This story is book two from my original book called New Home, New Town, New Life. This story continues with Penelope and Death. Read and find out what happens.
Despite what everyone says, Death is a pretty cool guy. He's sweet and caring. Not that Snow and I would ever show it, but we fell for him. It has already been more than a month since I said goodbye to my father and my friends. I have no clue as to what Death is waiting for. He hasn't taken me to bed with him. Instead, he's given me my own room. Every day, the little house he brought me to changed locations. I've asked him about it, but he only said that he hasn't found the right place to make it stay. Personally, I think it's because of his job. He is Death after all.
He is the only one who collects souls in this world. I've asked him if there was anyone who helped him, but he said that he's the only one.
"Penelope? Are you awake?" Death knocked on my door.
"I am."
He opened the door and entered my room. When he isn't working, he is dressed in his comfy clothes. Sometimes it's track pants and a t-shirt, but today, he's wearing jeans and a long sleeve button down shirt. "Are you up for a walk this morning?" His voice sounded more human when he wasn't working. His piercing emerald eyes always got to me. I don't know if he knew, but every time, they did. I noticed him nervously run his hand through his thick red hair.
"Sure. Is it cold out today?" I could feel something strange stir within me. Death nodded and looked out my window. I turned to look and there it was. There was snow drifting slowly toward the green grass. It looked stunning.
"Pen." I heard Snow's voice in my head. I had gotten used to her in my head, but I still couldn't get used to not snuggling with her.
"Good morning, Snow." I smiled.
"Pen, something is wrong. I feel weird."
My smile vanished with her words. "What do you mean, you feel weird?"
"It's nothing now. It's gone." I furrowed my brow at her words. This was not like her at all.
Death must have noticed because he was now sitting on the edge of my bed, holding my hand. "Is everything okay?" I looked at him. I could see the worry and concern in his eyes. I gave him a gentle smile and nodded. He never liked it when I made faces of worry. "Penelope, I want to ask you something." I could see the light tinted of pink in his cheeks. He was so adorable.
"What is it?" I tilted my head in curiosity.
"I--" He looked away from me. I let him have a moment to gather himself. He took a deep breath and continued. "I was wondering if you would wear the dress I bought you, today?"
I smiled at the fact that he couldn't look at me until after he spoke. The pink in his cheeks was getting darker by the second. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I giggled. "You are so adorable when you blush." He quickly looked away to try and compose himself. Mind you, it never worked when he was with me. "But yes. I will wear the dress. I'm going for a bath, could you get the dress out for me?" He nodded.
I couldn't help but smile at him. I had fallen in love with him. During my bath, I tried to reach out to Snow, but she had blocked me. That too, was odd.
When the water started to get cold, I got out. Wrapping myself in a towel, I made me way back to my room. I opened my door to Death having made my bed and is now laying the dress on my bed. Even though white wasn't a colour I particularly liked, the dress was beautiful. Death turned and looked me up and down. I felt my cheeks get warm.
He cleared his throat and looked at the floor. "Uh--- I made your bed and uh-- I set out the dress and shoes. I hope you like them." After a moment, he swiftly left the room. I couldn't help but smile.
The dress's material was thick, but light. I couldn't tell what it was, but I knew it wasn't cotton. Death refused to go into any of my drawers. He told me once that his older sister scared him so badly about going into a girls drawers, that he was now just completely afraid of dressers all together.
I put on a matching set of bra and panties and slipped into the dress. It fit wonderfully, and was nice and warm. There was a light knock on my door. "You can come in." Death entered and came right over to me after noticing that I was having trouble with the zipper. I am nowhere near as flexible as I was when I was a child. After my zipper was done up, I twirled around and smiled up at him. "How do I look?"
Death's cheeks turned bright red. "You look beautiful." I couldn't help but blush with him. I still didn't want to admit it yet, but I loved this man.
I was very happy with him, but I still missed my father and friends. I wanted to see them. Death was helping me into my shoes that he had placed out for me. I took a deep breath. "Death, when can I go see my friends and family again?" He looked up and gave me this very soft and warm smile.
"Soon. I can promise you that." I smiled and nodded. He isn't one to break promises, so I knew I could trust his words. "Come, my Queen." He offered me his arm.
"Where are we headed on this walk?" The location that we were in today looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"That's a surprise." He gently smiled at me when I pouted.
