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The Book Volume Two

The Book Volume Two

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The Book is a work of a science fiction novel that starts with the concept of 12 stones that were made by the creator. These 12 stones have different universes inside of them. Now The first volume of the book has told the story of Cavil who is the stone of that universe. Inside that Universe, he is facing challenges as he is on a mission to find the twelve lions of that universe. For a better idea, this story can be read in The Book Volume One. Whereas The Book Volume Two is the sequel of the previous one. In this story the protagonist Rahul and his girlfriend met an accident. In the accident, the boy's brain is damaged and the girl's brain is active. So the doctors transplant the girl's brain into Rahul's skull. But Rahul has growth and fluid in his brain which makes him lose his mental balance. Soon the boy gets to know that he can talk to people in his brain. Later he goes to hiding where he meets Akir who is one of the 108 humans. And he tells him that he is the 12th stone. He has to combine all of the 12 stones and make a new universe. Soon the boy meets a few people on his expedition who help him on his way. He then meets his dead girlfriend and learns that Cali is the first stone. He is in a dead sleep as he tried to open the forbidden box which was only meant to be opened by the maker. But when the box was opened an explosion happened and Cali was injured and a part of him was detached and that part was formed in a new person Opac. But Opac was blamed for the explosion and was cursed that he will not sleep until Cali comes out of the deep sleep. And Opac took the brain of Cali and transplanted his brain in his skull and then Cali has been running Opac as everybody thinks that Opac is the culprit.

Chapter 1 Lovely Begining

It was 11:59 at night, and the moment the clock turned 12, Rahul's cell phone started ringing. He picked up the phone, and it was his girlfriend, Preeti, wishing him a happy birthday with excitement. The calls kept coming on Rahul's cell phone, and he was happy to have friends who thought of him.

After the moment of well-wishing and gratitude, Rahul finally went to bed. The next morning, when he woke up, his elder brother and parents were in his bedroom. As soon as he opened his eyes, his father exclaimed, "Congratulations, young boy! You have turned 22." His mother added, "Rahul, my baby, it feels like yesterday when you were born, and today we are celebrating your twenty-second birthday." Rahul's brother chimed in, saying, "Congrats, champ," and Rahul replied, "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Rahul's brother then offered his car for Rahul to use and enjoy on his way to college. Rahul expressed his gratitude, and his mother mentioned that she would be preparing dinner, inviting his friends to join. She reminded him not to forget to call Preeti. Rahul responded, "What, Mom? Not now." His mother retorted, "What, Mom? I am your mom, and I have every right to be involved in your life." After this exchange, everyone went about their day, and Rahul took his brother's car and headed to college.

Excited to meet his friends and Preeti, Rahul first visited Preeti's house. She greeted him, saying, "Hey, birthday boy, how are you?" Rahul replied, "I'm good, just be quick." Preeti agreed and asked for a moment to grab her bag. They both then left for college.

Upon reaching the college, Rahul parked the car, and Aman stood next to it. When Rahul stepped out of the car, Aman covered his eyes with his hands. Perplexed, Rahul asked Preeti, "What are you doing?" Preeti stood beside Aman and replied, "Just come with me." Aman and Preeti led Rahul to the canteen, where classmates and friends had gathered. When Aman removed his hands, party poppers went off, and everyone lifted Rahul in the air, giving him birthday bumps. Rahul jokingly pleaded, "Now put me down." Aman responded, "Not yet. We're going to cut the cake."

The cake-cutting turned into a cake fight, with boys and girls smearing cake on each other's faces, hands, and bodies. The commotion caught the attention of a janitor and a teacher, who scolded them and ordered them to leave the canteen immediately. All the kids rushed to the washroom to clean up. Cashew then asked Rahul, "Bro, where's the party?" Preeti interjected, saying, "Not tonight. Your mother had called me to your home." Rahul was surprised and asked, "What? When did that happen?" Preeti replied, "You don't know; your mother and I sometimes talk." Turning to Aman, Rahul inquired, "How many of us are there?" Aman answered, "Around fifteen." Rahul suggested, "Then let's go to Hangout bar and have some fun there." Aman agreed, and they made their way to the bar. Aman counted the cars, ensuring they had enough for everyone. Rahul confirmed that he had also brought his car. With no problems, they proceeded to the bar.

After enjoying themselves, everyone returned home. Rahul dropped off a few friends and was driving back home with Preeti. Aman called Rahul on his cell phone to thank him for the party, expressing his love. Rahul replied, "I know you love me, but you're drunk. We'll talk tomorrow." Aman tried to say something, but Rahul hung up. After the call, Rahul and Preeti were alone in the car and shared a romantic moment. Rahul held Preeti's hand and expressed, "You are the best thing that God has done for me." Preeti responded, "You're bringing down the mood. Let's hurry; we need to get home fast, and then you have to drop me off at my house." Rahul replied, "At your service, ma'am," and accelerated the car. They soon arrived at Rahul's home.

Rahul's mother, Arti, had made all the arrangements for dinner, and his brother, Samarth, and father, Vinod, were planning a surprise. However, since Rahul came home early, the surprise was no longer a secret. Rahul rang the doorbell, and Samarth opened the door, saying, "What? Can't you be late just one day?" Rahul retorted, "Late? You should have prepared it earlier." Preeti arrived, and Samarth exclaimed, "Wow, Preeti, what a surprise to see you here.

Arti came over and shushed him, saying, "Do not talk to her like that. She is my daughter. Come, Preeti, let's keep ourselves busy in the kitchen." Rahul responded, "You needed someone to talk to, so you called her to come." Arti replied, "Just go and talk to your dad." Rahul said, "I'm going to my room to freshen up. Be quick, as she has to go home early, and we have a test tomorrow."

