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D-10013 To SCP-5004

D-10013 To SCP-5004

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I am not normal. I am not human nor am I a creature. I guess you can say that I am a "fake" but I assure you, everything I am about to tell you about myself and my history, is all true. Join me in my telling of myself. Hope to see you there.

Chapter 1 D-10013 to SCP-5004

Hi there. I'm D-10013, or, I used to be. Now I'm known as SCP-5004. If you are wondering how a D-class criminal gets to be an SCP, than I'm your answer.

Now, those of you who don't want to know, don't continue.

Anyways, ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to have the power to change my shape to anything that I wanted. Some say that your brain is a very powerful thing. Those people, are right. When I was just five years old, my mother killed herself in front of me. I screamed and cried for hours until my father got home, the drunken bastard that he is. Surprisingly, he managed to hold a funeral for her.

You know, I'm sure you'd love to hear my backstory, but right now, I have to tell you something. Abuse and drugs do a lot to your body and mind, please, don't do drugs. If you're being abused, don't be afraid to run away like I was.

Anyways, I was just about to turn nine years old when my father started to abuse me and sell photos of my naked body to some sick people. I thought they were monsters, but they are nothing compared to what I deal with now.

This went on for a few years. When I turned twelve, that drunken bastard I call father, started to sell my body to people. I begged him to let me go into C.A.S care. I promised that I would never tell anyone what he had done to me, but it was all for not. He broke three of my ribs and sold my body off to three or four men, I can't remember.

When I was fifteen, my father had caused me to have more than ten miscarriage's. He loved the fact that I had stopped growing at the age of nine when his abuse started.

He would move us from town to town until I turned sixteen. We were in Texas when my sixteenth birthday came. At that point, he couldn't stop me from leaving. I left him in the dust. I planned to do much better than he ever did, until the moment I realized, I looked like a nine year old girl. I uttered curses for what he did to me. I desperately wanted to look older.

Let's skip passed my time of being depressed and living beside a dumpster. It's been three years now. I'm nineteen and I'm starving and dirty. I still look like a nine year old, but I didn't care anymore. I had landed myself in Mexico with some drug lord. I can't remember his name at all, so let's call him Ralph. I was his cute little pet. He believed me when I told him about my past. Ralph insisted that I call him by his name while he called me pet, little pet or girl.

Oh! Before I forget again! I was born April 18, 1821.

Anyways, at some point while I was with Ralph, he started injecting me with all sorts of drugs. If you can name it, I've more than likely had it injected into me. Ralph never told me what he liked about me, but I could tell there was something different about me. Mainly because I outlived his son and grandson. I can't remember if this is his great grandson or his great great grandson, but this one is different. He's nice, except for when he's on drugs. When he's sober, he will take me out to the backyard and allow me to get some much needed sun on my very pale skin.

The years went by like that. I was passed down from son to son until one day, police came and took me away. I was placed in an orphanage, but the police kept coming to ask my questions every day. At first, I refused to answer them, but after some time, I met this woman. She was nice to me and I liked her from the start.

"What's your name, Sweetheart?" She had asked me.

"I don't remember." I replied simply.

"Do you have a name that you want to be called?" She asked.

"No." She was writing something, so I had leaned over and looked. She was writing what we were talking about. "Why are you doing that?" I asked.

She smiled brightly at me. "I like to keep notes because sometimes I forget things." I just stared at her. She was nice, but odd at the same time. "Do you know what day it is?"

"No." I replied.

"Today is April 18, 2001. Today is my birthday. When is yours?"

"April 18, 1821." I watched as she became afraid. She was shaking and staring at me. I hated being stared at like this. "Stop that." I muttered, but she didn't. This made me even more mad than I already was.

At that moment, all I could think about was turning into a lycan and ripping her to shreds. I wanted to so badly. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I do remember 'waking up' with blood all over my body and the woman I was talking to, was all over the room. I felt something sharp in my arm, then nothing.

When I woke up again, I was in an orange suit with think black writing that said D-10013. I looked around and noticed that I was being watched by two others in the same orange suit, but their numbers were D-10012 and D-10011. "What are you in for?" D-10011 asked.

"You look pretty young to be in here with us." D-10012 chipped in.

