img The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 33.33%
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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 27/11/2017


een a cat and a lie is that a cat has onl

d several invitations while the reception was in progress, and had also volunteered to play some duets at an amateur entertainment for the benefit of a local charity. Society was eager to receive them to its bosom. Judge Driscoll ha

and the slaughter-house, and got out the independent fire company in uniform and had them put out an imaginary fire; then he let them inspect the muskets of the militia company, and poured out an exhaustless stream of enthusiasm over all these splendors, and seemed very well satisfied with the r

were of a pretty early vintage, and they had had many a rejuvenating pull at them before. And he told them all about his several dignities, and how he had held this and that and the other place of honor or profit, and had once been to the legislature, a

him. This scheme succeeded-the favorable impression was achieved. Later it was confirmed and solidified when Wilson proposed that out of courtesy to the strangers the usual topics be

n was richer by two friends than he had been when it began. He invited the twins to look in at his

mething which surprised and interested him. It was a young woman-a young woman where properly no young woman belonged; for she was in Judge Driscoll's house, and in the bedroom over the Judge's private study or sitting-room. This was young Tom Driscoll's bedroom. He and the Judge, the Judge's widowed sister Mrs. Pratt and three negro servants were the only people who belonged in the house. Who, then, might this young lady be? The two houses were separated by an ordinary yard, with a low fence running back through its middle from

her, and he remained there hoping she would raise her veil and betray her face. But she disappointed him. After a

ng him to arrive a little before night; and added that she and the Judge were gratified to gather from his letters that he was conducting himself very nicely and creditably-at which Wilson winked to himself privately. Wilson did not ask if there was a newcomer

he problem of who that girl might be, and how she happened

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