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Reclaiming His!

Reclaiming His!

5 Chapters
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18-year-old Michelle Agrilla's world came crashing down when she discovered she was pregnant. She should have been happy, she had her life all planned out with Luis, her childhood sweetheart. But she didn't even know the whereabouts of the father of her child.  His family told her he left on a high-risk undercover mission in another country, but he didn't even tell her before he left her alone and with no means to reach him.  In the midst of heartache and uncertainty, she found herself agreeing to marry her professor, despite not having any real feelings for him.  Five years later, she is kidnapped by Luis after he returns, disrupting her life and her plans for the future. Shockingly, he leaves behind their four-year-old son, disclaiming any responsibility for him.  Will Michelle forgive Luis for abandoning her in the past and stay with him? Or will she keep her marriage?  *** Following his impromptu departure, Luis returned two months later, eager to catch a glimpse of his woman, even if it meant admiring her from a distance. His longing to see her overshadowed the fear of endangering her life.  However, his longings came to an abrupt halt when he witnessed her marrying another man and discovered she was a month pregnant.  The revelation left him broken, he couldn't believe Michelle cheated on him after all the love she professed to him.  Five years later, upon his return from his mission, he thought he was over his love for her, however seeing her again reignited his desire, so he abducted her, unable to bear the thought of living without her again. This book is a sequel to 'You Belong to Me! Ex-wife.' But can be read as a stand-alone. 

Chapter 1 You liar

As soon as the school bell rang, everyone quickly packed their books and other belongings and hurried out of the classroom as if they were sitting on pins and needles and couldn't wait to stand up. I was always the last person to leave the class.

After gathering all my items, I made my way out of the class, my thoughts consumed with one person, Ryan Luis Collins. I had been counting down every second until now. Not that thinking about him hindered me from my studies, though.

What was going to happen when I got home? I was now 18 years old and I wasn't going to take no for an answer from Luis. He had promised to make me his woman when I turned 18. Now I couldn't wait to meet him, the love of my life.

I hurriedly made my way towards my hostel, as I had already packed my stuff. All that was left was for me to say goodbye to Alan before I left for the airport. Alan is our professor but a very friendly man. He approached me the first day he came to our school, and you can imagine the fuss it caused. Rumors spread that I was warming his bed, and I couldn't blame them. He was very handsome, and they all wanted him for themselves.

"Hey, watch it, damn it!" I exclaimed when a figure suddenly crossed me, and I collided into the person's firm chest, making me lose my balance and almost fall.

However, he was quick to wrap his hands around my waist, holding me in place.

'Damn it, Luis would kill whoever it is if he had seen this,' I thought. But I immediately pulled away upon hearing Alan's voice.

"I'm sorry, Michelle," He said.

"Professor... I... I didn't realize it was you," I stuttered, feeling embarrassed for cursing at him earlier. 'Of all people, why did I have to bump into him?' I cursed internally looking down.

"Hey, I told you to call me Alan; aren't we friends?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, Profe... I mean Alan," I murmured, still avoiding eye contact.

"Michelle, look at me," he urged, and I looked up with a forced smile.

"There, that is the smile I have come to admire so much," he said, then shifted his gaze to my suitcase. I could swear I saw his jaw tense, but he quickly concealed it, and asked in a teasing tone,

"Already packed, huh?" I smiled and nodded with a small,

"Yes. I was actually on my way to see you before I left."

"Do you need a ride to the airport? I can take you," he offered, reaching for my suitcase. But I pulled it back and quickly replied,

"I already booked an Uber, thanks."

"Okay," he replied with a smile, though I could sense the sudden change in his demeanor. He wasn't pleased with my action. But it wasn't my fault, me bumping into him earlier might have sparked rumors already, and to mention riding in his car. I smiled awkwardly, and said,

"See you after spring, Professor," intentionally emphasizing the 'Professor' so the few girls who were eavesdropping on us would hear.


Two hours later, we arrived at Pearl City Airport...

"Did you enjoy your flight, Miss?" the air hostess inquired as I exited the plane.

"Yes, thank you," I replied with a smile, making my way towards the private airport's underground parking lot. I hadn't informed Luis about my return, but if it was true he had someone keeping watch over me at school like Clara told me, he would definitely be waiting for me at the parking lot.

Upon reaching the gate, I took a deep breath and gently pushed it, my eyes closed as doubts raced through my mind. 'What if he isn't there?'

"Open your eyes," Luis's familiar husky voice commanded. The voice that always sent shivers down my spine. A happy smile spread across my face as I obeyed his request.

And there he stood, dressed in his signature attire, black jeans trouser, matched with a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black boots. Damn! He's fucking handsome, and tonight, I'm his to claim.

leaving my luggage behind, I sprinted as fast as I could and jumped into his open, strong arms. With my arms encircling his neck, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and wrapped my legs around his lean waist.

"Did you miss me, mine?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me and placing soft kisses on my hair.

"You wish," I teased.

"Oh, really?" he asked, and I smiled and nodded. "Fine, I'm also keeping my gift then."

"You got me a gift? Where is it? Is it inside. the car?" I asked eagerly, but he just smirked. "Let me down." He gently placed me on the ground, and I hurried into the car, but found nothing out of the ordinary, just his laptop, phone, and some documents.

"You liar," I teased when he joined me.

"I didn't lie. Give me your hand," he said, reaching for my right hand as I looked at him puzzled.

"I know it's been a week since your birthday, but I didn't lie when I told you I would make you mine when you turned 18. I had planned for us to go to the city hall and get married, but I was told you hadn't eaten lunch. So let's go home, and I'll prepare you dinner. Tomorrow, we will go to the city hall, okay?" he explained.

So basically, when Luis said, "I will make you mine," he meant "Marry me?" I had thought otherwise. I had hoped he would finally make love to me.

I opened my mouth to respond, but my words caught in my throat when he slid a delicate golden ring with an enormous diamond onto my finger, rendering me completely speechless. I gazed into his eyes, feeling a rush of emotions well up inside me.

"Luis..., thank you," I finally managed to say, my heart overflowing with emotion. "I love you very much."

"Likewise," he replied, his voice filled with tenderness as he pulled me into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and responded to him, matching his intensity. We only parted when the both of us were breathless.

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