"I think I killed an officer. I remember her staring at me after I told her my age, then nothing, then I remember being covered in blood. She was all over the room. I remember her head being on the table we were sitting at. Then I felt something sharp in my arm, then nothing, now here I am."

"Why was she staring at you over your age? You look like you're nine or ten years old." D-10012 raised an eye brow at me.

"Because I was born April 18,1821." Both D-10012 and D-10011 stared at me for a second before bursting into laughter.

"That's a lie if I ever heard one." D-10012 replied and laughed again.

I didn't like being laughed at. I wanted to rip them open. I closed my eyes and covered my ears. "Stop it!" I screamed. When they stopped, I opened my eyes again. "I apologize. I didn't mean to yell." My hands dropped to my lap and I looked up at them, but what I saw, wasn't pleasant.

Their ears, eyes and nose were bleeding. I gasped and covered my mouth. Why were they bleeding? I didn't do anything to them. At that moment, they fell over but they didn't just fall over, no. They hit the floor and 'shattered' open. I could see their hearts still beating, until they too stopped.

I don't know how long I sat there, but when I heard a rush of boots and distant voices, I knew they had finally seen the two bodies on the floor. "D-10013, what happened here? What did you do?"

I looked up at the voice. This man looked identical to my father. I know now that he wasn't my father, but at the time, I didn't. I felt rage rise inside me. "You drunken bastard! How dare you show your face to me!" I wanted desperately to get through those bars and sink my own claws and fangs into him.

Before I even realized it, I was much taller and already clawing and biting this man. I assume he died before I felt a sharp pain in my leg because, there was blood everywhere. I remember having something warm and squishy in my hand, then nothing.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a concrete room with a one way window and a solid, heavy metal door. "Are you awake now?" I heard a voice. There was no one in the room, but I knew they could see me through the cameras and the window.

"Yes." I replied.

"You are no longer D-10013." The voice paused. "You are now known as SCP-5004. Do you understand this?"

"Yes." I replied again.

"Do you require anything?" The voice asked.

I looked around the room. I only had a bed in here. "Yes." I replied.

"What do you require, SCP-5004?"

"A bathroom when I request it, food and water when I request it, pens, paper, both lined and blank, crayons, pencils, and some books to read."

They didn't reply for a while. I don't remember falling asleep, but I was woken up to a large bang from the door. I jumped and growled. When I noticed that is was someone in an orange suit like I had on, I relaxed a little. "Hi, I'm D-8514. I've been told that I am to tell you that if you are good, you can have what you requested." He looked scared of me. I wondered why, until I tried to put my hand out to shake his. I had a paw! It looked like a dogs paw, but I couldn't tell. I felt scared now, and I guess D-8514 noticed. "Hey, it's okay. Just relax. I was told that when you are calm, you take on a human form."

It was odd that he was being nice to me. They must have figured something out about me that I have no clue of. However, as instructed, I relaxed and pictured my normal body. There was a slight pain, but nothing after that. When I looked at my hands again, they were human. "So," I muttered. "I have to be good to get what I asked for?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's what the doctors said." He replied, nodding his head.

I sighed. "Well, that's going to be hard. I don't know what being good or bad is." I guess you can call me stupid, but I really didn't know. I wasn't even in school, my father never taught me anything after my mother died, Ralph and his family taught me to be a test subject. "Are they listening and watching right now?" I asked.

"Yeah. They are always watching and listening."

"Doctor, may I have learning books too please?" I looked at the window, feeling like that were watching me from there.

"What for, SCP-5004?"

"Mom killed herself when I was five. Dad sold pictures of my naked body when I was nine, then sold my body to people when I was twelve. When I was nineteen, I was in Mexico with Ralph. He left me to his son when he died. I was used for testing drugs. I know some stuff, but I've never been to school. I'd like to learn."

We are going to jump ahead a few years here. D-8514 still comes everyday to see me. Now, I have more stuff in my room. Everything I asked for was given to me, as long as I am good. For two hours a day, I would be taught as if I was in school then D-8514 would come to see me for an hour, then the Doctors would take me outside for some sun. I asked if they would allow me to change shape out here, but they said no.

I had asked if they could get approval from the higher-ups and they said they would inquire about it. Now, as long as I wear a tracker, I'm allowed to change and do as I wish.

One day, I noticed that D-8514 didn't come to see me. "Doctor?" I called out.