Samarth said, "What test? You both wake up five hours early to prepare for the exam, and you'll be fine. I'm going out to get something." He then told his father, "I'm taking your credit card since the party is on you." Arti questioned, "Vinod, what are you up to?" Vinod replied, "It's just us three, having a man-to-man talk. You talk with your daughter, and me and my wolves will howl tonight." Arti said, "Just do whatever you want, but be easy on the boys." After this, Rahul went to his room, Samarth went out, and Vinod watched TV.

An hour later, Samarth returned, and Vinod asked, "Did you get what I asked for?" Samarth confirmed, "Yes, I got it." Vinod called Rahul, and the three of them gathered in the living room while Arti and Preeti joined them. Arti expressed her concern, saying, "What is this, Vinod? You're ruining it for them." Vinod retorted, "I'm ruining it? Would it be better if they come home drunk?" Arti warned, "You dare to do that." Samarth interjected, "Come on, Mom, it's just beer." Arti responded, "No, it's not just beer; it's a deadly poison."

Vinod grabbed Arti's hand and took her to the kitchen, explaining, "I know about my kids, and you don't need to worry. This will be a bond between a father and his two sons. Besides, they are above the legal drinking age. Let's support them by opening up to them." Arti reluctantly agreed, and Vinod returned to the living room. He took the boys to the roof, opened three beers, and said, "To my Rahul and to our bond." Samarth chuckled and remarked, "Bond?" Rahul added, "To life." The three of them took sips, held their beer bottles, and Samarth said, "Dad, you're great." Rahul commented, "Just one sip, and you spill the whole truth." Samarth affirmed, "I know what I'm saying. It's great that he's open with us like this." Rahul agreed, "Yes, to be honest, he's the best dad." Vinod jokingly added, "This is the last time I'm sitting with you two, as you both are party spoilers." The three of them laughed.

While the three were on the roof, Arti and Preeti had prepared dinner. Arti instructed Preeti to go upstairs and call them down to eat, as the food was getting cold.

Rahul said, "Yes, Dad, we must have dinner as I have to drop Preeti." Vinod replied, "As you order, birthday boy." The four of them came down and sat at the dining table while Arti served. Vinod said, "You don't need to do anything, just sit, and we will get the food." He added, "Boys, help your mother, and you, Preeti, sit with me." The boys went into the kitchen with Arti and Preeti, and Vinod engaged in a conversation.

Preeti said, "Uncle, you seem to be okay with the boys." Vinod responded, "Daughter, if it weren't for your aunt, these boys would have killed me." Preeti assured him, "One of the boys is with me, and I promise to take good care of him." Vinod requested, "Promise me." Preeti began saying, "I promise," but Arti interrupted, saying, "What promise are you two conspiring against me and my boys?" She laughed, and the boys brought all the food to the table.

Rahul proposed a toast, saying, "To the birthday boy. To my father and mother." Samarth interjected, "What about brother and girlfriend?" and they all laughed. Rahul continued, "Also, to my dumb brother and the girl of my dreams." Rahul began eating while Arti reminded Vinod, "Aren't you forgetting something?" Vinod questioned, "What? Everything is here." Arti replied, "The gift." Vinod hurried to his room, retrieved a small box, and gave it to Rahul, saying, "This is your gift." Rahul declined, "I don't want it." Samarth chimed in, "If you don't want it, give it to me." Rahul inquired, "What is it?" Arti urged him, "Open it." Rahul opened the box and found a car key inside. Excitedly, he exclaimed, "Oh my god, thanks Dad! I wanted a car so bad." Samarth suggested, "Do you want to exchange cars?" Rahul responded, "No way! It's a BMW, and I want it." Arti instructed, "Now have your food, and both Preeti and Rahul, go for a long drive. Rahul, drop Preeti at her house." Preeti objected, "No, you guys go for the first ride." Vinod persuaded, "Come on, daughter, you promised me something." He smiled at Preeti, and she relented, saying, "Okay."

After finishing their meal, Arti collected all the dishes. Preeti attempted to help, but Arti declined, saying, "No, darling, not now. When you come here after marriage, you can do the dishes." She then called Rahul and asked him to drop Preeti at her house. Rahul reluctantly agreed, saying, "Okay, I'll do that, but I'm feeling a bit dizzy." Arti dismissed his excuses, saying, "Stop making excuses and go." Rahul insisted, "I'm not making excuses." Preeti offered, "If there's a problem, I can take a cab." Arti replied, "No cabs and no excuses. Rahul, you take her home." Rahul acquiesced, "As you like."

Rahul fetched the keys and said to Preeti, "Let's go. We have a test tomorrow." Preeti suggested, "Just come to my house at 5 am in the morning. We'll study and prepare for the test." Samarth remarked, "That will only happen if you drop her at her house." Rahul and Preeti exited the house, and Rahul opened the car door for Preeti. She praised, "A gentleman's move. You're on the right track." Rahul replied, "Yes, I'm on the right track, but you're not." He revealed, "I overheard you and my father. What promise were you two talking about?" Preeti requested, "Just start the car, and I'll tell you on the way to my home." After driving for a few minutes, Rahul merged onto the highway and asked Preeti, "What promise was my father asking for?" Preeti replied, "This is between you and me." She continued, "Your father told me to be with you and take care of you." Rahul questioned, "What does he think?" Suddenly, a truck collided with Rahul's car, and both of them were injured. The truck driver fled the scene, but a passerby witnessed the accident and called the police. Rahul and Preeti were immediately admitted to the hospital.

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