We hadn't walked that long when we came across a house. It wasn't small like the house Death and I live in. No, this one was huge. Four floors and tons of windows. "Mom! Big Brother Death is here!" I heard someone yell. They were inside the house, but because of my hearing, I could hear her like she was right beside me.
"Oh why didn't you tell me we were visiting your family?" I was nervous now. Meeting new people was different for me now that I could smell them and hear them so well.
My hold on Death's arm tightened when he went to open the door. "Are you okay, Penelope?" He was looking at me with those emerald green eyes. I could see worry in them. "What's the matter, My Queen?"
I was about to speak when the door burst open. "Big Brother!" The girl I heard from before squealed. I gasped and covered my ears. "Big Brother? Who is that and why is she here? Is she another lost soul who likes you a little too much?" Her voice was loud, even through my hands, I had to step back from her. "What's wrong with her?"
"Little Sister Luna, please keep your voice down. Her ears are very sensitive."
I could see the sadness in her eyes. She didn't have the same eyes as Death. Hers looked closer to the colour of the moon. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your ears."
I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I'm still getting used to being a werewolf."
"A werewolf?" Death tilted his head.
"Yes. Creatures that can turn from human to wolf. Until Snow and I became one, I thought they were just made up. A werewolf, is exactly what I am."
"I want to make more of you!" Luna squealed, making me cover my ears again. "Sorry."
"It's fine, but how will you make more of me? I don't want to be cloned."
Luna giggled and standing in the doorway was an older woman."Well, well, well. What do we have here? Death and a new lost soul. Tell me Little Brother, are you still afraid of dressers?"
"Yes Solar, but only because you made me afraid of them."
New lost soul? Luna? Solar? I'm so lost right now! Are they all Gods and Goddesses or something? I watched their little sibling fight. Mainly over who was going to send me where. I'm not dead, but they seem to think so. I was getting bored of their bickering now. "I'm not dead!" I shouted over them. The two girls stopped and looked at me in shock while Death smiled proudly at me.
"If you aren't dead, than why are you hanging around our brother? Why are you not in the land of the living?" Solar's eyes looked a lot like the sun. Her hair was black as night. Such an odd family.
"I made a deal with him." They didn't look like the type of people to beat around the bush, so I was blunt about it.
"A deal? What kind of deal?" Luna looked at me suspiciously.
"I don't remember the whole deal, but I do remember that I am to have his child. Mind you, he still hasn't taken me to his bed yet." I looked up at Death to see that his entire face was bright red. He looked like a tomato!
"Oh Penelope! It is so wonderful to see you again!" An older woman and an older man came to the doorway. I covered my ears. I swear with all the shouting, I was either going to go deaf or my poor ears were going to bleed!
"I'm sorry, but what do you mean again? I've never met you before."
The older woman laughed. "Of course we have. You would never remember because you were just a tiny ill baby."
"Ill? I don't remember my mom ever saying that I was sick when I was a baby."
"Of course not, child. I saw great things in you. I wasn't about to let you die before you got the chance to do those great things. I took away your cancer and told your mother that you were healthy again."
"Cancer?" It was my turn to shout. "I had cancer when I was a baby?!"
"Yes, child. I took it away. I suppose your mother never told you."
"When I lost my memories, I remembered everything when I got them back. I remembered my birth up until that day, but there was no memory of you or me ever having cancer."
"Of course not. Such a young mind could never fathom a Goddess standing in front of them. So instead of shattering your mind and making you a vegetable, I removed the memory of ever meeting you. I supposed when I did that, I took your memories of being ill as well."
I blinked at her a few times. I couldn't believe what she was saying. I didn't want it to be true, but somehow, my body was telling me that what she was saying was true. "She tells no lies, Pen."
"Are you sure, Snow? You know I don't like liars."
"She's telling you the truth. I can see it. Plus, what reason would there be for a Goddess to lie?"
"I guess you are right." I smiled.
"Penelope?" Luna waved her hand in front of my face.
"I'm sorry. What?" I blinked and looked at her. She had a look of concern in her eyes. I felt uncomfortable while she stared at me. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No. Well, I don't know. Your eyes went cloudy all of a sudden and it was like you were gone. Here, but gone."
I smiled and shook my head. "I'm perfectly fine. I was just talking to Snow."
"Oh I really want to make more of you now!" I flinched at her squeal. "Sorry."
I smiled at her. "It's okay."
"Alright, we've run out of time. Our house will move soon. It was a pleasure to see you all again, but we must get going."
"Awe! Bight Brother! I don't want you to go yet! It's been ten years since we last saw you!" Luna whined.
