Man-Ish's Books
Neuro Love: "A Sequel To My Type Of Girl"
The real love cannot be defined; it is just an emotion, and emotions are the language of our hearts. And the heart wants what it wants. This book is the sequel to the book My Type of Girl. The previous book made a strong impact among the youth, making it a great love story. But what are love stories, you may ask? Some love stories are inspiring, while others convey a message to do everything but never fall in love. Although I have never fallen in love and have never experienced it, one thing I believe is that it is not just a feeling; it is something even beyond that, yet to be defined. This story has defined love in such a way that you can understand that in love, anything can happen. And when I say anything, I mean anything. So, before you start reading this book, I recommend you to read the first part because at first, it may seem all shining, lovely, and charismatic. However, love tests the lovers to see if they can be together and what kind of love they have. To find the different shades of love, you will need to read the whole book. And I will tell you this, if you think that love is the end of suffering and the union of two souls, then think twice. Love comes with a cost - a cost of your own time, self-being, and many other factors. So, let's read the book My Type of Girl Part and give a second chance to your love life, if it has not worsened and you don't want to kill each other on certain days when you want to be all alone.
The Book Volume Two
The Book is a work of a science fiction novel that starts with the concept of 12 stones that were made by the creator. These 12 stones have different universes inside of them. Now The first volume of the book has told the story of Cavil who is the stone of that universe. Inside that Universe, he is facing challenges as he is on a mission to find the twelve lions of that universe. For a better idea, this story can be read in The Book Volume One. Whereas The Book Volume Two is the sequel of the previous one. In this story the protagonist Rahul and his girlfriend met an accident. In the accident, the boy’s brain is damaged and the girl’s brain is active. So the doctors transplant the girl’s brain into Rahul’s skull. But Rahul has growth and fluid in his brain which makes him lose his mental balance. Soon the boy gets to know that he can talk to people in his brain. Later he goes to hiding where he meets Akir who is one of the 108 humans. And he tells him that he is the 12th stone. He has to combine all of the 12 stones and make a new universe. Soon the boy meets a few people on his expedition who help him on his way. He then meets his dead girlfriend and learns that Cali is the first stone. He is in a dead sleep as he tried to open the forbidden box which was only meant to be opened by the maker. But when the box was opened an explosion happened and Cali was injured and a part of him was detached and that part was formed in a new person Opac. But Opac was blamed for the explosion and was cursed that he will not sleep until Cali comes out of the deep sleep. And Opac took the brain of Cali and transplanted his brain in his skull and then Cali has been running Opac as everybody thinks that Opac is the culprit.
My Type Of Girl
This story is about a boy who fell in love with a girl in his class. In order to win her over, he quits his addiction, and even though his family abandons him, she stays with him. She doesn't stay with him physically, but she makes arrangements to help him quit his addiction. However, fate takes a cruel turn when the boy returns from recovering and finds out that the girl is no longer in this world. Despite this heartbreaking sacrifice, the boy changes his life to such an extent that he starts writing books. His books become bestsellers and he even gets a contract with a movie producer who recognizes his talent and turns his books into movies.
The Book Volume One
The book dwells on the spatial connection of the seven universes that are under the reign of Cavil, who is a supreme god. It is the journey of Cavil from Earth to become the supreme god. He saves these seven universes from evil. On this journey, he meets a lot of people who tell him about his real purpose, which is to replace the writer who has written the fate of everybody. This journey embodies extravagant characters who are beyond the gods. The protagonist starts his journey by eating a god's fruit and further uniting all seven universes into another universe known as the Zero Universe. The book is subtly written in order to make the readers think twice about their existence, and in fact, it will change your perception of looking at things.