"Yes, SCP-5004?" Came the reply.

"Where is D-8514?" I asked.

Sadly, he has passed away. He has been ill for quite some time now." They replied.

I swear I felt an alarm go off in my head. I knew it was a lie. "Please don't lie to me, Doctor. Lying is bad. You taught me that."

There was silence for a while. "D-8514 was sent into another experiment. He has been killed." They replied.

I felt sad. "Doctor?"


"May I go outside?" I asked. I could see the doctor in the window now. I told them that I wanted it changed because I liked looking at who I was talking to.

I saw a small smile on the assistants face. "Yes, SCP-5004. I will get your tracker."

I waited for the doctor to come, but he didn't. I began to feel upset and let down that he didn't come let me out. I looked at the window, and there I saw a creature that looked like a huge lizard, horse, skeleton mix. It looked at me, and I did the same. I felt comfortable around this monster. It was an odd feeling, but I liked it. I heard my door open and I looked over at it. I could still see the creature looking at me from the window. I poked my head out of the door and there stood the doctor who always took me outside. "Doctor! I made a new friend!" I smiled.

The doctor didn't look very happy. "There has been a breach, one of the other SCP's that are housed here has gotten loose."

"I know, Doctor. That's my new friend." The doctor was about to say something, but the creature I saw came out from another door. "See, Doctor?" I walked over to it and snuggled up to it with my head.

"SCP-5004, tell me, what do you feel around it?"

"Happy, comfortable, loved." I replied.

After that, I had to bring my new friend back to his containment room. "Will come see again?" He asked.

"If the Doctor will allow me to. I have to good to get things. You be good too, so we can have fun again." I ran my hand over his head and back as he went into his room and was once again, sealed in there alone.

"SCP-5004, could you understand him?" Doctor asked.

"Yes, Doctor. He asked if we could see each other again. He also said that he got out of his room because my sadness made him upset. He said that he didn't like it." The Doctor looked shocked. Staring was still a big problem for me, but I had learned to ask politely for people to stop. "Doctor, please stop staring at me. It's bothering me."

The doctor shook his head. "I apologize. I did not mean to stare, it's just interesting. There have only been a few other SCP's that he has gotten along with. I am glad that we are getting more information on him though."

"What do you mean, Doctor?" I felt confused. I didn't like being confused.

"We cant tell what he is. No DNA matches have been found. Could you tell me if you felt anything else while you were with him?"

I thought for a moment, but my mind drifted to my past before my mother killed herself. I remember that her belly was big, but I don't remember having a sibling. "Doctor?" I called out.


"Could you test my blood and his?"

"What for SCP-5004?" He looked confused and angry.

"I remember my mothers belly was big like she was going to have a baby, but I didn't see any baby. I feel something important is shared between us."

"Alright. I'll take you back to your room and get ready than." He turned towards my room, but I grabbed his sleeve. "What is it?"

"Could I--" I looked at the door my friend went into.

"Alright. I'll take you outside after I run the test."

I smiled and faced the door. I couldn't hear anything, but I could feel what must have been my friend. The Doctor let me into the room. It was barren, except for some bones and scraps of meat. "Why come?" I looked over at him and smiled.

"I like you. You are nice to me. I feel happy with you."

He tilted his head and I giggled. "You happy?" I nodded and cuddled up with him. "Man come." He sounded on guard all of a sudden.

"Must be the Doctor. I asked if he could check something for me." He hissed at me. "I promise, I'll be right here. We are both getting blood drawn. I feel like we share something important, but only know about it after they check our blood. I'll go first if you want."

"Okay. No pain. No like pain."

"I don't either." I gently rubbed his lower jaw. "We can get through this together."

The door opened and the Doctor, along with three guards, came in. One of the guards carried what looked like a huge muzzle and also carried some rope. My friend hissed at the guards. "No like pain!" He yelled.

I watched as the guards came forward. "No! Stop!" I stood between the guards and my friend. "Please don't hurt him! He doesn't like pain. Those things that you are holding hurt him."

"Standard procedure, SCP-5004, please move aside." The guard stared at me.

"Please stop staring at me. It bothers me."

"Guards, please step outside. I trust that SCP-5004 can keep him calm."

As soon as the guards left, I looked at the Doctor. "Me first, please."