"I'm sorry Luna but if the house moves, I won't be able to do my job. You know I have a lot of work to do." He hugged her and I felt something inside me stir. Was I jealous? No, it couldn't be that. Luna was his little sister. This was odd. I've never felt like this before. Before I even realized, I had growled at Luna. Everyone was looking at me. "Penelope? Are you okay?" Death looked just as shocked as I felt.
"She is fine. Her wolf half has claimed you as her mate, my son." The older man had spoke for the first time. He sounded really scary.
"Snow would have told me, so that just isn't possible. She never keeps secrets from me."
"No Pen, he's right. Death is our mate. I just needed time to figure it out." Snow sounded upset that she hadn't told me sooner.
I had apologized and walked away. I needed time to think. This was a lot to take in for only being awake for three hours. Snow feeling off and not telling me, finding out that I had cancer when I was a baby, but the memories were taken when Death's mother healed me and now finding out that Death was my mate. Would my future children have to go through this? Would they be half wolf like me? No. I can't do this. I can't do this to them. "Pen, calm down. Everything will be fine. We know who to go to for answers."
"What if he doesn't know? What if my babies have to go through the pain of their first shift? Dad wasn't one with his wolf when mom got pregnant with me. I don't even know if they will be half wolf like us, Snow. I'm afraid."
By the end of my rant, I was crying. Death had followed me to make sure that I was okay. When he noticed my tears, he stopped me and pulled me into a tight, but gentle hug. It made me cry even more, but strangely enough, I felt myself relax not long after. "Are you okay, Penelope?" He lifted my chin so that I was looking at him. I gasped at the sparks I felt when he touched my skin. Death furrowed his brow, but I shook my head and smiled. "Come. I have one more surprise for you." He led me back to the house.
"What is it?" I asked, but he didn't answer. He pulled me inside and closed the door. We just stood there. He was smiling at me, but I was so confused that I didn't know what to do or say.
A few moments later, he opened the door again. It was much colder now. I shivered as I stepped outside. Snow was howling in my head. She seemed so happy. Death took my hand and walked with me. I had a sense of familiarity about this place. I felt like I had been here before. "This is home! This is Shadowdale Woods! Pen! We are home!" Snow was bouncing around in my head and howling in joy.I didn't believe her , not until I saw the mansion where I had killed Lockwood. I froze seeing the memory again, but shook it off before I worried Death.
"Penny?" I looked around, but I couldn't see who called my name, then, a naked man dropped from the sky. I yelped in surprise. He looked older. "Penny! It is you! Damn, you look exactly the same as you did five years ago."
I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips. "Hunter, it's only been a month since I last saw you."
"No, Pen. It's been five years." Wolf was walking toward us. Immediately, I noticed the child in his arms. "This is my son, Oliver." The little boy waved at me, I smiled at him. "Pen, we thought we'd never see you again. Your Dad has been worried about you. You should go see him, and your little brother." Wolf turned and pointed at a little house beside the mansion. I gave Wolf a nodded and made my way over to the house.
I stood there with my hand up, ready to knock, but I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door. Death chuckled and knocked on the door before vanishing into the shadows. That asshole! The door swung open and there stood Hank, my father. "P-Penelope? Is-- Is that really you?" He reached out and touched my cheek. His hand was just as warm and calloused as I remember. I gently touched his hand, then I was pulled into a tight hug. "Oh Penelope! I've missed you so much!" He paused and pulled away with a stern expression. "Now young lady, you have had my worrying about you for the last five years! What have you to say for yourself?"
I giggled. "Dad, it's only been a month for me. I didn't know that the time was different." He didn't look like he was going to believe me, but then he smiled and hugged me again. I loved this man.
"Come inside. Come meet your little brother." He led me into a room decorated for a little boy. I smiled. "Henry, your big sister in here." The little boy looked at me and smiled.
"Big Sister! You finally came to see me! I've missed you so much!" He was hugging my legs, so I bent down and picked him up. He was light for a five year old. "Is Big Sister staying home now?" He was so cute that my heart melted when he looked at me with his puppy eyes.
"I don't know Henry. That depends on what my mate says." He pouted and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "Oh Henry, don't cry. I will convince Death to let me stay for a few days."
"No need to convince me, my Queen. The teleporter in the house needs to recharge. We will be here for the next while." Death appeared out of my shadow, making Henry start crying in fear. "Oh gosh, I didn't mean to scare you, Henry."
