to the appreciation of the scenery, and I felt, as I took o

o exclaim, "you mustn't look over my shoul

d only describe it as it is! The ruined

ide the Angelus comes pealing-or stealing,"

he women toilers in the sunset fields garnering up the golden grain. Yo

. "But I suppose the public won't know

melling-bottle, and looked out of th

Norman cows standing knee-deep in the qui

ust his hands in his pockets, and his feet out in front of him in a manner which expressed absolute dissent. When momma said she thought

t I'm perfectly certain I've heard of the poplars and the women field labourers of Normandy somewhere before. She doesn't do it on purpose"-the Senator inclined his head with deprecation toward the sleeping form opposite, and lowered his voice-"and I don't know that I'd mention it to you

and to resent it, as a man and a brother. He spoke sadly and somewhat bitterly of the manners of the brother man who shaved him, which he found unjustifiably affable, and of the inexcusable abasement of a British railway porter if you gave him a shilling. He said he was glad to leave England, it was demoralising to live there; you lost your sense of the dignity of labour, and in the course of

f an interpreter. He is said to be found on all station platforms of importance, and I presume he's standing there waiting for

ke a nickle-in-the-slot machine, automatically arranged to open his arms to tourists presenting the right tickets, and emit conversation. When we finally detected him, by his cap, he was shifting uneasily in the midst of a crowd o

hat goes with our ticke

s place, nowheres I go." He stood at bay, so to speak, frowning fiercely as he replied,

u," said poppa, firmly, "I'

people? Immediately it open you go and show ze customs man. You got no duty

y charge on nerve tincture, please?

and eau-de-Cologne, i

would speak more slowly. There's no cause for excitement. From here

ll! All ze same it is zat door beside

ng, my friend," he added, as the interpreter washed his hands of us, "you may be a n

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