He quickly took our blood and right in front of us. The machine that he was working with, beeped and the Doctor gasped. "Oh this is incredible!" He yelled. I blinked a few times as he looked between my friend and I. "You are brother and sister!" His smile was radiant.

"Did you hear that? You are my brother. We don't have to be alone anymore." I hugged and pat his head. I liked having a brother. "Doctor, who's older?"

"You are. You would have been about four when he was born."

"No." My brother hissed.

I looked at him. "Why do you say no?"

"Dispose when you born."

"Doctor, please check again on who is older. He said that he was disposed of when I was born."

He ran it again. "He's right. He was about four when you were born."

"Doctor, are there any others that match out DNA? Big Brother and I feel that there is something missing."

"I'll send and inquiry to the other facilities."

"Thank you, Doctor. Can we go outside now?" I asked.

"Yes." He responded.

I remember choosing to be a wolf like creature for my time outside. I remember running happily in the grass and playing catch with the Doctor. I don't remember how long I was out there for, but as I was running along, my tracker beeped. I knew what that meant. It meant that I was getting close to the end of my 'leash'. I never dared to venture further, but today, I wanted to know just how far I was allowed to go. So, I slowed to a walk and kept going. Every five steps, the tracker would beep. I had walked about twenty more steps when I saw a guard holding what looked like a tranquilizer gun. They had it pointed right at me. I stopped and they got closer to me. "You are too far SCP-5004. If you go any farther, I will have to dart you and bring you back to your cell."

I decided to change to my human form. With a smile, I said; "I just wanted to see how far I was allowed to go. Thank you for telling me, Sir."

At that moment, his radio keyed in. "Yes, I have her."

"Have you had to subdue her?" Someone over the radio said.

"Negative. She just told me that she wanted to see how far she was allowed to go. Everything is green." He turned and looked at me. "This is how far you are allowed to go. There are always guards posted where you are allowed to go."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." With that, I changed back to the wolf like form I was in and headed back towards the Doctor. To say that I was happy here, would be an overstatement. I wanted to be on my own, but the Doctor had told me a while ago that creatures like me, wouldn't be accepted outside these walls. Even if I looked human, the moment I got worked up, I would relapse back into the state I was when they took me in. So, I just asked for things that I wanted and if I was good, I got them. Once I was back beside the Doctor, I changed back to my human shape. I was getting really good at changing my forms on command. "Is there anything you want me to do today, Doctor?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I was asked to see if you are able to take the form of something that has never existed. If you are able to do that, you will be rewarded. Depending on how mythical the shape is, the better the reward." I nodded in agreement. I too, wanted to see what I could do. I knew I could kill people just by screaming, and I could change into a lycan, but other than those two things, it was just normal animals with small twists to them. "Alright, I want you to change into a Pegasus."

I knew what that one was. I read about it recently in a book. I closed my eyes and pictured a golden horse with great big wings. I won't lie and say that it didn't hurt to change into this creature, because it did. I yelled and cried as my body changed into this creature, but once I was done, I felt better. I was given a reward of having longer outside time. Apparently, I was at two hours outside right now. I was now sitting at two and a half hours of outside time.

The next creature I was to change into was a Centaur. This one was a lot easier. I just had to remove the wings and make my body half horse and half human. I was rewarded with ice cream for that one. The next was something that I had already been doing, but I had to make it perfect this time. It was a werewolf. I passed that easily and was rewarded with a day off of school. The next was a basilisk, which was just a huge snake that was about the size of three elephants. I passed that easily. I was rewarded with more ice cream. There where very few things that I liked, and they were giving me everything that I wanted.

The Doctor asked me to change into a unicorn. It took a few tries, but I managed it. That reward was one of the best so far. I got to choose a new friend from any of the D-class. The Doctor said that there would only be three more tests today, but they were going to be the most difficult ones yet. I was instructed that these three tests, would have the greatest reward. The third one specifically, I would enjoy the most.

"Change to a Griffin. You've been learning mythical creatures lately, and this is the top third favorited one." The Doctor said. I hadn't learned exactly what a Griffin was yet, but I did happen to see a picture of one. So, I copied that image in my mind, and had my body change to it. The Doctor looked very proud of me. "Wonderful, SCP-5004. Now, can you change into a Phoenix?"