"Death, your snake voice." I glared at Death and snuggled Henry. "It's okay, Henry. Death there is my mate. He won't hurt you. I won't let him either. I'll kick his butt all the way back to his Mommy and Daddy." This made Henry giggle.
"We need to talk." Dad spoke up. Everyone froze. No one liked it when their parents said that there needed to be a talk. "Henry, go play in your room, please." I put him down and he quickly took off to his room. I gulped and followed Dad to the living room. "How long is this teleporter going to take to charge?" He had sat down on a chair. The chair looked pretty worn, like it was used back in the 70's.
I looked at Death. He was the only one who knew how long it took to charge. "Depends on how much sunlight it gets. If it gets a whole week of sunlight, it will have enough charge to take itself to a very sunny place. However, by the look of the weather here, it's going to take a few months." He paused and looked at me. "I'll have to travel by shadow to get my work done." I nodded. I already knew he was asking to use my shadow to jump.
Dad looked right at me. "Are you pregnant?" If I had water in my mouth, I would have spat it out. Instead, I choked on my spit.
"Jeez Dad! Can't you be discrete about it at all?!" He growled at me, but I growled right back at him.
"You'll be going into heat soon. That's why I asked."
My whole face felt like it was on fire. Even Death looked pretty red. "Dad!" I yelled, unable to think of anything else to say to him.
"What? I don't want other wolves trying with you. I can see that you love Death and he loves you too. Don't get me wrong, I hate the fact that he is your mate, but I can't do anything about it."
Him mentioning Death being my mate, brought back my questions. "Death, I need to talk to my Dad, alone." He nodded and left the room. "And no listening in! Through shadow or not!" I waited for a moment, but I didn't feel him in my shadow and I didn't hear him hear us. I looked at Dad, but he had a confused look on his face. "Dad, will my children be half wolf like me?" I was blunt and right the the point. I needed to know.
Dad took a deep breath. " I knew these questions were going to come out." He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "Yes, they will. They will be a werewolf, just like us."
"Will they be in pain with their first shift?"
"Yes. Just like you and just like me. You will need to be there for them. Telling them that everything will be fine. I have yet to do it with your brother."
"I don't want my children to go through that pain, Dad. I don't know if I'll be able to be strong enough for them."
"You will. You are my daughter, a strong, thick headed, stubborn fool like me."
I laughed. "I love you Dad."
That night, I slept in the spare room at Dads house with Death at my side. I knew he was still awake by the sound of his heart. It was pounding like he had just run for his life. "Death?" I whispered.
"Yes, my Queen?" He sounded nervous. I was too.
"Your heart is pounding, why?" I didn't want to ask him to kiss me, even if I really wanted to.
"Well," He cleared his throat. "I am laying beside the woman I love. I've been thinking about asking her for a kiss, but I can't find the right words and I don't want to outright ask her incase I scare her." I felt my cheeks get hot. Thank God is was dark in this room. I probably looked like a tomato!
"I've been thinking about asking to kiss my mate too, but I'm afraid that he will say no." I gave him the honest truth.
Not even a second later, Death was on his side facing me. He pulled me close. I could feel his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. I slipped the hand that I wasn't lying on around his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair. He leaned in to kiss me when my lower stomach shot pains through my body. I cried out in pain. "Penelope? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I couldn't answer his questions. I could feel my body temperature go up. I felt hot and cold at the same time. Another wave of pain and I screamed. I have no clue as to what was happening to me. I had tried to reach out to Snow, but she was feeling it too. With another wave of pain and a scream, the door was thrown open. "Hank! I don't know what is happening to her!" Death sounded so upset and scared.
"She--" Dad growled. "I am an unmated male. Being her father or not, her heat affects me. You have to take her away from me." Dad sounded like he was having a hard time controlling his wolf. "My wolf isn't of her blood. He doesn't see Pen as his daughter."
"But what do I do? She's in pain." Death was so worried. I wanted to tell him that I will be fine, but darkness was taking me, and fast.
The last thing I heard was a loud growl then nothing. There was only darkness. When I woke up, I wasn't in Dads spare room or my room in Death's house. There were no dressers, just tables with neatly folded clothes. I was in Death's room. I sat up and Death walked in. "Oh good, you are awake. How do you feel?"
"I feel hot and cold." Death sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand. Snow was pacing in my head, telling me that I needed him. "Death, what happened to me?"
"Hank said that you are in heat. Since he wasn't one with his wolf at the time, his wolf doesn't see you as his daughter. Only a potential mate."
I shuddered. "Ew! That's my Dad!"
"I know. That's why he told me to take you away. He said that you needed to be in a place where he wouldn't be able to smell you. I figured my room would work since it is only my scent in here."
I felt Snow try to take over, but I stopped her. "Death, I want you." I was blunt about it. There was no point in beating around the bush about it. I was in heat and I could not handle it. I wanted him, I needed him.
"I don't think I should. You don't look too well." I growled at him, but he didn't flinch.
"Please, Death. Snow won't stop and I can't take this feeling. It's too strong." I was begging. Something I rarely did. He looked sad for a moment, then a pale white light shined. I covered my eyes, afraid that it would get brighter. When the light went away, I looked up and saw Luna standing in front of Death and I. "Luna? What are you doing here?" I tilted my head.
"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt anything, but I need my big brother for something. I'll have him back to you before nightfall." With that, she grabbed Death's arm and vanished.
I sighed as I watched out the window, listening to Snow's whimpering. "I think we should open our mind to our mate. He might be able to hear us."
I sighed again. "He's busy with his sister, why not try Dad?"
Snow gave me an irritated growl. "Fine, but only because our mate is busy."
I focused and opened my mind. After a moment, I pictured my Dad in his human form and his wolf form. At first, it was hard to get him, but soon enough, I had formed a link with him. "Dad?" I said through the link.
"Penelope? What? How? Why are you in my head?"
I giggled. "Dad, I've made a link. I'm going to call in a pack link. It didn't take me long, but now you can link me when you want to talk. Just remember to close the link when we are finished talking. I don't want to hear what is happening in your life all the time."
Dad laughed. "Of course." He paused for a second. "Hey, about last night, I'm sorry Hudson tried to mate with you. He gets in now that even if he didn't share blood with you before, he does now because of me. He won't be trying anything like that again. I see it as gross, you see it as gross and now he does too."
"Dad, you are rambling. As long as he sees it now, we are fine."
"Good. I'll see you for dinner than?"
"Are you cooking?" I remember clearly that Dad was not one for cooking. I was the one to cook for him.
"Yeah, why? Still think I can't cook?"
"Um--- Yeah. I don't trust it."
"Yeah, I'm not too good at it, but I am still learning." Dad laughed.
I laughed. "When is dinner?"
"In three hours." I looked at the time. He still had dinner at four o'clock. That made me smile.
"Alright. I'm coming over. I'm cooking, not you." I closed the link before he could answer me. I quickly got dressed and wrote a note for Death; 'At Dads. Dinner time is at four. Be there or not food for you. I'm cooking." I stuck the note to the front door and made my way to Dads.
I am not normal. I am not human nor am I a creature. I guess you can say that I am a "fake" but I assure you, everything I am about to tell you about myself and my history, is all true. Join me in my telling of myself. Hope to see you there.
I'm Penelope Windford. My partners name is Snowflake. I'm just your average girl who lost her mother and was forced to live with her father who was never there. I'm about to find out a lot secrets. Come join me in my new life with my father.
I'm Kanna Lilith. I was born October 5th. I may look human, but I am not. My life is a complete mystery. I have powers I know of, and powers I have yet to learn. I was created for unknown reasons. My kind doesn't exist outside of myself.
I don't know if I'm the only one, but it sure feels like it. My mother and father are Alpha and Luna, but I'm nothing to them. I've been forced not to shift, I'm a slave and I am not allowed to speak to anyone in the house.
I was bullied a lot. I've seen too much death in my life. My name is Ixora, my Beast is named Onyx. We are apparently the savior for our kind, but I don't fully believe that. Follow me on my journey and find out if we truly are The Savior or not.
Joanna was sabotaged by her sister and ended up in a stranger’s bed. Despised by her boyfriend and pressured by her family, she was forced to marry a wealthy scoundrel, Rhys. Rhys’ young adoptive father was the richest man in town, but was also said to be violent. Everyone thought Joanna was doomed, but Owen favored her and condemned her bullies. Joanna secretly loved Owen, but after a night of passion, he began to withdraw from her. Heartbroken, she entertained other men. She was on a date when Owen suddenly barged in. "You said you loved me!" Joanna smirked. "Too late. You’ll have to get in line."