With a nod, I changed into a fire bird, as I called them. It was a warm creature that I actually liked, despite hating the warm weather. The reward for this test, was that I got to spend and hour with my Big Brother before lights out. The last test was going to be hard, simply because, I had to change into a water dragon. I had no clue what they looked like. "Um- Doctor?" He looked at me with a raised eye brow. I was a little nervous to tell him. "I-- I don't know what a water dragon is." I forced myself to say. With a smile, the Doctor pulled out what looked like a tiny T.V. and showed me what a water dragon looked like. It was a beautiful animal. "I don't know if I can handle the pain of changing into something so big yet, so, may I do so as big as I can with minimal pain?" I asked.

"Yes. We didn't expect you to be able to do all of these in one day, I will allow you to work on getting bigger at a later time." The Doctor said. I smiled and closed my eyes, picturing the image that the Doctor showed me. I felt my arms change first, then my legs. I felt them change from hands and feet, to flippers. I felt a tail push its way out of my body to its full length. My body grew twice its size and my neck stretched and my face elongated. The scales formed one by one until finally, I had changed my shape to be that water dragon that the Doctor asked for. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was staring at me. "I know, I'm sorry for staring, but I must. You have done it! You have changed into an adult water dragon!"

"That can't be possible. I didn't feel any pain. Doctor, are you sure?" I asked, then I gasped. Neither the Doctor or I said a thing. I had spoken while in a change. That had never happened before.

"Quick, change to a dog." He instructed me. I did as I was told and changed from dragon to dog. "Now try to speak again. I tried, but the only thing that came out was a bark. "You can only speak when you are a dragon. That is fascinating." I changed back to my human shape. I was tired from all the shapes I had changed into, but I didn't realize that it had taken almost all of my energy away from me. I fell over and hit the ground with a thud.

I don't remember much of what happened after falling over, but I do remember the the Doctor was the only one that helped me. Apparently, I was like his own child that he had lost years ago. Anyways, he was the one who took me back to my room and tended to me while I was asleep. When I woke again, the Doctor was in my room with no guards. "D-Doctor?" I croaked out. He looked at me a smiled, helping me to sit up and have a drink. "I'm sorry Doctor. I must have failed my test."

"Endurance wasn't part of the test, just being able to change into them was. I haven't told you your final reward yet." He paused and I looked at him. I was still a little tired, but I was also excited at the same time. "This one I am giving you two things. You showed us that you can speak human language during a change. That alone is a great discovery. So, without further ado, your first reward, for being able to change into a water dragon, I have found your missing sibling. They are on their way here as we speak. Now the second reward, you may have one over night with your elder brother."

I gasped and hugged the doctor. I knew I had to be gentle because I had a lot of strength. More than the average body builder. It was closer to the strength of a compactor. You know, those machines that crush cars? Yeah, one of those. Anyways, I had to hug someone like I was touching glass. Super gentle.

That night, I had my Big Brother come to my room and spend the night with me. Of course, I was the one who had to go get him and no one but the Doctor was allowed to be near him. He trusted the Doctor simply because of me. Both of us curled up on the floor after lights out. "Did find missing one?" He asked.

"The Doctor said that our third sibling is on their way here. He didn't tell me their age or gender though." It wasn't long before we were asleep. The next morning, Big Brother was taken back to his room and I was taken to D-block to pick out a new friend. After that, I was brought to a new room.

Outside the door, I waited for it to be opened. "This one is hard to deal with. No one can make eye contact with it. If that were to happen, the person who looked at it, will have an immediate family member killed one year after eye contact is broken. Seeing as how you and your brother are immortal, I don't think anything will happen." With that, the Doctor left and the door was opened for me to enter.

The moment I entered, I felt it. The same connection I felt to Big Brother. "Hello." I looked right at the canine like creature. "I'm your Big sister. Our Big Brother lives here too." With a yelp, it jumped toward me as if knowing who I was right of the bat. I was so happy. My little brother was finally back with me.

And so, here comes the end of my story. My brothers and I got to live together in one room, no matter how many times we locked eyes together, none of us died. The years went on like that. Now, my favorite Doctor is dead and so it's back to square one with a new Doctor.


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Latest Release: Chapter 1 D-10013 to SCP-5004   10-30 07:29
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