During her three years of marriage with Brendan, Adeline had become as humble as dust itself. However, what she got in return wasn't love and affection, but endless indifference and disdain. Worse yet, when the woman in Brendan's heart suddenly showed up, he further distanced himself from her. Finally, Adeline couldn't stand it anymore and asked for a divorce. After all, why should she stay with such a cold, distant man? The next one would surely be better. Brendan watched as his ex-wife left with her luggage in tow. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and he made a bet with his friends. "She'll definitely regret leaving and will come crawling back to me in no time." After hearing about this bet, Adeline sneered. "Dream on!" A few days later, Brendan ran into his ex-wife in a bar. It turned out she was celebrating her divorce. Not long after, he noticed that the damned woman seemed to have a new suitor. Brendan was starting to panic. The woman who had clung to him for three years suddenly didn't seem to give a damn about him. What was he going to do?
Looking at the divorce papers my lips curled up into a mocking smile. 'How big fool I am? How can I think that he will give a chance to this marriage? How can I forget that I was nothing more a tool in his eyes to vent his anger until his beloved Tara is back. Since, she was back, how can he let me stay there?' "After you will sign these papers, you will receive 100 million dollars as alimony." the lawyer added. Because of his words, I came back to my senses took the pen from him, and signed the name. I have also gotten exhausted from this marriage both physically and mentally. Even though I had wanted my child to be born into a complete family, I didn't want my child to have a stepmother and live miserably like me for the rest of his life. After taking the papers from my hand, the lawyer gave me the bank card, turned around, and was about to leave when he paused at the door. He then turned around and added, "Mr. Carter said that he hoped that you won't pester him, or you have to bear the consequences." The lawyer's words were like a knife stabbing in my heart, but I still nodded. Anyway, I also don't plan to have anything to do with him anymore. I just want to live a good life with my children. After the lawyer left, the ward fell into silence. I placed my hand on my belly and said to my children, "Baby, I am sorry, Mommy can't give you a complete family! But I promise you, I will do my best to give the love of both mother and father." 'As for giving one of my child, I will never do that. They are my babies and my alone. I and I will give birth to all of them and raise them no matter what.' Four Years Later... Anya came back to the country with her three kids, to inherit the company left by his grandfather...
"Never let anyone treat you like shit!" I learned that the hard way. For three years, I lived with my in-laws. They didn't treat me as their son-in-law but as a slave. I put up with everything because of my wife, Yolanda Lambert. She was the light of my life. Unfortunately, my whole world came crashing down the day I caught my wife cheating on me. I have never been so heartbroken. To have my revenge, I revealed my true identity. I was none other than Liam Hoffman—the heir of a family with trillions of dollars in assets! The Lamberts were utterly shocked after the big reveal. They realized what fools they had been for treating me like trash. My wife even knelt down and begged for my forgiveness. What do you think I did? Did I take her back or made her suffer? Find out!
For as long as Emily can remember, she has wanted to overcome her shyness and explore her sexuality. Still, everything changes when she receives an invitation to visit one of the town's most prestigious BDSM clubs, DESIRE'S DEN. On the day she chose to peruse the club, she noticed three men, all dressed in suits, standing on the upper level, near the railing. Despite her limited vision, she persisted in fixating on them. Their towering statues belied the toned bodies concealed by their sharply tailored suits-or so she could tell. The hair of two of them was short and dark, and the third had light brown-possibly blond-hair that reached the shoulders. The dark, crimson background incised their figures, exuding an air of mystery and strength. They stood in stark contrast to the unfiltered, primal energy that pulsed through the club. Shocked by the desires these men aroused in her, she was disappointed to learn that they were masters seeking a slave to divide and conquer. She couldn't afford the fee, and she also realized that they were outside her league. Emily hurriedly left the club, feeling disappointed and depressed, unaware that she had also caught the group's attention. A world of wicked pleasure, three handsome men. Over the years, they have lived a life of decadence, their lavish lair serving as a stage for their most sinister desires. But despite the unending parade of willing subjects, one woman sticks out. A mysterious stranger with white porcelain skin and a killer body, a slave, a name with no address, the first lady to attract their eye and they will go to any length to obtain her no matter the consequences.
After three years of loveless marriage, Kira was slapped with divorce papers. She has shown him her unrequited love throughout her entire marriage with him, but he decided to turn blind eyes all because of his lover. Distraught and heartbroken, Kira choose to sign the divorce papers with bitter heart. But then and there, she promised herself that when she's back, he will come crawling to her, but she will make him pay for hurting her. Join Kira as she transform to a wealthy heiress and soared as the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar empire, a remarkable healer and make her ex-husband pay!